
Meeting the Babysitter

*Spencer's pov*

I'm the CEO of Ross industries and I'm also a single dad. My son's name is Dean, his mother and I divorced when he was three. I caught her cheating on me with her boss, I don't blame her. I was never here and when I was...I was still busy with work.

She fled the country to start a new life as soon as the divorce was settled. Leaving me full custody over Dean. He's honestly the pride and joy of my life, I would do anything for that little guy.

The first year of Dean and I being alone was the toughest. I had to cook, clean, do dishes, do laundry, bathe him, read him bed time stories, all while running a business. I got use to things though. It got easier as time went on. I recently begun searching for a babysitter, I had to go on a work trip and I couldn't take Dean with me, unfortunately. I had interviews after interviews and more interviews after that of people who where interested in the job, but none of them seemed to fit the criteria or my impossibly high standards, until 'she' walked in.

Every step she took was filled with confidence, her smile, charming and her eyes sparkling.

She walked up to my desk, shaking my hand and introducing herself.

"Good morning, I'm Jennifer. Jennifer Thatcher. It's a pleasure to meet you sir." Jennifer... 'Mhm, a gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl' I thought as I stood up to shake her hand. "Spencer, Spencer Ross." I said, my smile matching hers. We sat down and the interview began.

I kept asking her questions about her previous jobs, experience, why she wants this job and I asked her questions about herself. Why she thinks she would be good fit for this job, if she can handle it, pretty standard questions. She gave me perfect answers on every question, a stutter never even came close to her lips. She spoke with such intelligence and confidence that it would've been stupid to give anyone else the job.

A few days after the interviews, I called a few people back for one more interview. This would be the final interview, the questions are going to be harder. I want them to think about what I'm asking.

As the interviews went on, I could see that most of the people I called back were definitely not fit for the job. At all. Untill Jennifer walked in. She had a black suit on with a white shirt, her heels were clicking on the tile floor with each confident step she took. As soon as she reached my table she stuck her hand out to me. "Good morning sir." "Good morning miss Thatcher. I'm pleased to see you could make it." And just like that, the interview started and just like the first interview, her answers were on point. Never hesitating about an answer, never stuttering. She didn't look nervous at all.

Less than twenty four hours later and my choice was made. I called Jennifer later that evening with the news. By the sound of it, she was thrilled that she got the position. I informed her that she would be starting in two days and just like that. I had a babysitter to take care of Dean. Now I'm just praying to whomever is listening that I made the right decision.