
My Story In Marvel

He escapes but what will he do now....

TheReaperKid · Película
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2 Chs

2)Two Years Later.

In a building a man lay prone while looking through a scope of a rifle chewing some gum and looking relaxed, he was people watching but his gun pointed at a building about five miles away. On the barrel of the gun was a pink bunny with blue eyes that looked like it was drawn by a kid but was cute.

While the man sat waiting pitter patter of small feet were heard as a little girl with golden blonde hair that reached her ankles ran into the room. She stopped next to him cover his eyes her chubby cheeks flushed red from running while her beautiful green eyes shined with excitement. "Daddy guess who?" she said playfully.

"Oh my gosh is that princess Savannah!" he said is excitement making the little girl giggle.

"Good job daddy that's right!" She said removing her hands coming into his line of sight, she was wearing a black gothic dress with a white jacket over it and small Minny mouse shoes.

"Well how is it my princess?" he asked kissing her cheek.

"The bad man will be there in a moment, Willy said so, Daddy make sure to shoot him well." Savannah said with a smile.

John didn't know what to say but seeing as she was a God level being he wasn't going to sugar coat the world for her since she would see danger some day. They had left that small town two days after coming to this world, John had used some knowledge and signed up on the dark web as a killer for hirer and that's how he made money for them.

Though he did refuse to kill people he knew were part of the movies in MCU, like when he was asked to kill Tony Stark. He had a success rate of 100% and that would never change since he had the ultimate disguise as father.

Though it might sound sinister after he enjoyed his job and didn't keep it away from Savannah who would see worse later or if she just went anywhere in the world. The reason he let her help is because she was also clingy to the point where even if he went to the bathroom she had to sit outside the door.

The good thing though was after she saw her first dead body she didn't have nightmares but brushed it off. He noticed she was way smarter than most kids her age even walking after five months, she said her first words at eight. Now though she was his little helper using her humming bird Willy to find targets for him.

They were currently in London's underbelly sitting at the top of an abandoned apartment building Savannah had been more places than he had in his past life at the age of thirty. Right now he was twenty five but like Keanu Reeves he looked younger no older than nineteen. He found out that his body was strong enough to put a hole through a mountain with just a punch so he knew he was even stronger than Captain America but still mortal.

John sighed thinking about how different this world was though, even if there weren't Villains yet some people were really just to evil. Like the person he was hunting now was a Mafia Boss who trafficked women and children, this was his bottom line so they were the main people he killed. Though another person would just take over he would kill them after this job free the women and children then go back to America since they have been away for two months.

A small bird came through the window at that moment and flew around Savannah excitedly small tweet sounds being made from it as it did. Savannah smiled and touched the bird lightly, "He went in dad you can shoot now." She said with a sweet smile that didn't go along with the words she was saying.

"Thank you sweetheart, let him drop the card now." John said lining up his shot and shooting a bullet that he invented slowly becoming his favorite. Pulling the trigger a red streak went across the sky if someone followed they could easily find him but they never did. The bullet went close to a club and right before it hit the wall it faxed through and struck the man whose head exploded while he was talking to two people.

Getting up John broke down the two foot long rifle putting it into the pink Minny Mouse back pack that was holding stuff for Savannah to play with. Slinging it over his back he picked up Savannah who kissed his cheek and giggled crying out for pizza, so that's where they were going now. When they left inside the club in the office with the now dead Mafia Boss a little humming bird dropped a playing card on the ground it had a picture of a pink bunny on it with blue eyes and a magicians hat.

The card read, 'How did I do it?' on it this was his calling card everyone knew him on the web as the pink bunny something his daughter picked out and who was he to deny her. Almost every government was searching for him including Hydra and SHIELD but even they couldn't find out who had done it. His name 'The Magic Bunny'

John was currently blonde haired with forest green eyes, his face was changed slightly with the help of make-up and with his route already plan him and Savannah avoided cameras. After getting into their hotel room he changed back into his normal appearance before bringing Savannah out who clapped at his 'Magic' trick.

The two drew countless gazes since he was extremely handsome and Savannah was too adorable but no one interrupted the lovely scene of them singing. This world didn't have many of the songs in his last one so he would sing those to Savannah who enjoyed them.

'White shirt now red, my bloody nose

Sleepin, You're on your tippy toes

Creepin' around like no one knows

Think you're so criminal'

Savannah bounced around John singing out loud with her sweet voice it attracted looks from others around them and they couldn't help but stare, "Now you daddy."

'So You're a tough guy

Like it really rough guy

Just can't get enough guy

Chest always so puffed guy

I'm that bad Type'

The father daughter pair were recorded as they walked along the street ignoring the people who were doing it, it wasn't the first time this had happen. They were actually quite well known on the internet for doing this but not from every place they went since it would seem to suspicious of they did it everywhere a body was found.

Soon they reached a Pizza parole and went inside ordering a large pepperoni with lots of spinach, John was glad Savannah wasn't a picky eater and ate everything he bought or made.


While those two were eating on the other side of the city a redhead was leaving a club where her target was just killed not to long ago. She had been tracking him for more than a month and just got close enough to kill him but like always he died before he could like the rest. She saw the calling card for 'The Magic Bunny' and knew that it would just go cold even with all the tech they had.

They have been tracking this person for a year and a half but never even came close to finding out who it was no matter how many moles they had in the city. She called her boss who sent her to clean this guy up telling her what happen and all she was told was to forget it and report back since things were happening.


When they finished eating John glanced at the TV that was showing breaking news of a big green monster destroying Harlem but it was filmed from a distance. Even if this wasn't America it was still big news of a monster like that so it would be shown here to making everyone else though think it was just a public stunt of America.

"Daddy is that real?" Savannah asked her eyes a little sleepy while watching the TV trying her hardest to not fall asleep.

John smiled at her while picking her up and rocking her slowly, "Yes it is real sweetheart, but go ahead an take you nap we are leaving tonight."

Savannah smiled and laid on his shoulder falling asleep, she always felt safe with him no matter what they were doing so she could sleep through gun fights too. John smiled and walked out after paying as he walked out his phone rung getting a text, 'Account #*********87 has received payment of $25,000,000'

While this may alert some people looking for him his new knowledge of hacking and coding let him make sure all his stuff was secure and while he may receive that much only about $1,000 went to his American account. The rest he kept in a Swiss account so that it didn't seem funny but it transferred five thousand every week to keep the account going.

When they got back to the hotel John tried to put Savannah down but she gripped his clothes tightly not letting go. Even though she was a child her strength was similar to an adults and he didn't want to wake her so he let her hold on to him and went to open his laptop. He needed to find out where the next head was going to be then send the info to the cops he wasn't really wanting to be a hero so this was all he would do.

He found out that they would meet at the docks two cities over and he would send that info two minutes into the meet so that they could catch them in the act.

One thing he liked about this world was that some things are the same as his past but also different like movie wise, John was the sole creator of the DC world now. He had done it in better phases then his world actually putting them in some sort of sense instead of putting them all out at different times. His biggest excitement though was that he got Heath Ledger back as The Joker.

It also helped in some crime cases which is why he started this, the only thing he wasn't working on though was being a hero. His main goals was to make money and raise Savannah he didn't really care about most matters but he would make sure Tony Stark would live.