
The Princess's Death- Part2


After Lily ran away without looking back to see that poor Prince that she left him in a maze, she disappeared without any sign that she could make him find her.

Leo felt for a second he is a pathetic fool to let her go like that without knew anything about her

So he decided to follow her, even though he didn't know where he could find the direction that she wanted at least.

In the middle of his search he saw the bang than he stopped for a second before he recognized that the bang came from the way that Lily wanted to, so he started to run to figure out what happened.

When he got closer he saw a man carrying a girl in a villager's clothes and ran away from the forest.

'Wait a minute!'

'Is that lily?'

"Is that a man her lover or something'

"Silly Leo, the girl has her boyfriend, "Leo said in a loud voice.

Leo the poor man his eyes traced him at that night and in middle of that wired night.

The woman that he saw was Princess Emily and the man that carried her was the driver.

All his interpretations and conclusions were wrong based on what he imagined. But even that was not the true (lily carried by her bod friend) he was going to do something stupid like using his special power.

Leo fanned his fingers and raised both hands in the air, his hand glowed, suddenly sound of someone came from behind

"Are you crazy!, "Noah said.

"You are using your special ability in a forest full of commoners!" Noah

Prince Leo doesn't know that his brother Prince Noah is behind him. It was shocking!

Noah raided his house looking for his brother Leo after he saw the bang.

"What are you doing here?" Leo asked with shock!

"We must leave now," Noah ordered his little brother.

"What is going on here?" Leo asked.

"I don't know, and I don't care. We have to leave this forest full of villagers," Noah

"Don't use your power like that again," Noah said.

"It wasn't me" Leo said

Noah and Leo stay silent like statues for a minute.

In that world no one have the ability or special power except the royal family, if that bang didn't occur by Leo that mean there was another cause of that.

Only some types of witches have this ability to make bang like that in secretin cases.

All the position is confusion but there was no time for that interpretations and conclusions.

Both of them came to that kingdom for secretin aim to proper for the Prince Noah and Princess Emily wedding, may be the camping in that forest was a mistake.

So any other events that take places around not needed to take all their attention, or that was the Prince Noah thoughts.

Both of the princes left the position of bang no one noted that there was another person.

It was Lily.

Lily was also unconscious on the other side of the well.

Lily's luck was worse than Princess Emily's because no one misses her. No one saw the high light or heard the high explosion.

At the other side at the village

No one noticed she was gone. Everyone thought she might have some time of her own. To rethink her unbridled desire to work at the palace.

Bella and Shen were gone. Unlike Oliver who rejected the idea of leaving. But he didn't go home.

He stayed near Lila's house without telling Lily's mother about his existence. He didn't tell her. So the didn't stay at Lily home he just sat down in the ground near by the home. He just wants to know if it's Lily's home or not.

At first he stay in silent thought about what happened at the palace today. Is that true that Lily didn't love him or she didn't think he is suitable to her?

Even lily didn't think he was enough that wouldn't prevent him to love her, that little child that used to play with him when they were kids.

The first girl that he felt an emotion to her, He recognized that he didn't accept the ideal that lily was thought that he just a poor villager.

Is that true that she was planning to leave the village forever not only get a job.

Is she consider the palace more than a job, it all life and future?

What she planned to marry a Nobel man?

When that thought passed through Oliver mind he suddenly thought that he was so angry the blood run very fast to his head make his checks and eyes so red as he almost turning to crazy person.

But because he his heart was a very pure heart that evaluation wasn't take a lot of time, just a few minutes.

The time Oliver waited lily through it passed too slowly. Those make him felt so bad.

That's not good!

"Something's wrong."

Oliver said it to himself. Lily went to the forest from too long time that was so much, so much to ignore. That made him nervous.

He didn't see the bang with his eyes but his heart felt it.

The sun almost went up. Lily hadn't come home yet. At that moment Oliver felt something was wrong. No matter how sad Lily was. It never derived her to left the house that long.

She can never sleep outside the house. If she could not go back to home, it mained she was probably in danger.

At that moment when Oliver had those thoughts in mind, he found himself pushed relentlessly into the forest.

He didn't know where he supposed to go!

He had no idea.

Unlike the beginning of the night that was lunar and beautiful. The trees had become entangled and it was dark.

Oliver didn't know all the natural phenomena around him were different because of the BANG, but the poor guy didn't see it.

He was jogging between short bushes and big trees.

He left all his hateful thoughts on his girlfriend and he stayed in his love heart.

Love moved to find his childhood girlfriend and his lost girlfriend, even now that he knows she was not in love with him.

We hope he finds her before it was too late.