
Chapter 377: Worthy Summon (1)

Jahi PoV

Leone and Anput stood beside me as we watched the hill slowly crumbled away, revealing a deep pit that flickered with the same sickly green light that we had been seeing ever since we had entered the mansion.

An unearthly groaning reverberated from the pit, a low and guttural sound that shook the ground and rattled your bones, and many of the more sound sensitive Beastkin flattened their ears at the noise, visibly shaken by the groan.

Pursing my lips, I stared at the pit before approaching Mom, who was shouting out orders to the various squad leads in the area.

"Jahi, stick close to your squad. I don't know what's coming out of that pit, but it can't be good. Especially not when it's a catalyst summon and the undead from earlier have all tumbled into that pit as well... Focus on avoiding the attacks until I say otherwise, alright? Keep your Light Magic to a minimum for the moment, since these things despise Light Magics. Alright?"