
my super hero can't be this bad.

In a world full of superheroes, not having a system is not a big deal. But it’s a big problem if the superheroes here are more jerk than jerk. In the cabin of the plane that was about to fall into the Atlantic Ocean, Wei Chen began to write a suicide note: the plane was flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet, the cab was filled with fireworks, and the safety door ruptured, causing the cabin to lose pressure. The only life-saving straw – superheroes leave us alone, what should we do? Online wait, very urgent. This book is also known as “Superheroes Begin with Black Robes”, “I Formed the Justice League”, “Batman Through Time I Am Your Father”.

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My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk Chapter 43: Wonder Woman VS Queen Maeve


Maeve was dazed by a series of mouth cannon attacks, and some couldn't react.

"Do we know each other? Why do you look like you know me well? Or do you always like to attack others with such a bad breath?"

Not to be outdone, Maeve took a step forward and met Leslie's angry eyes.

"Of course I do. I know you, Maeve, but you don't know me."

"That's a pity, maybe I hurt you inadvertently on a small occasion. Maybe I didn't shake your hand, maybe I accidentally made you late for a date on a mission. Well...if that's the case. If so, I must say sorry."

Maeve shrugged. Although she said sorry, she still had a sarcastic expression on her face.

She's mocking Leslie's shyness and vicious words.

Leslie clenched the sword in his hand and took another step towards Maeve, "Do you think you've done this level of evil? Maeve. No, what you've done is a hundred times worse. Watching the innocent with your own eyes people die and you stand by and do nothing. You know, they trust you so much!"

Leslie said this, tears welling up in his eyes, "You are their hope, how much they want you to help them. You are absolutely capable of doing that, just a little help... ."

Seeing Leslie's expression, Maeve suddenly felt wild waves in her heart!

She immediately thought of flight 305, the crashed flight.

The faces of the passengers on the plane suddenly appeared in front of her. Pleading, crying, and screaming, the will to survive was written on his face.

It was not only Leslie's nightmare, but hers too.

As a superhero with a conscience, that flight has always been a painful memory that she can't forget.

"You... how are you...?"

Maeve had no momentum and couldn't help but take a step back.

She thought that the woman who called herself "Wonder Woman" in front of her knew the story of that flight.

Leslie nibbled his teeth and held back his tears, "You know what? Maeve, I've always wanted my life to be like yours. You broke all the bones in your right arm just to keep the school bus away from the overpass. Dropped. You also had sessions with every child. At that time, you really symbolized something, some 'hope' or 'light', I don't know what that was, but I wanted to be that symbol."

"And you, destroyed this symbol with your own hands!"

"Now, I will destroy you with my own hands! Maeve!"

Leslie leaped into the air, slashed with a sword, and slashed towards Queen Maeve's head.

With his agile figure, he instantly moved in front of Maeve, the huge long sword with the whistling sound, ready to harvest the enemy's life.

Although Maeve was in a state of disarray, she would not wait to die.

With her skilled melee skills, she grabbed Leslie's arm and threw her to the side.

Leslie's heavy battle suit made a loud noise on the ground, and the long sword was thrown out, but she got up immediately, unscathed.

Maeve took the initiative to attack, her strength gathered in her fists, and she rushed towards Leslie.

Leslie held Maeve's fist with his elbow, and turned his other hand into a palm, ready to attack Maeve's weakest part - her throat.

Maeve stretched out her arm to block, and after a fight, the two of them clasped their fingers together.

Fingers intertwined, the two wrestle with each other.

Maeve is at the peak of her physique, while Leslie is in her formative years. Obviously Leslie's strength is slightly better.

"I—I'm not what I used to be!" Maeve's mouth was upturned, as if she was enduring great pain, "Cynical? You think you have the truth, you think I have to do what you ask. So you are Rookie!"

Maeve used her hands to push Leslie down.

"Heh, that's why you've fallen into a villain? Maeve!"

Lesbian did her best, but her strength was still at a disadvantage. She gritted her teeth and said sarcastic words.

Maeve seemed to be provoked, and a huge force came from both hands, grabbing Leslie's arm and soaring into the air.

With the blessing of super jumping power, she can still jump several meters high even with one person.

Leslie was thrown out like a sack, and fell heavily to the ground.

The ground was cracked inch by inch!

Maeve stood up straight and stared at Leslie with complicated eyes, "Don't call me 'wicked'! I had the same desire to change the world as you, but I've already given up on myself. I'm no longer the me I used to be. And you, just be a righteous idiot!"

Leslie had a burning pain in her back, and when she heard Maeve's words, she didn't respond. He rolled on the ground and picked up his "Vulcan Sword"!

This is the long sword that Wei Chen personally built and named for her. The blade is made of the newly discovered lanthanum hydrogen superconducting material, which not only has super hardness, but is also endowed with kinetic energy and energy absorption properties due to its diamagnetic properties.

It is a pity that Leslie does not have the ability to manufacture at low temperature, so he cannot activate the shock absorption and energy absorption characteristics of the Vulcan Sword, and can only fight with its sharpness.

"Stupid is better than you wicked man!"

Leslie's Vulcan strikes Maeve againThis time she is faster!

Maeve grabbed the abandoned iron store signboard to block.

The signboard was torn apart by Leslie's Vulcan Sword!

Although the defense was broken, Leslie's sword was also deflected.

The moment they crossed each other, Leslie took advantage of Maeve's dazed moment, turned sideways, used his shoulder, aimed at Maeve's chest, and rammed it with all his strength.


With the loud metal cracking sound, Maeve was blasted out.

The dim yellow street light outside the alley was directly broken by Maeve!

Then he smashed at an abandoned brick wall without any hesitation.

The lamppost made an overwhelmed squeak, broke from the crack, and fell to the ground.

The glass cover and light bulb fell to the ground, making a clear sound.

Maeve knocked the brick wall into a pit and shook violently.

The cracks spread like spider webs on the brick walls.

The gray cement dust spread immediately.

The huge explosion sounded throughout the street, and those who didn't know it thought a bomb was thrown.

Leslie didn't stop, holding the Vulcan Sword, using his feet hard, and launching a super jump, jumping out of the alley in one fell swoop.

Leaving the old aunt who was shivering and bewildered in a corner.

"I was just passing by, and by the way, I persuaded the black people's inappropriate words and deeds. How did they lead to so many things? Also, aren't they both good people? Why did they fight?"

The old aunt was a little confused.

After thinking about it for a while, he opened his mouth and shouted to the two of them, "Thank you! Also, it's a girl's family, so don't beat me too hard!"

The old aunt may not know that when women fight, it is always up to you.