
my super hero can't be this bad.

In a world full of superheroes, not having a system is not a big deal. But it’s a big problem if the superheroes here are more jerk than jerk. In the cabin of the plane that was about to fall into the Atlantic Ocean, Wei Chen began to write a suicide note: the plane was flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet, the cab was filled with fireworks, and the safety door ruptured, causing the cabin to lose pressure. The only life-saving straw – superheroes leave us alone, what should we do? Online wait, very urgent. This book is also known as “Superheroes Begin with Black Robes”, “I Formed the Justice League”, “Batman Through Time I Am Your Father”.

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My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk Chapter 49: Young man, don't be unconvinced

The air waves caused by the aftermath of the battle caused the photographer on the helicopter to stagger.

Even at such a distance, you can still feel the surging air waves and roaring thunder in the battlefield. You can imagine what a fierce battle it was.

With the loud bang, the part of the old residential building that was hit began to collapse directly, and the reinforced concrete and debris completely buried Wei Chen.

Fortunately, the old residential buildings were less crowded and had already been evacuated.

Everyone thought that Wei Chen, who was finished, was still awake.

Fortunately, Bob was strongly required to equip the battle suit with a bat helmet, otherwise it would definitely be a Gamover.

Wei Chen moved, the pain in his chest was piercing, a few ribs should have been broken, and his internal organs were also damaged.

The anti-motherlander's uniform may have a big gap compared with the motherland in terms of power. But in terms of defense, because of the fusion of lanthanum-hydrogen superconducting materials and super-carbon materials, it can definitely compete with the people of the motherland.

Not to mention the energy absorption and shock absorption properties of lanthanum-hydrogen superconductivity, the supercarbon material taken from the invisible human skin alone can resist large-yield missile attacks.

Wei Chen was injured in the chest, mainly because the breastplate of the battle suit was damaged, and his body could not be fully protected.

A sense of exhaustion came up, and he seemed to want to fall asleep.

Between half-awake and half-dazed, the titan gene potion that had been neglected in his body began to work.

Wei Chen has always thought that the Titan gene medicine donated by "Future Harper" is to enhance the quality of the human body, but in fact it has a more important role - to repair the host's body through gene editing.

When the host is facing danger and fear of death, the surge of adrenaline and other hormones in the blood will activate the genome editing tools in the host, so that it can carry out human body repair work by "chemical" means.

This is why the Titan Gene Elixir is called "God's Scalpel".

It's similar to Wolverine's self-healing ability, but it's a lot lower. After all, the trigger conditions are a bit harsh.

Wei Chen felt the pain in his chest gradually eased, and his fatigue began to diminish.

During the gene therapy process, in order to protect his body functions, part of his nervous system was cut off, causing some uncontrollable facial muscles.

Her face twitched wildly, her heartbeat gradually accelerated, and her body refilled her body with strength.


The photographer pointed the camera at the battlefield, and collapsed buildings, rolling ground, broken trees, and torn cars were all presented in front of the audience.

The entire battlefield seemed to be plowed over and over again by bombers.

The quartet on the edge of the battlefield is almost demented.

The audience in the United States was also in shock!

In this world, there is no Superman or Hulk, so the citizens of New York have not experienced the Doomsday disaster, nor have they been invaded by the Chitauri. The superheroes they know are punishing criminals, catching a hapless guy who jumped off a building, at best that's how it is.

But today's fight with gods has made everyone realize a problem: superheroes of this level are completely out of the scope of human beings, and the damage they cause is comparable to strategic weapons!

Although there are all kinds of cool scenes in superhero movies, they are far less realistic and shocking than reality.

With one punch, the opponent can be sent hundreds of meters away. The shock wave generated by the collision of the fist is like thunder, and the shock wave generated by the high-altitude smashing can smash the ground. This kind of scene can't be simulated even in a realistic movie. come out.

In the CNN guest room, the three guests on the field had their mouths open enough to stuff an egg into them.

"Wow! Really..."

A bald guest closed his mouth and licked his lips, "It looks like it's over, but I have to say that the damage they both caused can be compared to a small battle. Call them gods on earth. Not too much!"

"So, what do you think of Xingguang? The strength of the two of them."

The guest threw the topic to Xingguang. As a member of the Water Company, Xingguang can only catch the people of the motherland and blow it hard.

She also received instructions from the company to characterize the mysterious guy who fought with the motherland as a superhuman terrorist.

Just as she was about to speak, a figure suddenly flashed in her mind.

The figure of the mysterious man in the bat suit gradually overlapped with a person she knew.

Thinking of this, her heart suddenly became a mess.

After the guide made an apologetic gesture, he temporarily left the live broadcast room, ran to the bathroom, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Wei Chen's number.


The phone has been busy.

Xingguang's heart gradually sank, and her terrifying vision is gradually coming true - the mysterious bat hero is Wei Chen.

In Wattane, Vice President Madeleine summoned the backbone of the entire company, the heads of the Crisis Public Relations Department, the Publicity Department, the Legal Department, and the Artist Image Management Department, all present.

Seeing Wei Chen being blasted into the building on TV, Madeleine breathed a sigh of relief, "After all, things haven't turned into the worst."

"Immediately contacted the major media and characterized the guy who fought against the motherland as a terrorist. The motherland fought against him to prevent him from carrying out terrorist activities. At the same time, various social media began to criticize and delete everything that was unfavorable to the motherland. The information of the mercenary navy began to operate. The public relations department paid attention to guiding public opinion and characterized the battle between the two as the motherland's fight against terrorist attacks."

After Madeleine finished her instructions, she asked her assistant Ashley, "Have you checked the identity of the other party?"

Ashley shook her head, "Not yet."

"Get up to speed and get me in touch with Congressman Jonathan. I want to know what the Defense Department and Washington have to say right away. Tonight's action completely disrupted our deployment, after Washington and the Department of Defense saw the value of superheroes as strategic weapons. , whether it will take measures to suppress and control Walter's superheroes is also something we must consider."

"It's embarrassing!"

Ashley was watching TV, suddenly covering her mouth and screaming in surprise.

Madeleine stopped talking and gave Ashley a dissatisfied look. At the same time, he accidentally glanced at the TV, and his expression immediately became exactly the same as Ashley's.

Wei Chen is back on stage!

The black knight of the night slowly descended from the sky, and the cloak around him was blown by the night wind, as if black flames were burning on him.

After being hit so hard by the motherland, he was unscathed. Could this mysterious man really be a **** in the world?

Madeleine suddenly had an idea that she thought was absurd.

In the battlefield, the triumphant expressions of the people of the motherland instantly froze, because above the sky, Wei Chen was shaking his cloak and looking down at him.

He has a ghostly look on his face!

You are not **** dead! Is it super strong?

"What? Are you surprised? It was a little itchy just now, so I asked you to loosen my muscles and bones. I didn't expect your strength to be so small that my muscles and bones didn't stretch!"

He deliberately made a lazy expression, but fortunately he was wearing a mask, and no one could see clearly the corners of his mouth twitching like Zhao Si under the mask.

The super sight of the people of the motherland can clearly see that there is not a single scar on Wei Chen's body.

His previous set of combined attacks did not cause any damage to him!

how can that be?

Could it be that he, like me, is also a superhuman trained by the Walter Company? Is it designed to check and balance me? And what kind of court of owls, the higher-ups rooted in Walter, are they dealing with me?

Could it be that... I am not the only God?

The self-confidence of the motherland was destroyed in an instant.

He was originally a arrogant, fragile and sensitive giant baby. He thought that he was the only god, so he could enjoy the vanity revered by all people with peace of mind, but once he suddenly realized that he was not the only one, he might even be replaced. When I abandoned it, my heart was suddenly filled with fear.

A person who lacks love is most afraid that no one loves him!

This time, his inner defense line was instantly overwhelmed by Wei Chen.