

Akin Samuels is a globally acclaimed genius(although being sick of getting the fact reminded to him on a regular basis) in a world where the already existing technology is jaw dropping. But in such a world, the natural assumption would be that nothing could ever possibly go wrong, wouldn't it? Unfortunately for Samuels and everyone else in this world of his, SOMETHING does indeed go wrong, with that being a deadly new virus pops out of nowhere and claims the lives of billions of people and dropping the total world population to a number which is a shadow of what it should have been. Having something of a rebellious spirit, Samuels immediately doesn't believe in this piece of public knowledge to be true because the virus in itself is one shrouded by mystery and secrecy. So now, since the government has failed to do it's job, Samuels takes it upon himself to discover the truth for himself using only his wits, brain and last in the list of things he possesses, a time machine. However in doing so, he is thrown and also forces those he cares about into secrets of the world which were meant to have never been spoken of by certain people and is left to bare the consequences of his actions. What could this mean for the future and past of Samuels and those he loves as he discovers that he isn't as normal as he once thought?

Churchyll · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs


Meanwhile, more vibrations coming from Jerry's communicator, which he still had in hand, caused the tension felt due to the urgency of the situation which had gone down to rise back up again.

"Don't be stupid and use your heads. Out of the two of you, did anyone ever think of rebooting the system?"  Jerry quickly turned around, moving both his head, and sight in conjuncture, between the two of them who were behind him but at the opposite sides of his body.


"Hmm!"; Greg shrugged and mumbled the words "I don't know" then he looked at Mathew for confirmation.

"Well no Sir, but I thought rebooting the system would wipe the storage cells data which would be bad, right?" Mathew replied then looked at Greg who just sat down, looking back with an expression denoting his oblivion as to what was being talked about.

*Tsk* Mathew clicked his tongue distastefully at his younger brother of one year.


"We're in an emergency situation like this and you two are worrying about data? Move it, I will do it myself" Jerry frowned then reached out, placing his hand on an inserted key at the top of the dashboard, next to the blinking alarm light.


"You were given security measures with the rules and procedures in the handbook for reasons like these. If you had studied properly then you would have known that rebooting the system automatically sends any data in the data boxes to the cloud for storage and for watch back while also clearing the stored ones to be filled anew"


"Huh! Did you know that Mathew?" Greg murmured


"!!" Mathew replied by scowl aimed at this brother.

"Fools!" Jerry said and then he twisted the key, causing a metallic cage which was covering a big red button next to the key to flip up and then he pressed that button too. Switching off the entire system. 

They all waited five seconds before he twisted the key once more and switched the system on again, The camera feeds started coming back on one after the other until it got to the last three, first was the Blackroom camera feed and then room before that and last was the white room security feed which all showed the lights flickering red.


"I knew it!" Jerry shouted as he took out his flip cell phone from his jacket pocket and called someone.

"Hey! What's going on? Who do you think he's calling?" Greg asked, looking to Mathew for the answer while pointing at Jerry making the call from behind, but unfortunately all Mathew could do was shrug.

While the call was just made and before it started ringing, Jerry whispered to himself while peering intensely into the camera feed  "Why can't I see anyone on the monitor? Did they hide after the alarm went off?"

"Well, maybe you're— sorry, I mean we're overreacting and there actually isn't any Intruders in the building. Maybe, and I know I might sound crazy here but maybe, just maybe, the cameras glitched and that's what caused the umm— well the glitch" Greg retorted in a condescending manner but the only person paying attention to what he was saying was Mathew, because Jerry was fully emersed in trying to find an intruder and also waiting on the call to connect.

Finally it connected and someone answered after the first two rings "Yes?


"Sir, it's the Blackroom, the alarms went off and it appears there might be an intruder in the building"


"An intruder?"

"Yes sir, it would also seem that they tampered with the camera footage in order to conceal their activities" Said Jerry


The replies of the person on the other side of the call was audible to only Jerry while Greg and Mathew were left to fill in what the replies were, taking account of what Jerry was saying. Greg making out his responses in a comical way.

"I need permission to go over there and check it out and I also wanted to ask if I'm permitted to bring two others with me as back up"

Jerry looked over his shoulders and gazed at Mathew and Greg then he turned back to the monitor "Yes them"


There weren't any responses from the person on the other line for close to fifteen seconds after Jerry asked this question and Mathew, as well as Greg, knew that there was silence after the question on permission was asked, because, even if they weren't able to hear what the complete conversation was before, they could at least hear mumbles and muffled noises coming through the phone.

After the person on the other line finally gave his response which was an approval, there were a couple more back and forths with the unknown figure until Jerry finally ended the call and asked Mathew and Greg to follow him down.

"Shouldn't we check the cloud stored feed first to see if we can find this intruder you are talking about Chief?" Mathew asked, feeling like he had to compensate for the type of nonchalant attitude his brother had been giving.


Jerry pulled out the key from the dashboard and pocketed it.

"We should check the cloud stored feed data huh? Don't be stupid! If they went to the trouble of altering the camera feed then of course you won't be able to get anything on them from it. It most likely was an inside job or someone who blended in perfectly"


"One of the workers? Or maybe one of the children even? I've watch some pretty cool spy movies about smart spy kids being the main characters in them so maybe one of these little brats that were casually brought in to the company today could have been the inside man or woman. Boy or girl since they're kids. I mean who knows" Greg said then shrugged, but at this point, nothing he does or says was going to surprise Jerry nor Mathew anymore or were they going to take him seriously.

"Stop being an idiot and let's move... Quickly!"


Jerry took the lead, walking out first then followed by Mathew who walked passed Greg in shame at what he's brother is willing to say in situations like these. Out of everyone, Greg was the least convinced that there was an intruder in the building and the more the others took the notion seriously, the more he felt like he had to clown them for it.

"These guys can't be serious with this" Greg chuckled then he also went out and then they all left the monitor room, with all three heading for the elevator.





"Where exactly is that camera feed coming from Sir? The video quality even looked different from the other feeds" Mathew inquired as they got into the elevator and started heading for the first floor and the last word that was mentioned in the fourth floor as the elevator door closed was Jerry Springer saying the words "The Blackroom"

Thanks for reading. Once I get to twenty chapters I will reduce the number of daily uploads from four to about one or two chapters a day. I might change my mind if I start seeing some engagement but until then that's what I'm going to do.

Churchyllcreators' thoughts