
the kiss

We were actually happy that this fact made everything easy. That's the ease with which we feel happy. I didn't know in any way that happiness could be changed through our minds. But somehow that was the truth of it. We're happy that I've changed the way I think about the experiment.

It's a very fun experience for me.

Be that responsible. The responsibility in which I try to make my brain cells heavily tuned to those happiness frequencies. Sometimes the signals are weak. No matter how hard you try my thoughts, it's hard.

But after that experiment that moved anyone I could do that. a

I set my brain cells to stay happy.

(As far as possible)

That made Bella's talk funny. And Leo's talk is funny. And plenty of talk is funny. Even Mrs. Mila was talking funny.

That's the truth, that's finally one very fact. My thoughts have changed and reality has changed).

It was all that stuff that went through Emily's mind.