
Chapter 169: A Few More Serpents...


You all had some great ideas, as well as reactions to the previous chapters lol.

Anyways, let's eradicate an innocent family of snakes, hmm~?


Before we could take in the death of the large Coal Serpent, we heard more hisses coming from the mound, before feeling the earth around us tremble slightly.

Leone's eyes went wide as she felt that, and she shouted out "Spread out! They can burrow short distances!"

Jumping away from one another, we all stared at the ground around us, searching for any signs of the Serpents appearing around us.

Coating my body in a thin sheet of ice, I then focused intently on the earth, before my eyes found a thin line of raised gravel approaching me.

Grinning, I waited another moment for it to ambush me before jumping away, using my wind mana to amplify my movement speed and stare at the wide open maw of the Coal Serpent, which was slightly smaller then the one we had just killed.