
My story in here

Ever wondered how it feels to be someone on the other side. To face the past while crying over the present or just to create a better future. Try this story then. The mc is strong and weak at the same time and you may barely like it. The story starts becoming better after chapter 30. that's my personal opinion.

God_Hand · Cómic
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25 Chs

The Beginning

90 days ago.


"How much longer!"

A man asked the doctor.

"Around three months, Sir. They have around three months more."

The Doctor replied.

"Anything to stop or cure it."

The man asked again.

"No Sir, they have been shown to radioactive material and that caused cellular damage. Basically it is Cancer but man made. Those people were really vile bastards to do so Sir."

"Is there really nothing that we can do?"

The man asked again. This time his voice cold.

The Doctor replied, " We can't do anything Sir, the damages were on cellular level and even chemotherapy will not be able to treat it as it is different from Cancer. It is far more deadly than it. It was atomic radiation Sir. Even Japan has not been able to find a good medicine for it. They are fortunate that they were mostly fine. You stopped them at the right time Sir."

The Doctor was in awe of the man. This man was the one who saved the whole state from someone. Yet like most people, he was unable to save his own family.


The same day.

[ Your punishment starts now. You have been granted the skill Technowhore. Good luck for your Journey.]

[You have been given a prize for gaining the faith of a whole state. Your prize is.... ]

"What is the prize of the second message?"

<You have gained the faith of the whole state. The whole state worships you due to your deeds and that is why you have been given a chance to talk with all of your colleagues from the past life. Rules :

•You can choose at which point you want to talk to them.

•You can see the current history of all of them to the point you choose.

•You are only allowed to talk for 10 minutes.

•You are able to share past information with them.

•You are not allowed to talk or interfere with your Captain.

•You are not allowed to see the current history of your Captain.

You can talk with any of them first. You time starts now. Choose before the hour ends and you will be able to talk with them. >

"Interesting, let's choose with the history, the time when they are most emotionally unstable. Then let's go."

Three hours later.

"Nana, we are going to America to tour.''

"You can go anywhere you want to go grandmother, you don't need to ask me. By the way, where are we going?"

"Oh, look at my memory, I forget to tell you this. We are going to Metropolis, Star City, Kansas, New York, Grand Canyon, Gotham and also that city of flash, you know, what was its name, yeah Central City and many more."

"Why is your face like a bitter gourd. Don't worry, I made that Paaysam for your Grandpa, I made eruma biriyāṇi and Lamb chops for you.

[ Also called as Buffalo Biryani. Try it. It is really good. This is the second time I am advertising it]

'So that is the punishment huh.'

"Why Gotham? I can buy poison from the nearby shop. Why waste money and go to Gotham for it."

"Nice joke Nana, Gotham is a good place. A relative of ours lived there.

"Thirrusami Uncle died after three days of living in Gotham."

" He had a heart attack Nana. He was quite happy there. He even called his wife more than 20 times everyday after going there."

'sounds more like he was asking for help to me'

"We have already decided Nana and it is final. We will go to Gotham during the tour. Plus it is just a 15 day tour of Gotham."

"Why grandmother, Gotham is not a safe place. The whole America is not a safe place. We can tour anywhere in India or China or Japan. We can go to those countries. They are also good for you."

"Nana, I want to see the place where your mother and I used to live. I want to visit all those places. I have already told you about our story. For me, America is more of a home than India Nana. I want to live the last of these moments there.

"Promise me that you won't try to stop us. I don't fear death. So does your grandfather. We just want to see the place where we lived with our daughter one last time. Promise me that you will take us there."

"You are... Forget it. I will go wherever you are. Even if it is Gotham. Exactly how many days will we tour. Three months. Ok"

'let's see what this world has to offer to me.'

Karn went to the PC and started searching for the news on super heroes activities in America.

" Doomsday has attacked already... Supergirl is online... Darkseid has attacked two times... Weird magic monsters... Many new superheros, three lanterns and many more."

"Ah, I should have watched DC cartoons instead of Sailor Moon. I know nothing except that Superman is called Clark Kent and he is weak to kryptonite and Batman is called Bruce Wayne and he is weak to literally nothing but absolute power!"

"What would Captain do in my place?"

"Annihilation of all the criminals groups or just the ones that are going to cause trouble. This will make the city peaceful for women, I mean for us to travel in peace."

"Let's go and field check the place. If it really needs to be done that way, then so be it."


"What are you doing Nana?"

"Nothing grandfather, just surfing the net."

"It's not your fault Nana. It isn't."

".... Ok bye. I need to get ready for the flight tomorrow."


The next day.



"Hello Sir, Can you tell me what could help me to maintain peace for afew days. You know like no gang wars, no criminals terrorising others, no villains killing other innocents."

Karn asked the beggar for what he wanted to know. It was this kinds of people who knew the darkside better than some mafia kings. They are the cockroaches who had seen the rise and fall of numerous gangs and survived to live the tale. They were the fools as well as the geniuses of the society. In short they were just gutter rats who could do a lot of things but liked to live this way.

"That will only happen when all the gangs will cease to exist."

'wow Captain was the weirdest person I have seen. He was able to reach the same conclusion as this beggar but his reasoning was totally on the opposite side. Amazing.'

"I see. Thank you Sir. Here, take this hundred dollars as hospital fees for trying to mug me."

Karn broke the leg of the beggar and than ran away. Later two men, who were also beggars, came to the place and asked their mate if he was fine or not. Then looked for Karn to kill him.