

Han Sofia POV,

"Oenni, I'm leaving ...", I said to Bae Youra who was still preparing in the bathroom

"Ye. Be careful", she replied

Then I left our room and went down to the lobby to meet my cousin, Liam.

Today is our 2nd day in London, and the entire staff gets a full day off before preparing tomorrow's performance and concerts.

My team and several other staff will be taking part in a tour around London organized by the company this morning. Meanwhile, I prefer to visit my aunt's family who live in London.

"Sofia ssi!", I heard a familiar voice calling my name when I arrived at the lobby

I turned my face to where the sound came from. I'm not sure who called my name earlier, because in front of me were several groups clustered together and seemed to be chatting happily.

"Sofia, yeogi!", A middle-aged woman with short hair and glasses waved at me from one of the crowd

I frowned and walked slowly over to her. "Ah!", I said when I finally recognized the woman's face

"Oem ... uh, oemmonim, annyeong!", I almost called her oemma (mom)

"Sofia, annyeong! How are you? Oraenmaniya (long time no see)," said Yoongi's mother, hugging me

"I'm fine, oemmonim. How are you?", I asked with a friendly smile at my father and mother-in-law.

"We're fine", he replied, smiling happily

"When did you arrive, oemmonim-ahboenim?", I asked again

"Last night. I wanted to see you right away but Yoongi said you are already resting", replied Yoongi's father

"Ah, ye. Umm are you joining the tour?", I asked again

"Ye, we will go around with the others", replied Yoongi's mother

Then they introduced me to several family members who were standing close to them. There are Jungkook's parents, Jimin's parents and younger brother, and Taehyung's father.

In another corner I can see Jhope's parents and older sister chatting with Bang PD and BTS choreography director, Mr. Son.

Meanwhile, in far corner, Namjoon is seen talking seriously with his parents and younger sister.

I smiled staring around the lobby, almost all family members of the members came to watch as well as encourage the concert at Wembley Stadium which will be held in 2 days. This 2-day concert meant a lot to the members, because Wembley Stadium is a legendary stadium where the world's great musicians have performed here.

"Are you going on tour too, Sofia ssi?", Asked Yoongi's father excitedly

"Ani. I'm sorry, but I already have another schedule. I'm going to visit my aunt who lives here. I haven't seen her for years," I said with a sorry face

"Aah, arasso. Gwaenchana ... you really have to visit her while you're here", replied Yoongi's mother

"Ye, oemonim", I replied smiling

"Oemma, appa", without a sound, Yoongi appeared beside me

He wears a black T-shirt, black trousers, black bucket hat and mask.

"Yoongi~aah, you're awake?", Said his father

I lowered my face and took a deep breath, muffling the pounding of my heart which always beats fast when Yoongi is near me.

"Ye. We will practice for tomorrow's show", replied Yoongi glancing at me

I tried hard not to saw his face. Honestly, I still feel uncomfortable when I have to be near him.

"You're also going on tour?", Asked Yoongi to me

"Huh? Ani. I have other plan", I replied trying to be normal in front of Yoongi's parents

"Oh", he replied awkwardly

Since the incident in Brazil at that time, I haven't spoken to Yoongi at all. I was too angry, sad and disappointed at what he had done to me.

Many times he tried to talk and apologize to me, in person or via messages and telephone, but I did not pay attention at all. I'm still not ready to face him again.

"How about we have a family dinner tonight?", Asked Yoongi's mother excitedly

"Umm people will definitely wonder why Sofia joined us, oemma ...", replied Yoongi while scratching the back of his head

"Oh ...", muttered Yoongi's mother in disappointment as she looked at me

"Umm but maybe we can have dinner in my room. I got a suite room with a dining room and so on, so umm, we just have to order room service," said Yoongi to his parents

"Good idea! What time will you finish the practice?", Asked his father

"At 6 pm. We can have dinner at 7 ... how about you, Sofia? Can you join us?", He said quietly as he spoke to me

"Umm, I ... umm", I said haltingly, looking at Yoongi's mother and father in turn. "Yes ... I think I can ...", I finally replied, smiling at the two of them

I can't possibly refuse, right? They'd be sad to know that something was wrong with our relationship, I thought.

"That's good ... I'm so happy", said Yoongi's mother, smiling broadly, holding one of my hands

Then Yoongi's father told me about what foods he wanted to try while in London, when I saw a tall, red-haired young man (the same as me) waving his hand while smiling broadly at me from the entrance door.

"Ah! Liam !!", I shouted happily

I asked the Min family for permission, and ran over to Liam and hugged him tightly. Our meeting was quite dramatic actually, we hugged and he picked me up while turning me right in front of the lobby door. well, just like the drama scene where the male lead meets the female lead after a long separation.

I heard murmuring and gasping all around us, they must be shocked and confused by the scene they had just witnessed earlier, I thought.

"Liam, I miss you!", I said after he let go of our arms

"Me too, Sofia. Look at you, you're a woman now, you're so beautiful," he said, smiling at me

"You make me embarrassed. How are you?", I asked looking blue-eyed man in front of me

"I'm fine, did you see? Haha", he said jokingly, showing the muscle in his hand

"Wow! Impressive", I said, widen my eyes, pretending to be amazed

"Haha you haven't changed Sofia, it's still hard to amaze you", said Liam chuckled

"It's just your feeling", I replied with a chuckle

"Come on, my mother was waiting for you at home", said Liam invited me to go

"Oh, wait, I have to say goodbye to someone first", I replied

Then I pulled Liam's hand towards where the Min family was. I introduced Liam to them and vice versa. Liam was a little surprised when I told him that standing in front of him were my husband and in-laws.

I didn't really tell Aunt Mia and her family about my marriage. I just told Liam a few days ago when I said I was going to visit London later this month.

"We have to go now ....", I said staring at them all in turn

"Ye. Be careful, Liam ssi. See you next time", said Yoongi's father in English with a thick Daegu accent

"Yes. See you next time sir... nice to meet you all", replied Liam kindly

"Be careful", said Yoongi with a smile on his face

I smiled at them, then took Liam's hand and waved at the Min family.

"Wow! Sofia ... I didn't know that your husband's family would come to London too. I think my mother would want to host them in our house", Liam told me as we walked towards the parking lot

"There's something I haven't told you, Liam. I work with my husband. He is one of my artists", I chuckled

"What ?? Wait! You mean your husband is a member of BTS ??!", he's gaping. "Wait! Your husband's name is Yoongi right? So he is ummm ... is he Min Suga ??", he screamed when we were going to get into his car

"Sssshhhh !! Lower your voice !!", I said, putting my index finger in front of my mouth

"And yes, he is", I replied as we sat in the car

"Bloody hell !!", he said in a thick British accent

"Gosh! You sound like Ron Weasley", I chuckled

He also laughed with me.

"Ok, you're not kidding, are you, Sofia?", Liam asked again when our laughter subsided

"No, Liam. I'm serious", I said, showing the wedding ring on my finger

"Wow! I ... wow !! I'm speechless !!", said Liam again excitedly as he drove his car to his parents' house

My age and Liam are only one year apart. He is older than me. Just like me, he is the only child in his family. He is currently studying at UCL (University College London) with a major in Architecture. His mother (Aunt Mia) is my mother's sister. She works as a Librarian at the Paddington Library. While his father is a French teacher at a private high school in London.

"You know, when I told my parent about your marriage, they almost had a heart attack! They were very shocked ..." Liam said, shaking his head

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you", I said regretfully

"It's ok, Sofia. I'm sure you guys must have a reason for that", Liam said smiling at me

"Thank you for your understanding", I said

"Okay, here we are! You have to prepare yourself, yes, my mother will definitely scream hysterically and cry when she sees you," Liam warned me

"Really?", I asked incredulously

"Yeah, you will see," said Liam as he got out of his car

The Burton residence is a three-story flat with light brown brick walls in the Paddington area. There are rows of the same color flat surround us -very typical of flats in England-.

I smiled at the entrance to the house in front of me. It's been a while since I visited my aunt. It doesn't feel like it's been 3 years since I last came here, about a month before my mother and I left to live in Korea.

"Come on in," said Liam

I walked after him, climbed the steps and pressed the bell, then waited for Aunt Mia to open the door for us.

"Sofiaaaaa !! Oh my God, Sofiaa !!", screamed Aunt Mia when she opened the door in front of me

"Aunt Mia, long time no see," I said smiling at her

"Oh my God! I miss you so much, Sofia!", Then she hugged me tightly and started sobbing on my shoulder

"See ..." Liam muttered softly, raising his eyebrows in amusement

I smiled at Liam, then patted Aunt Mia's back gently.

"I miss you too aunty", I said trying to calm her down

"You're an adult ... look at you, you look so much like your mother", she said, wiping the tears from her cheeks

"Thank you Aunt Mia", I replied smiling warmly at her

"Come in ... I have a lot to talk to you, come on", she said as she took my hand into her house

Liam walked slowly following us from behind.

"Robert! Sofia arrived ...", called Aunt Mia to her husband

"Sit down, Sofia, I'll make you tea", she said as she pulled one of the chairs from the dining table

"You don't need to ..." I said, sitting on the chair she had provided earlier

"No, it's ok. It's just a cup of tea," said aunt Mia, took out some tea cup from kitchen cupboard

"Thank you," I said

Aunt Mia is a beautiful middle-aged woman, her eyes are blue, her nose is small and she has a charming smile. She and my mother are the same height, the same skin and hair color. So sometimes they look like twins when seen from behind.

I think the ginger-red hair gene in our family is very strong. All the children that born in my mother's family have red hair, even if one of their fathers or mothers had a different hair color. For example me, my mother has red hair while my father has black hair. Then Liam, aunt Mia has red hair while Uncle Robert has blonde hair.

"Sofia, long time no see. How are you?", Uncle Robert greeted me from the kitchen door

"Uncle Robert, long time no see. I'm fine, thank you. How about you?", I asked, hugging the handsome middle-aged man with glasses in front of me

"I'm fine. Wow, you have grown into a beautiful young woman, Sofia", said Uncle Robert looking at me with a father's gaze

"You're too much, uncle," I said shyly

"No, I'm telling the truth", he said again with a smile

"Come on sit", he said. "How long will you be in London?", He asked when we were seated around the dining table

"Only until June 3, after that we will go to Paris", I replied

"Ah, Paris ... a beautiful city", murmured Uncle Robert, nodding his head

"Sofia has traveled the world, dad," added Liam, eating the scones that were available on the dining table

"Really? Anyway, Liam said that you are an intern stylist for a famous boy group? You follow them to hold concerts in many places, huh?", Uncle Robert looked at me in amazement

"Not just famous, dad. But very, very, veeerryyyy famous !! BTS is the number one boy group in the world today", said Liam excitedly as he chewed his scone

"Really? BTS? That name is familiar ...," said Uncle Robert frowned, thinking

"It must be familiar, last week you said your students in class were excited to discuss BTS, which will have a concert in London in early June", my aunt reminded him

"Ah! Yes! So this is that BTS? I mean, you work with that BTS ??", he asked in disbelief

"Yes, only that BTS ...", I teased with a chuckle

"Young people in London are crazy about them, Sofia. And the media is always discussing them this past week. It's amazing", said Uncle Robert enthusiastically

"Too bad, mom and dad don't want to come to their concert ..." said Liam, shaking his head

"Your mother has to work, you know that ...", replied Uncle Robert took a scone and jam

"Here's your tea, Sofia", said Aunt Mia giving me a cup of hot tea

"Are you enjoying your work?", Asked Aunt Mia, joined at the dinner table

"Yes aunty, Although very tiring but I have an extraordinary experience", I replied smiling at her

"By the way, congratulations on your marriage, Sofia. May you and your husband always be filled with happiness," said Aunt Mia, gently squeezing my hands

"Thank you. I apologize for not informing and inviting you. My husband wants a simple wedding and only a few guests attend", I said regretfully while lowering my face

"It's okay, the important thing is you are happy, Sofia," replied Uncle Robert, smiling warmly

"What's your husband like? Is he in Seoul right now?", Asked my aunt, sipping her tea slowly

"Umm actually ....", then I told about our marriage, starting from my father's will, the brief marriage preparations, to introducing who my husband really is.

My uncle and aunt were very surprised when they learned the reason for my marriage and who was my husband. But then they prayed that our married life would always be filled with happiness forever. I nodded my head listening to their marriage advice. I feel that they are my parents right now.

We talked for hours, until I suddenly finished 3 cups of tea and 4 scones. Then when Aunt Mia announced lunch, my stomach was full. But the scent of warm shepherd's pie still made my mouth drool. I can not refuse this food, this is my favorite food.

"I made this according to your mother's recipe, Sofia. I hope it tastes like your mother's," said Aunt Mia while serving a large pan of ground lamb with vegetables covered with roasted mashed potatoes.

"OMG! Aunt Mia, I really like this!", I said excitedly seeing the dish in front of me

"You're like a child who can't wait to open a Christmas present, Sofia," Liam said, giggling at me

"Eat a lot," said Uncle Robert, handing his wife a clean plate

"This is for you ...", said Aunt Mia, handing me a plate of shepherd's pie

"Thank you", I replied smiling happily

"How to say 'Bon appetite' in Korean?", Asked Liam

"Huh? Ah ... we'll say 'jal mokgessumnida'", I replied while cupping my hands and nodding my head

"Jal mokgesseumnidaaaa", they imitated together

I smiled then started scooping out some mashed potatoes and meat that was on my plate.

"Waaahh so delicious", I said happily, closing my eyes

"Really? Thank God if you like it," said aunt Mia, smiling broadly

Every spoonful that comes into my mouth reminds me of my mother. In the past, my mother used to make me this dish whenever I asked for it. Once I asked her to cook this for five days straight and I didn't get bored eating it at all.

I sighed slowly, trying to get rid of my longing for my mother. I can't cry now, I'm going to make the atmosphere at the dining table awkward, I thought.

I chewed my lunch with a smile on my face while staring at the faces of the people I love who are around me right now.

When lunch was over, I helped Aunt Mia put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Meanwhile, Uncle Robert went to school to teach.

"Liam, please clean the dining table. I want to talk something with Sofia," said aunt Mia, taking me to the living room

We sat across from each other on the sofa in the living room.

"I just want to talk about your mother. Did you guys live well while in Korea?", Asked aunt Mia

"Yes aunty. Our life in Seoul is almost the same as our life in Birmingham. We live in a pretty good apartment, mom's job is not too hard but the salary is quite good, I also work part time while studying," I said smiling at her

"Is your grandmother being nice to you?", She asked again, sounded worry in her question

"Huh? Yes. Grandma is very kind to us. She always cares and helps us a lot," I said confusedly. "Is there a problem?", I asked again

She shook her head and smiled. "Thank goodness", she said

"To be honest I was very worried about you when Jennifer died. I even discussed with Robert about bringing you back here to live with us. But I am relieved that you are fine there, moreover you have a husband now. At least, there is someone who will always take care of you when ... when something bad happens ", she said with a serious face

"Something bad happens? What do you mean?", I asked confused

"Umm I heard from Liam you have regained your memory?", Asked aunt Mia to change the subject

"Ye. I have got back pieces of my memory thanks to my husband", I replied

"When your memory has fully returned, I want you to let go of all the things that have happened in the past. Never feel guilty or sorry that everything has happened. Live your life to the fullest, focus on the future, not the past, understand ...", she said with sad face while holding my hand

"Yes ...", I replied slowly

Then she took out a medium-sized wooden box with intricate carvings on it. She looked doubtful as she touched the box slowly.

"This box filled with the letters that Jennifer sent me. Some of them are emails from her that I printed out on purpose. I want you to know how you and your parents' life. I hope these letters can help you regain your memories. I didn't mean to make you change your feelings for someone, I just want you to always be vigilant. Because you never know what will happen in the future ", she said seriously

"I don't understand ... what does 'change my feelings for someone' mean?", I asked, increasingly confused

"You will understand after reading these letters", she said, giving the wooden box to my hands

"Okay. Thank you", I said

I lowered my face, then I touched the surface of the box slowly. I'm very curious about what Aunt Mia said. What are these letters talk about??.

Then we continued chatting about everything until it seemed half past six in the afternoon. Initially aunt Mia insisted on asking me to have dinner and stay at her house. But after I said that I was going to have dinner with my husband's family, she finally let me go.

All the way home, I kept the wooden box in my lap. Even Liam asked several times what was in the box that I looked so very guarded.

"Liam, thank you! Take care of yourself", I said goodbye while hugging him tightly

"You too, Sofia. Always keep in touch ... don't hesitate to call me if you need help, okay?", He said, kissing one of my cheeks

"Sure", I replied smiling cheerfully

"Send my greetings to your husband ... I will watch their concert tomorrow, but I think it will be difficult to meet you haha", he said while scratching his head

"Have fun at the concert! See you ...", I said as I waved and entered the hotel door

"I love you, Sofia. Take care of yourself", he said loudly making those around us turn their head

"Me too! Bye", I chuckled

I entered the hotel lobby with warm feeling in my heart. I was so excited spending time with the Burton family. Apart from my grandmother, they are the only one of my closest relatives.

* toktok

I knocked on my room door several times.

"You're here, ... how was your day?", Ask Youra, inviting me to enter our room

"It's fun! How was the tour, oenni?", I asked while sitting on my bed and putting the wooden box on the table

"Amaaaaziiing ! We went to famous places in London, we even had time to ride the Double Decker bus!", She said excitedly

"Wow, jinjja? It's so fun ...", I replied happily

I listened to the story while choosing the clothes I would wear for dinner. Youra was very excited, she kept telling me the stories even when I was in the bathroom.

"Have you ever visited Buckingham Palace, Sofia? Waaah so magnificent ... I can't believe that the palace looks more beautiful when I see it in person!! Omo, your cell phone is ringing ... I think your husband is calling ...", she said from the other side of bathroom door

"Just leave it!", I replied

"Huh? Leave it? Jinjja?", She said again

I dried my hair and put on the clothes that I had prepared earlier. Am I late ?, I thought panicked.

"Sofia, your 'yeobo' keeps on calling", call Youra again

I took a deep breath.

I came out of the bathroom and immediately looked at my cell phone. There were 6 missed calls from Yoongi. I saw that it was 6.30pm, I still had plenty of time. Why does he keep calling me?!.

* Ting

There is an incoming message from Yoongi.

"I know you still don't want to talk to me. I'm sorry, Sobi, I'm very sorry, really. And I'm calling you to tell you that we canceled tonight's dinner, because suddenly Bang PD invited all the members and their families to have dinner together. I hope you understand, Sobi. My mom and dad also apologized, maybe we can have dinner another day. Anyway, how was your visit to your aunt's house earlier? I hope you enjoy it ... ".

"Arasso", I replied briefly

Then I changed my clothes into pajamas and jumped into my bed.

"You're not going out?", Ask Youra confused

"Ye," I replied, taking out a small box filled with colorful satin straps

"Me, Haewon and Juyoung oppa will have dinner outside. Do you want to come?", She asked while ponying her hair

"No, oenni. I'll just rest in the room. I have something to do," I said, smiling at her

"All right. Do you want me to bring you something to eat?", She asked again while wearing her coat

"Ani, gwaenchana. Gomawo yo oenni", I replied waving at her

"Arasso. I'll go now," Youra said, waving at me and out of the room

I sighed and took out some bracelets of the box I was holding. I've finished 5 bracelets so far. I've only done half of the red bracelet, While I haven't done the black one at all.

In my spare time during the tour I took the time to finish the friendship bracelet for V . I really enjoy braiding and stringing these bracelets, doing this is like a healing for me.

For 30 minutes I worked in silence, concentrating on braiding the red bracelet in my hand.

"Done!", I said smiling happily

I lifted the perfectly round red bracelet under the light, looking at every corner to see the final result.

"Perfect!", I muttered happily

Then I stretched myself and put the bracelet and the rest of the straps into the box again. When I put the box back on the table, my eyes are glued to the engraved box Aunt Mia gave me.

I put it on my lap and slowly opened the lid. A pile of colorful letters seemed to fill almost half the box. Then there are also pages of email prints under the pile of letters.

I took a light blue letter, opened it slowly and began to read ...


"Seoul, February 5, 1995,

Dear Mia,

How are you? Sorry I just sent another letter today. I am doing fine, like always. Next week I'm going to visit Busan, Soojin's hometown. We will meet his parents and tell them about our wedding plans. To be honest I am very nervous ...

How's your baby doing, Mia? I hope baby William is always doing well. Thank you for sending us his pictures, Soojin and I can't stop admiring that handsome little baby!

Anyway, don't worry, I understand that you cannot attend my wedding. Because it must be hard for you to take a baby for long trips. We can meet another time, of course. Or what if Soojin and I visited you in London? Haha must be fun huh?

Alright, that's the letter from me. I'll write another letter after I get back from Busan. Send my greetings to Robert. Take care of yourselves ...

Your sister who loves you so much,

Jennifer Marie Atkins"


I bit my lip while reading the letter on my hands. This is a letter my mother sent to Aunt Mia before she married my father.

I smiled, feeling a warm feeling in my heart after reading it. I can imagine what my mother looks like when writing it.

I'm planning to read the other letters when I see my cell phone vibrating. Gyejang nim's name was on the screen.

"Yeobosseyo?", I replied

"Sofia ssi? Where are you? There is a problem, the clothes that BTS will wear tomorrow at Britain's Got Talent can't arrive tonight. Can you take care of it ? Several times I called Raim but her cellphone couldn't be contacted", said Kang Yeri in panic

"Jinjja? Alright, I will coordinate with the others. We will take care of this Gyejang nim", I replied sitting up straight

I hang up my phone and cancel my intention to read my mother's letters, there are more important issues that must be resolved right now, I thought. I put the letter I had read back into the box and put it in the suitcase. Then I started contacting my team one by one ....