
The Lost Memory

Han Sofia POV,

One day after the new year,

"Sobi~aah, are you sleeping? Come down, I want to ask for help", Yoongi's voice came from across the phone

"What? What do you want?", I asked grimly

"Come down first, let's hurry", he said again and then he turned off the phone

"Yeobosseyo? .. aish, so annoying", I muttered irritably

I got out of bed and walked lazily down the stairs.

"Aargh, andwe, andwe, aaarrghhh ....", came a frustrated scream from Yoongi

I walked over to him who was playing games in the family room.

"Wae? What do you want?", I asked when I arrived beside him

"Huh? Jankanman, jankanman (a moment, a moment) ... yes! A little more, good, good ... aaargghh andwee !!", he said again, enjoying himself with the game

"Yeobo! Hurry up, I want to sleep", I said impatiently

"Please get some tangerines in the refrigerator, two, get me two tangerines," he said without looking at me

"Huh ?? You called me and asked me to come down just to get you tangerines from the fridge ?!", I asked incredulously

"Ye. I'm busy right now, don't you see ??", he said grinning at me

"Jinjja ?? Jeez, it's too much," I muttered angrily

"Remember rule number six? If you forget, take a look at the note I put on the refrigerator", he said without looking at me

I just snorted and went to the kitchen to read the rules that he had posted on the refrigerator. In point six it says, 'when I call you you must come immediately and if I ask for help from you, you must be willing to do it'.

"What the hell," I muttered irritably

"I opened the refrigerator and took two tangerines and brought them to the living room.

"Here", I said, holding out the orange that I had brought

"Sit down," he said, patting the sofa beside him

"No. I'm going to my room, this is your tangerines", I said refusing to sit down and still holding out the orange in my hand

"Sit down, this is a request", he replied looking at me and still refusing to take the orange from my hand

"What now?", I said grimly after sitting beside him

"Please peel it off ...", he said, his eyes looking back at the television seriously

"Huh? Jinjja ??", I said irritably

"Ye, palli (hurry)", he said, still busy with the game

I frowned and started peeling the tangerine I had brought with me. Aigo, how annoying he is!, I thought.

"This! You didn't ask me to feed you, did you?!", I said irritably after peeling an orange

"I did, aaa ...", he said, smiling ignorantly at me

"Aigo, jinjja? What are you? A baby ??", I said, startled

"Aaa ... aaa! Sobi, I'm waiting, aaa ...", he said, opening his mouth asking to be fed

"Aigo! I can't believe this", I said as I put two slices of tangerines into his open mouth

"Mmmm ... so sweet. Very good, try it", he said smiling happily at me

"Ani", I replied briefly

"More ... aaa ...", he said, opening his mouth again

"You really are a baby ...", I muttered irritably as I put two more slices into his mouth

"Arrghh, I give up, why do I keep losing!", He said irritably as he put his game stick on the table in front of him

"Are you done? Here, eat yourself then", I said, giving him the rest of the tangerines that he had only partially eaten

"Ani, my hands will be dirty. Aaa ...", he said, opening his mouth again and hiding his hands in his trouser pockets

"jinjja? You pissed me off, you know that right, yeobo ?!", I said sullenly

"Hehe you're cute when you're sulking, Sobi ... haha ​​...", he said with a laugh showing his gummy smile

"Aish, don't lie ..." I said with a snort

"Aaa ...", he opened his mouth again

"You have no schedule today, yeobo?", I asked, putting the orange slice in his mouth again

"No. I need a day off too just like you. Tomorrow I will start practicing again for the GDA (Golden Disk Awards)", he replied while chewing his tangerines

"Did you enjoy working as a team stylist?", He asked again after swallowing it

"Ye. It's fun ...", I replied, peeling the other tangerines

"Good. You looked really tired on the last day of MBC", he said, changing his sitting position until we face each other

"Ye, of course. You were exhausted too, right", I replied, thrusting a slice of tangerines into his mouth

Ye ...", he said smiling at me and biting it that was in my hand

I feel a little awkward with what we are doing right now. Why this activity feels more sensual than before. I lowered my face and tried to get rid of strange thoughts from my head.

"Eh?", Suddenly Yoongi took the tangerines from my hand and put it in his own mouth

"You took so long," he said, chewing it

"It's the last one. For you ... aaa, open your mouth ...", he said as he thrust a slice of orange into my mouth

"Ani. For you ", I shook my head and took my face away from his hands

"Jinjja? Alright. You used to like it when I feed you when we're kids", he said, eating the last slice of tangerines

I stared at him carefully, trying to digest of what he had just said.

"Were we that close, yeobo?", I asked quietly

"Huh?", He said, raising his eyebrows while looking at me

"Were we that close? I, I was just wondering ... how close we were ...", I said staring at his face

"Do you want to know? We used to be very close, always spending our time together ... until our parents decided to match us up. You always followed me everywhere I go haha ​​it's so annoying ...", he said grinning

I frowned.

"... but also adorable", he added, smiling at me

"Huh?", I said trying to digest the whole sentence

"When you just moved, you had no friends. I was your only friend", he said looking at me

"Jinjja? Wae?", I asked

"Of course because I'm a good kid, I want to be friends with anyone ...", he replied while showing his gummy smile

"Ani. I mean, why did I have no friends?", I asked again

"Umm .... you said your classmates didn't want to be friends with you because you look different. But it didn't take long, after a few weeks you started to have as many friends as the others", he said while tilting his face

"But still, every time we go to or come home from school we are always together, umm sometimes with my brother too. After school, we will spend time playing at your house. Your mother always prepares delicious snacks, haha ​​even the cakes that I've never seen before. Sometimes we will learn to play the piano when your father's at home ... ", he said with sparkling eyes

"Playing the piano?", I asked

"Ye. Your father is a great pianist, he taught us children's songs to play, such as Nabiya (butterfly), Gom Se Mari (three bears) and even Arirang. Of course I'm better than you haha", said Yoongi smiling wide

I didn't say anything, I just looked at him. Even though I don't remember it, I feel like my chest is tight listening to all of Yoongi's stories.

"Sometimes I thought, if your father didn't introduce me to the piano, would I be interested in music? My father just want me to be an office worker, just like him ... but after meeting your father, my dreams slowly changed. I was very impressed with him, he's so cool ... ", he finished his words and looked at me

"Sobi, wae ??", his tone immediately turned anxious

I shook my head and lowered my face. I tried hard not to cry. Why am I being so sentimental like this. The way Yoongi told me about my father made me miss him terribly, and I wondered what my father was like.

"Did I make you sad? Mianhae ...", he said leaning towards me

"Ani. I just, uh, I'm just annoyed because I can't remember how my father used to be, all the memories about him never seemed to exist ... even though I know, he is a very good father because my mother always talked about him through our photos ", I replied in a trembling voice

"Your father and mother really love you Sobi, you're precious ...", he said, lifting my chin with one hand to look at him

"Jinjja?", I asked in a choked voice

"Ye", he replied briefly with a sparkling eyes

I looked into his eyes and suddenly a memory appeared in my head.

In front of me was a boy about 12 years old, he bent his body and looked at my face from a fairly close distance.

He has pale skin, his eyes are small but shining, his hair is short black with bangs covering his forehead. The boy smiled as he lifted my chin with one hand.

"You are a good girl, Sobi ... your father and mother really love you. You're precious ...", he said with a sparkling eyes

Instantly I seemed to be pulled back into my body. My breath was wheezing as if I couldn't breathe for quite a long time. My ears were ringing and my eyes widened into Yoongi's eyes.

"Sobi? Sobi~aah, what's wrong with you?", Yoongi's voice sounded very worried

I closed my eyes and held my head. I felt very dizzy and had a headache at the same time.

"Sobi, Sofia ... look at me ... sofia ..." he called, holding my arms

"Mmmhhh my head hurts", I muttered as I tried to focus my eyes

"Your head hurts? Sofia, say something ...", said Yoongi in panic

He cupped my face with his big warm hands. I gritted my teeth while gripping Yoongi's hands hard.

"Please, stop ... it hurts ...", I groaned

"Sobi, open your eyes ... look at me ?!", he called anxiously

"Don't go ... please ...", I muttered, as I felt his hands try to get away from me

"I'm here ..", he replied hoarsely

"Please ...", slowly I opened my eyes, I blinked a few times trying to focus my gaze

"Oppa ...", I muttered, the boy's shadow appeared faint in front of me

"Ye ...", he replied stiffly

I blinked a few more times and the image of a pale skinned adult male with reddish-brown hair slowly appeared to replace the boy's image.

"Are you all right?", He said softly, sounded anxious in his voice

"Was that you?", I asked quietly, looking at his face carefully

"Huh? What, what do you mean? ...", he said confused

"I remember you ... I just saw you in my memory ...", I sobbed

"Huh ??", his face looked very surprised

"I remember you, yeobo ...", I said softly as I looked into his eyes, the same eyes that I saw in my memory

"Jinjja? You remember me?", He said trying to swallow

He cupped my face again with his warm hands.

"What do you remember, Sobi?", He whispered

"We were in a park, I felt sad at that time. Then you came and ... and you said that I was a good girl ... my mother and father loved me very much, and I, I was very precious to them ... I remember it, yeobo ... ", I stammered, sobbing softly

I saw that Yoongi's face seemed to understand something, he looked both surprised and relieved. I buried my face in his chest, I felt like I felt something very familiar, something I really missed. I can hear his heartbeat fast against my cheek. The scent of musk and vanilla filled my senses.

"Is there anything else you remember?", He asked

I shook my head slowly. Yoongi looked stiff and didn't move at all.

"Is it still hurt now? We better go to the hospital to check your condition, Sobi", he said hoarsely

"Ani, I'm okay. Now it's okay ... I just want to rest", I said while burying my head in the curve of his neck

"Jinjja? Are you sure you'll be okay?", He asked again, swallowing hard

"Ye, I feel very tired, yeobo", I said, rubbing his chest with one of my hands

Instantly consciousness took over me. I stared at Yoongi's Adam's apple moving up and down in front of me. He seemed to have difficulty swallowing his saliva and his body felt very stiff in my arms.

WHAT AM I DOING ?? AM I CRAZY ?!, I thought.

I pushed Yoongi's body away and straightened myself into my original position.

"Hey, why are you pushing me?", Yoongi said awkwardly, his face flushed and he refused to look me in the eye

"You hugged me! I told you not to touch me !!", I shouted, trying to hide my nervousness

"What !! You're the one who hugged me first, jeez !!", he shouted, scratching behind his ear

"Ani!", I said awkwardly

"Woah, you're unbelievable, Sobi. I think, you're okay now if you keep screaming like this ... I'll just go to my room then ...", he said as he stood up and walked quickly leaving me alone

"Gosh! how annoying he is!", I muttered irritably, glancing at him who was running up the stairs

"Aaarrgghh Sofia !!! What have you done ?! How could you hug him ?! Huhu ...", I whined while messing up my hair

I climbed the stairs to my room with a frown on my face. Still thinking about what happened earlier. I closed the door to my room and sat on the bed, did I just get my memory back ?.

I stared at the door for a few moments before finally settling down on the bed. So is that Yoongi? That little boy is Yoongi ?, I thought.

Why did the memory of my childhood suddenly appear? What does it mean? Is it possible that slowly my memories will come back? But why does it hurt so much ??. all kinds of thoughts are running through my head. I closed my eyes and caught my breath, trying to calm myself down.

"It hurt so much, but why did I hug him instead ?!. I didn't hug him, I was just looking for a hold! I almost lost my consciousness earlier ...", I said looking for self-justification

"Aaah never mind, that's not what I have to worry about right now ... my memory is much more important", I said to myself as I got up to a sitting position

So it's true what Yoongi have said ... We used to be so close. The boy appears, he was comforting me at that time. I was sad about something, then his appearance and words made me feel much better. It was as if just seeing his presence near me made me very happy.

I bit my lip, hoping that I would slowly get my memory back, the memory of my father, Yoongi, my life in Daegu and also the memory of that fateful accident ....