
Starting my job

*Jennifer's POV*

When Ashlin first sent me the post about a hot CEO looking for a babysitter, I thought it was either way too good to be true or that I just didn't stand a chance, but after alot and I mean a lot of convincing from Ashlin, I reluctantly agreed to go to the interview.

The day of the interview came, Ashlin dressed me up in a black pencil-skirt, a white blouse and black heels. She also did my hair and makeup. Ashlin has been my best friend since birth. She's my number one supporter and I'm her's. I couldn't imagine my life without this wonderful girl by my side.

As I walked into the huge office building, I couldn't help but be amazed by how breath takingly stunning everything looks. I walked up to the receptionist, told her what I was here for and she told me to go sit in the waiting room until my name is called. I do as I'm told, but what I don't realize at first, is that all the other people sitting there where also here for the job.

I waited for almost five hours, contemplating whether or not to go home. Just as I stood up, a woman called my name. We walked into the elevator, she pressed the button for the top floor and off we went. She gave me a few tips, telling me to act confident and self assured, to not stutter or to let him see I'm nervous. I thanked her before stepping off of the elevator. She gave me a reassuring, kind smile before pressing one of the buttons.

I made my way to his office, opening the door and walking in. I was shitting bricks at this point.

The whole interview went by so quickly. I was expecting more intense questions, but I'm definitely not complaining. I answered everything with confidence, I hid the fact that I was nervous pretty damn well...at least I hope I did. Ashlin and I practiced for hours and hours yesterday to make sure I'm ready. She asked me each and every question she could come up with, she even looked up questions to ask me. We made sure I would be ready for anything he threw at me. I just hope it payed off.

When the interview was over, we said our goodbyes and I made my way home. Ashlin immediately started to interrogate me. I told her everything about the interview, not leaving out a single detail.

"God, Ash! You should've seen him. He was so tall, his hair was all fluffy and his eyes. Oh, those gorgeous brown eyes and don't even get me started on his voice!" I layed sprawled out on my bed, talking about the man who interviewed me like we just went out on a date...it's honestly pathetic. "The way my name sounded when it fell from his lips, I don't think I've ever heard a prettier sound." I smiled, clutching my pillow tightly between my two arms. Ashlin could only laugh at my reactions as I spoke about this man. "You needa slow your ass down Jenny. It was the first interview and you're already this giddy. Imagine how you're going to be when you actually get the job." She said, smiling down at me. "God, you're right. I have to pull myself together.". I groan, sitting up and looking at her. "I'm going to take a shower, afterwards we order pizza and watch a movie?" "You read my mind." Ashlin smiled. We both got up. She went to get things ready for movie night and I went to my bathroom to take a much needed shower.


As the days went on, I started to lose more and more hope. I started looking for other jobs and even went for two more interviews. We where standing in the kitchen, busy cleaning up the last few things when my phone rang. I answered my phone without even checking to see who it was. "Jennifer Thatcher speaking." "Good evening miss Thatcher. I'm calling you about the interview a few days ago. I was very impressed by you and I want to interview you again tomorrow, that is, if you're still interested in the position." "Oh my god! Of course. I would be happy to, Sir." "I'm very glad to hear that miss, Thatcher. Interviews begin at 10am tomorrow morning." "Thank you so much, Sir!" "Goodbye miss, Thatcher." "Goodbye, Sir." I hung up the phone and as soon as I did, Ashlin asked me who it was. I told her it was the hot CEO and we botb immediately started squealing like two idiots who were back in middle school after their crush just texted them. "Come on. Let's go get you an outfit to impress." Ashlin said, grabbing my hand, pulling me towards my bedroom. I sat down on my bed and watched as Ashlin looked around my closet. She pulled out my best looking power suit, along with a pair of black heels. "You are going to look amazing!" she squealed.


The next morning came sooner than I was hoping for. I took a shower, got dressed, ate and off I went to my second interview. I walked into the building, once again amazed by how pristine everything looks.

I went over to the receptionist and was once again told to go wait in the waiting area. There were a lot less people this time.

I waited for about three hours this time before my name was called. I walked into the elevator, rode it to the top floor, walked out and made my way into his office. We greated each other and just like that, the interview was off again. The questions seemed very well thought out. Like he spent hours trying to come up with the most difficult questions, designed to make you think about your answer, but Ashlin already asked me most of the questions he was asking me, so I already had a perfect-ish answer for them. The only thing I'm worried about this time is that I don't look overly confident and that I don't come off as a total bitch.

The interview was over in less than thirty minutes. I made my way home. I stepped inside, closing and locking the door behind me. Ashlin came running out of her room when she heard me. "So? How'd it go?" she asked "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I asked, smiling at her as I put down my purse on the kitchen counter. "No. My shift was moved to tonight." "Why?" "I don't know, but the night shift payes a bit more than the dayshift, so I don't mind." I just nodded my head. "So are you going to tell me about the interview?" she persisted "It went great...Well I hope it went great. I answered all of his questions just like we practiced, so yeah." "I really hope you get this job." "Do you want me out of the house that bad." I asked, smiling at her "That's not what I meant." Ashlin defended. "I know, sweetie." I laughed. Just then, my phone rang. I checked to see who it was. 'Mr. Ross' showed across the screen. "Shit. It's him." "Answer it." Ashlin said "What if I didn't get it." "Answer the phone and find out." she encouraged. "Shit" I breathed out before finally answering. "Good evening Sir." I said, as I answerd the phone. "Good evening miss Thatcher. I'm calling to inform you that you got the job." "Really? Oh my god thank you so much!" I said, smiling to Ashlin. "You start in two days miss Thatcher. I will send all the additional information later on." "That's great sir, thank you so much." I tried to sound formal, but the excitement was way to overwhelming. "I'll speak to you again soon. Goodbye miss Thatcher." "Goodbye mister Ross." I said, hanging up. "Ahh! oh my god, oh my god, oh.my.god!" Ashlin said as she grabbed my hand, spinning me around. "I'm so happy for you!" she said, hugging me tightly. "Thank you so much for everything Ash, I couldn't have done it without you." I spoke, hugging her just as tightly.

"When are you starting?" "In two days." She hugged me even tighter when I said that. "I don't want you to go anymore." "Oh sweetie." I said, pulling away to look at her. "I'm not going to be away forever." "I know, but the apartment is going to be so empty without you." I couldn't even respond, I didn't know how, so I just pulled her into another hug instead. "Let's go out to dinner." I suggested. "As long as you're buying and as long as we're back before six." "Deal" I laughed.