
My Scandalous Love

"Amy, please marry my baby K? My son, Keith. Remember?" "Huh???" Amy, an artist who is "famous" because of the many scandals about her, suddenly gets an offer to marry her producer's son, Keith. Keith is a young doctor with an unquestionable family background. And without any doubt he disliked Amy and withouth doubt he won't marry her. Well, should we call it lucky or unlucky? Because as far as she know, Keith has a fiancé. Sherly, an artist with a lot of achievements who is so different to the controversial Amy. On the other hand, Amy really admires Sherly. "Uncle, it's August, it's not April Fool's." "You don't believe me? Wait for a month. Nah ... It's too long, only two weeks. If Keith comes to propose you himself. You have to accept it? Deal!" Her face looks confused, she admired him but he is also the fiancé of her favorite actress. Why did the producer ask her to marry his son? How could Keith want to marry Amy? What will happened to Sherly and Keith? "Huh? Uncle, wait!!" *Sorry if you find mistakes in my grammar. English is not my first language. Hope you enjoy the story. ¶^_^

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11 Chs

8. Special Customer

"What would you like to order.... Miss Sherly?"

Surprised that someone called her name spontaneously she looked up. In front of her stood a young man who seem to be at her age or maybe younger, smiling at her warmly.

That young man had light brown hair, tall stature maybe slightly taller than Keith. What surprised her more was that he wore quite thick glasses but still wore blue contact lenses. From his uniform it looks like he's a cafe employee. On his chest there was the name tag, 'Erick'.

When he noticed that he was being watched intently, Erick's smile slowly disappeared and he started to panic because he think that he was make a mistake with calling the name of the customer in front of him.

"Oh sorry if I'm bothering you, maybe I shouldn't call you with that name."

Sherly still stared at him intently, still feeling a little annoyed with his call. Being stared like that Erick know that he make a big mistake.

"My sister and my boss's daughter are big fans of Sherly. I thought you were her so I wanted to ask for autograph for them."

Sherly who saw Erick started to began panic then took off her mask and sighed.

"Where do you want me to sign? But please don't tell the other if I'm here."

The panic on Erick's face immediately gone and was replaced with a big smile. He immediately took out the pen and paper he used to take note.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone, please sign here. For Amy and one for Cecil."

Hearing the first name he was called, Sherly spontaneously spoke.


Still smiling broadly Erick nodded. After Sherly took off her mask, Erick realized that Sherly's eyes were so puffy.

"Is something bothering you? Look like you've been crying."

Sherly shoot him a death glare and feel so annoyed with his question. For Sherly the only thing that bothered her was Erick.

Sherly who had finished signing the paper, then handed it to Erick. Erick accidently saw Sherly's finger which had ring mark on it. He think a little bit and then some idea pop in his head. He think that he know what was her problem.

"Ah did you lose your ring? I'll help find it."

Again, that overly friendly guy who just barely met her a few minute ago, saying a useless word to her. Sherly, who was really annoyed by Erick's interrogation and was frustrated with everything that happened that day, unconsciously snapped at him.

"Mr. Erick!! Could you just processed my order immediately!"

Luckily she was at the far end of the cafe so the other customer didn't really hear her scream.

"So.. Sorry. What would you like to order?"

Sherly then immediately said her order, she ordered a lot of cakes. She seems want to make a revenge to that sweet because all this time her mother was strict about her food. Even though Sherly really likes sweet food.

"Look like you really like sweet huh."

Sherly looked back at Erick sharply. She thought this young man in front of her was indeed very rude. Because from the beginning he always commented on her.

Erick flinched a little seeing this gentle girl giving a death glare several times.

"Ah ha ha so sorry. I will processed the order immediately."

Without hearing Sherly's answer, Erick hastily left the table. He was in rush when turn around that he make his feet hit the edge of Sherly's desk, causing him tumbling a little.

And make his knee koncked the table then he trying hard shifted it back while still enduring the pain. Either out of embarrassment or panic he hit the table again as he turned around. Sherly sighed as she shook her head.

"So different with a Keith whose so carefully in his job."

Realizing she was thinking about Keith again she pulled her mask back, to cover her sadness. Thinking again about her decision she begin to sunk in depth thought.

It didn't take long for her order to arrived but there was one order that didn't seem belong to her.

"You seem to have make a mistake with my order."

Keith being little nervous and trying his best to explain the order without making his special customer mad.

"Um, this is an apology from me. When I told the boss about you, he was angry because it seem that I have annoyed you."

Still look a little bit nervous and worried, Erick try to apologize at her.

"Once again.... I apologize if I bothering you. Enjoy your meal."

Erick hurriedly left her alone to enjoy her order. And again, his feet hit the table a little hard, causing some of Sherly's cake almost fall.

That make Sherly think that Erick was angry because she snapped at him. But she hastily corrected her negative thought because while still apologizing, Erick fixed her desk.

"Sorry... I'm so sorry. Honestly I'm a little bit clumsy when it come to serve."

After he fixed her table he apologize once more and smiled so bright at her.

"And I think... I'm being a little bit nervous in front of big star... Ha ha..."

His bright smile make Sherly chuckled and smiled back at him, his bright personality a little bit annoying at first but in the end he make her smile a little.

Didn't want to bother her any longer, Erick left her table. Without much thinking she ate all the cakes that she has ordered.

She looked really enjoyed her sweet for a long time. Digging one by one that sweet cake and seem tried to memorize each of the cake flavour.

Sherly was in the cafe for quite a while. Not realizing that she came there in near a close time.

"I'm sorry to bothering you again... We will close the cafe soon. Is that still anything you want to order?"

Sherly jolted a bit when Erick suddenly pop up again. She still enjoying her last cake.

"Oh no... Thank you. I will be done in minute... I'll go to the cashier next."

After she finished her last cake, with a heavy heart she go to the cashier and paying the bill. Seems like the cashier is the boss himself, he repeatedly apologizing and saying thank you for her autograph.

"No problem sir.... I hope your daughter will like it."

The boss smiled again and said thank you. After that little chat she left that cafe. Then ordered a taxi to go to her old house.

During the trip she was still thinking about how to tell her mother. And also how she will face Keith again and become his friend.

"What should I do?"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

In that luxurious restaurant there was a man still sit alone playing with his ring. He look in depth thought even make the staff didn't want to bother him. But it time to close their bussines.

"I'm sorry Sir....."

One of the waiter carefully trying to call him. And without waiting the man in front of that waiter looked at him. He can see a disappointed look at that man's eye.

"We're about to close. Is there anything else we can do for you?"

Keith, who didn't realize that he had been sitting there for a long time, looked at his watch.

"Oh I'm sorry.... I'm done... I'm going home."

The waiter look sympathetic to Keith and just trying his best to smile at him.

"I'm sorry it's not going like I've expected."

Keith raised from his sit and stared at the waiter who look so nervous in front of him because he didn't know how to respond his word.

"You guys did a good job. Thank you for your help. Good night."

The waiter who felt sorry for Keith just nodded and smiled at him again.

"Please don't let this news leak out. I don't want Sherly to be in trouble."

The waiter in front of Keith nodded again. It was a very strange day for him. The boss said there will be intern today and there will also be a big event tonight. Sherly's fiance will propose to her at their restaurant.

He was very excited but what happened instead was, that the new employee did nothing but was busy playing on his cellphone and that big event ended up being ruined because Sherly rejected the proposal.

Looking at the employee in front of him who was flustered to deal with Keith, Keith tried to explain the situation calmly.

"You don't have to worry about it, we're both fine. We just need some time to think. Thanks for the help."

He was so amazed at Keith calm demeanor. Keith still praise them and being so polite with them even though he has just through a worst night.

"Thank you for entrusting your event at our restaurant."

Keith immediately left the place to go to his car. In the car he still thinking about Sherly. He is about to explain to Sherly that he has the same doubt. He will ask Sherly to learn to erasing their doubt together without having to separate.

He twirled his engagement ring and tried to keep his mind calm.

'Good boy, everything will be fine.'

The little angel's words echoed in his ear again.

"Yes everything will be fine Keith. Just being sure that you will be with Sherly again."

Riiiiing... Riiiiing.....

His cell phone ring then immediately, he pick up the call and thinking it's from Sherly. There was a sob on the other end of the phone.



That was his mom. He clearly can hear his mom sobbing.

"Mom? What's wrong?"

Hearing his mother cry, Keith already thought all kind of thing about his father mistake.

"Don't tell that Papa did a..."

Cutting Keith's word his mother gave shocking news.

"Keith..... Your papa... Papa is..."