
Grandma’s Story

Yoongi POV,

"Kamsahamnida ... thank you for your hard work", I said to all the dancers and staff who accompanied us to practice

I then sat back against the mirror in the practice room, turned on my cellphone and saw 3 messages coming in. From my mom, Sofia and Park Soyun.

I read the messages. My mom asked how Sofia and I have been so far, she hopes our relationship is all right, and asked me to always be nice to her.

Meanwhile, Sofia asked if I would go home today or not. Well, since coming home from America and making a comeback, I haven't come home yet. This is because I'm so busy practicing all the time, so I can't steal the time to go home.

Then finally the message from Soyun. She always asks what I'm doing right now, whether I have eaten or not, and when we will meet again. Well, honestly I became uncomfortable when exchanging messages with her, because she always asked trivial things like this.

Sofia never asked for details like that, even though she's my wife. I'm not comparing Sofia to Soyun though. It's just that we've only spent time together once, and that's not even a date. Because we met for only 30 minutes just for coffee at the coffee shop near the office.

To be honest the meeting wasn't that bad. We quite enjoyed our meeting. She's a really lovely woman, although sometimes our sense of humor is quite the opposite.

"Mianhae Soyun ssi, I'm very busy right now, you know we are on a comeback right now", I wrote to her

"Yoongi~aah, let's go home", yelled Jin from across the room

"Mianhae hyung, I'm going back to my house today", I replied to him

"Arasso. No wonder you drove yourself today. Hoba~aah, let's go home", said Jin again

"Kajja, jimin~aah, Jungkook~aah, let's hurry up", said Jhope calling the others

"V, where is V? Isn't he coming with us?", Said Namjoon, looking for V's whereabouts

I stood up and walked towards my bag where it was, took out a clean T-shirt and exchanged it with the clothes I wore.

"Hyung! I'm not coming home, I have an appointment with my friend", he replied with a happy face

"Who?", Asked Jimin curiously

"Uh, my friend ... just one of my friend", he replied with a smile

"Is she a girl? Are you going on a date?", Asked Jimin in surprise

I turned my face towards them. The other members were curious about V.

"Ani, Aniya ...", replied V blushed

"Yo! Taehyung~aaahh who is she ?? Come on introduce us ...", Jhope chuckled as he embraced him

"Hyuuungg let go, you make me embarrassed ...", said V while struggling with Jhope, laughing.

"Are you going to have dinner with her? Where? Am I not allowed to come?", Asked Jimin hopefully

"Ani ... we will only eat tacos, this is not a date. Jinjja ... you will find out later, mianhae", Tae replied with a smile looking at his best friend

"Ya! Don't bother him ... just let him go ...", I intervened

"Ye, let's just go home, be careful Taehyung~aah, enjoy your night", said Jin

"I'll leave now, see you tomorrow yorobun", I said walking away leaving the practice room

I went down to the basement and got into my car, it's 6 o'clock in the afternoon, I think I'll just have dinner at home with Sofia. I drove my car towards UN Village, luckily the traffic this afternoon was not too crowd.

In less than 15 minutes I had arrived in front of the gray house. I haven't been home for quite a while, and with the concert scheduled for our new album, I think I'll be back here next summer.

* piiip

The front door opened with a loud sound.

"I'm home!", I said

"Yeobo!", Called Sofia, walking quickly toward me with a serious face

"Huh?", I muttered

"Halmoeni is here! She is staying here tonight, gwaenchana?", Sofia whispered wide-eyed

"Halmoeni ?? Why did you just tell me?", I whispered in surprise

"Grandma also didn't tell me before, I just got home from campus earlier when suddenly Grandma arrived in front of the house!", She whispered quickly

"Arassso ..." I replied resignedly

"Halmoeni, Yoongi oppa come home", said Sofia notifying my arrival to my grandmother who was drinking tea in the backyard

"Yoongi~aah ... how are you? Forgive me for coming suddenly", said Grandma Han with a regretful face

"Gwaenchana halmoeni, I'm glad you want to stay here. I'm fine, how are you?", I asked, hugging the old woman's body

"I'm fine, I'm really sorry to you. I'm going to attend the General Meeting of Shareholders of one of my subsidiaries tomorrow, but it turns out that all hotels are full due to spring break ...", explained grandmother Han with a look of regret

"It's okay grandma, you can come and stay here anytime. Sofia would also love it if you visit more often", I replied smiling

"Gomawo ...", she replied with a friendly smile

"Halmoeni, I'm going to take a shower and change clothes first. I'm dirty because I just finished practice earlier", I said

"Ye", she replied

I then climbed the stairs to get to my room.

"Halmoeni I'll be back in a moment ...", Sofia said from the backyard

I opened the door to the main bedroom and was surprised by what I saw.

"What is this ??", I mumbled gaping

"Yeobo! Yeobo, mian!", Sofia appeared behind me and closed the door hastily

"What is this?", I asked raising my eyebrows at her

"I told you earlier, grandma came suddenly, so I hurriedly moved all my things here. Grandma is going to sleep in my room, there's no way I'll leave all my things and clothes there," she said quickly while tidying up all of her clothes that were scattered over my bed

"Gosh! So you're going to sleep here with me tonight?", I asked in disbelief as I helped her move her clothes into the closet

"Ne. Mianhae ... I don't want my grandma to know that we sleep in separate rooms", she replied as she moved her clothes back and forth to my walk-in-closet

"Arasso", I replied with a sigh. "I'll take a shower first," I said putting my bag and cellphone on the bedside table

"Ye", she said

Then I took a shower and decided to cook dinner for us. While cooking I chat about the business that Han's family runs.

"Where's Sofia? Has she left?", Asked grandma as she helped me set the dining table

"Huh? Did she say she want to go somewhere?", I asked, confused

"Ye. She said she has an appointment to meet her friend tonight", replied Grandma while putting the glass on the dining table

"Jinjja? But she was still on second floor, I think she was still in the shower", I answered doubtfully

After dinner was ready, I brought the bowl filled with kimchi jiggae, omelette, radish kimchi and grilled pork ribs to the dining table.

"Sobi~aah, let's eat!", I called. "Grandma please sit down", I continued

"Halmoeni, yeobo, mianhae ... I'm not joining you. I have to take care of something", said Sofia, who had just come down the stairs

"Where are you going?", I asked, gaping

She was so beautiful ... she wore a short blue dress with white floral motifs combined with a white cardigan, she tied her hair into a simple, elegant bun, and had light makeup on her face. I can smell sweet orange fragrance from her body. She carried a small handbag as well as a medium sized paperbag.

"Are you going on a date ??", I asked spontaneously

"Huh? What do you mean!", She replied, widened her eyes at me while glancing at her grandmother

"Uh, I mean, where do you want to go?", I repeated

"I have an appointment with my friend not far from here. I have something to do. I'm so sorry Grandma, I can't accompany you. I promised to meet my friend tonight. I hope you're not angry, halmoeni," said Sofia with a sad face

"Gwaenchana, go. Are you sure you don't want to have dinner first?", Asked her grandma

"Ye, I'll dinner later, my friend will treat me tacos tonight", she replied with a happy smile

Tacos ?? Is this a coincidence or will she really meet V tonight ??, I thought, suspicious.

"Who is the person that you want to meet?", I asked with a serious face

"Huh? Umm, I guess you don't know him ...", Sofia replied nervously

"Him? Jinjja?", I asked again looking at her sharply

"Ye ... umm okay, I'm leaving now. Enjoy your dinner", said Sofia while kissing her grandmother on the cheek

"I'll take you ...", I said suddenly

"Huh? Ani, you don't need to do that, yeobo", she replied nervously as she walked to the exit

I followed her to the front door, and asked once more while blocking the way out, "Are you going on a date? With whom ? Do I know him?".

"Aigo! I told you I'm not dating," she said impatiently

"Why do you dress up like this when you are only going to meet 'friends'", I asked in a low voice while crossing my arms in front of my chest

"Yeobo, jinjja? Can I not dress up? Do I have to look awful and messy just like when I work ??", she asked a little annoyed

"That's not what I mean ...", I replied one step forward closer to her

"Yeobo, please ... I have to go now or I'll be late", she said impatiently trying to pass me

"All right then, Have a nice night," I sighed as I shifted to the side to give her a way

"Gomawo, umm you don't have to wait for me, I think I'll be late", she said again, averting her gaze from me

"Ye. Of course you will be home late", I snorted

When she got into her car, I closed the front door and walked back to the dining room.

"Halmoeni, mianhae ... I took Sobi to the car", I said awkwardly, scratching behind my ear

"Gwaenchana ... let's eat, the food will be cold. Thank you for the food Yoongi~aah", said Grandma while giving a piece of grilled meat to my rice bowl

"Gomawo, halmoeni", I said smiling at her

"I hope you can be more patient with Sofia, Yoongi~aah. She is an independent girl and prefers to do things according to her wishes. Therefore, she's stubborn and sometimes difficult to live with", said grandma, smiling

"Ye, halmoeni, I know ...", I chuckled

"Her character is exactly the same as her father. Eager, independent, a little stubborn, always express her opinions and don't want to obey rules sometimes ...", recalls grandma

I smiled at her words.

"Looking at Sofia made me really miss Soojin ...", she said softly as she looked at our wedding picture

"Halmoeni ...", I muttered

"Actually, my relationship with Sofia's parents wasn't good. I never approved of their marriage, even when Sofia was born I refused to see her", said grandma in a trembling voice

The spoon that I was holding stopped in front of my mouth, I was surprised by what she just said. I never knew this.

"Halmoeni ...", I muttered as I put the spoon back into the bowl

"Maybe you're surprised to hear it, I'm sorry Yoongi~aah ...", she said with a small smile

"Ye. Umm, let's eat Halmoeni ", I said excitedly as I gave a piece of meat to her bowl

We continued eating in silence. I can feel the atmosphere was a little awkward. I never thought grandma would tell this.

"Uh, how long will you be in Seoul, halmoeni?", I asked trying to break the silence

"Ah, just one day. I will return to Busan tomorrow night", replied the grandma

"You can stay here a little longer, Halmoeni. Sofia and I will be in Seoul for the next 3 days before we leave for our tour to America," I said excitedly as I chewed my food

"Honestly I really want to. But nowadays I'm so busy, I can't suddenly leave the office", replied the grandma after swallowing her soup

"Isn't there anyone helping your work? You must be tired if you still have to do activities like this ...", I said concerned

"Well, what else I can do? I don't have an heir yet. While Sofia is still in college and is less interested in this business world," she replied with a sad face

"Is Sofia going to take over everything?", I asked, gaping

"Ye. Who else, right? Therefore, I hope that she will be interested in managing the hotel and restaurant business one day. I will be patient and wait for her to be ready, I don't want to lose her just like I lost my son before, just because of our selfishness at the time", said grandma with teary eyes

I didn't say anything, I chewed my food silently.

"In the past, Soojin was a smart and very talented child. He really liked music even since he was kid, he always spent his time playing piano and guitar. But he always refused when his father and I took him to visit the office. I should have known, that since he was a child he never been interested in taking over our company", said grandma smiling bitterly

"Then after he graduated from high school, I remembered, we had a big fight because he secretly chose music major when he accepted into one of the famous universities in Busan. We insisted on asking him to change to major in business even though we had to bribe the University", said grandma again, shaking her head

I put down my chopsticks and listened to Grandma's story carefully, we had completely forgotten about our dinner.

"Then, what happened, Grandma?", I asked curiously

"He still didn't want to, like I said he was stubborn and didn't want to be ordered, haha", chuckled grandma

"But seeing that we were very angry at that time, finally he took two majors at that time. He was a smart boy so it was easy for him to be accepted into the double degree program* (dual degree)", continued the grandma

* double degree program: a program organized by the University in order to help students study in two different majors (both at the same University or at different universities), as well as graduate with two degrees at once in just 4 years or in almost at the same time

"Woah, jinjja?", I said, stunned to hear it

"Ne. But as I have observed before, even though he graduated with excellent grades as a Bachelor of Business Administration, his heart was not there. So after graduating he was reluctant to join the company. He preferred to join an orchestra and become a pianist. My husband was very angry at that time, and asked him to choose, joining the company or leave the house and not be recognized as our son anymore", she said, holding back tears

"Gosh ...", I said surprised

"And you must know what he chose, right? He leave the house saying that he was tired of having to live a life full of pressure, he felt he could not be himself when he was with us ...", said grandma while wiping her tears with a napkin

"I continued to monitor his whereabouts after he left home. After almost two years of not seeing each other, I finally persuaded my husband to meet Soojin. But our meeting only made our relationship break even more ...", she added bitterly

"At that time Soojin brought a foreign girl with him, he said they were getting married and asked our blessing. Aigoo ... I never saw my husband lost his temper like that, he's mad, I was so terrified he would do something crazy to them. He threw them both out and said never wanted to see them again for the rest of his life", recalled grandma with tears in her eyes

"Aigoo ...", I said, holding one of the grandmother's hands on the table

"And since then I lost my son, Yoongi~aah. I didn't come to their wedding, I didn't even visit them when Sofia was born. And my husband's wish came true, we can't meet our son again. When we finally visited them, it was too late. My heart was very broken at that time, I'm very sorry that I've treat my son and his little family like that", she sobbed

"Calm down halmoeni ...", I said correcting my sitting position to face her

"My son, who I have never met for 11 years, lay stiff in front of me, not breathing, with body covered in wounds. Really, we are selfish parents, Yoongi~aah ...", she said while wiping her face with a napkin

I wiped the tears in the corners of my eyes.

"And when the first time I saw Sofia at the hospital, I really hated her. How could she look so much like her mother?! But when I saw her big brown eyes, oh god ... those eyes reminded me of my dear Soojin. And after that I made up my mind, I was determined not to lose this girl. I will do whatever it takes to keep her with us", said grandma after blowing her nose

"But didn't Aunt Jen and Sofia leave Korea after the accident, Grandma?", I asked curiously

"Ye. I don't think Jenifer can forgive us for what we have done to them. To be honest, I wasn't surprised to find out that they secretly went abroad. We looked for them for years, but always find a dead end. Ironically, we used to be the ones who didn't want to have anything to do with them, but then the situation is completely reversed ....", said grandma Han bitterly

"But I'm grateful that we can finally meet Sofia again, Grandma. I used to feel like I lost her too ...", I said, looking at my grandma sadly

"Ye. I'm so thankful they finally came back. It took a lot of struggle to find them ... I just want to be close to my granddaughter, surely Soojin also wants his daughter to live happily surrounded by people who love her," she smiling at me

"Yes, Grandma, surely Uncle Han wants that ...", I said, squeezing her hand

"Therefore, when I read Soojin's will that said Sofia really wanted to be your bride, I guess I should do it, because I want her to live happily with the man she loves. Thank you Yoongi~aah ...", she said smiling at me

"I'll try my best to make her happy, halmoeni ...", I said while lowering my face

I feel guilty that I have to lie to her about our marriage, Sofia didn't recognize me, even now she has found another man she loves, I thought bitterly.

"Please take care of Sofia, Yoongi~aah. She's the only one I have now ... and someday she will really need your support ...", asked grandma Han

"Ye, halmoeni ..", I replied smiling at her and hugged her

Then we continued eating our dinner. My mind is full of the story that Grandma Han just told me. God, I didn't know that uncle Han and aunt Jen's life was very hard. Does Sofia know about this?, I thought.

After dinner, grandma decided to go to bed, while I spent my time in the studio. I continued writing songs that I would include in my mixtape while drinking wine. But my mind was still thinking about grandma's story.

"Ah, I'm stuck!", I said frustratedly looking at the monitor screen in front of me

I looked at my watch and was surprised that it was nearly half past eleven in the evening.

"Where's Sobi?", I muttered

I took my cell phone and dialed Sofia's number. I heard a ringing tone in my ear. One time, two times, three times ....

"Why didn't she pick it up ??", I said irritably

I called her again, turning off my computer screen and exiting the studio. I called her for the third time when I entered the master bedroom.

"Omo! Sobi! Are you home already ?!", I said, surprised to see Sofia was combing her hair in the room

She had put on her pajamas and was getting ready for bed.

"Huh? Wae? I've arrived home around ten o'clock", she replied while continuing to comb her wavy hair

"Why don't you answer my phone?", I said irritably

"My cellphone is in the bag ... what's wrong?", she asked confusedly

"Aish you, I thought you were still outside", I said as I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth

I think she's still dating Tae this late. I change into my favorite gray pajamas and get ready for bed.

I was speechless when I saw Sofia standing in front of the window, her body forming a beautiful silhouette in front of the glittering city of Seoul.

"You're not sleeping?", I asked awkwardly

"I'm waiting for you, yeobo", she said as she turned her body, wrapped in a black short nightgown, towards me

"Huh? Wae? Why are you waiting for me?", I asked nervously walking toward the bed

"Umm I don't know which side you usually sleep on ... I don't want to take your place", she said, twisting the hem of her nightgown

"Oh ..", I muttered, I turned my gaze to the bed and swallowed hard

"Umm I, uh, I used to sleep on the left side, so you can sleep on the right," I replied haltingly, pointing to the left side

"Ah, arasso", she nodded then walked towards the right side

We then climbed awkwardly into bed. Why is my heart beating so fast ?, what am I thinking ?!, I admonished myself.

"Umm good night, yeobo," Sofia said softly, then she turned her back on me

"Ye. Good night", I replied quickly

I lay myself down on the bed slowly, I glanced at Sofia several times. Why is it so hot ?, I complained, rubbing my forehead.

"Yeobo, gomawo. Thank you for accompanying my grandmother earlier," Sofia said softly

"Huh? Ah, gwaenchana, we had some chats earlier. How about your date?", I asked trying to be normal

"I've told you many times I didn't go on dates! Aigooo ....", she turned his body to face me in annoyance

"Jinjja ?? Then who did you meet? tell me ..", I said tilting my body to face her

"Gosh! Why don't you trust me? I met my friend to discuss work", she said while leaning her body facing me

"What's his name then?", I said with a frown

"I can't tell you, because ... because ...", she answered haltingly

"Because of what?", I asked curiously as I moved closer to her

"Why do you come near me !? The mattress is narrow, I could fall if you keep getting closer! Wah, jinjja ...", she said panicked as she shifted her body backwards

"Answer my question, don't try to change the conversation", I said, approaching her

"It's not your business ... To be sure I'm not dating him. Yeobo! Get away, I'm going to fall!", Sofia said in panic as she shifted further to the side

"If you only meet friends why do you have to dress up so pretty?", I asked sulkily

"What?", she said, widened her eyes at me

"Wae? It's true that you were dressed too pretty if you were only going to meet friends," I continued, scratching the back of my ear nervously

"Gosh, why do you always talk about that? Wait, Yeobo! Andwe! I, aaahh!", She screamed

I felt our bodies fall to the hard floor. Previously Sofia had reached for my hand so that I fell too in an attempt to keep her in bed.

"Ouch ...", Sofia groaned

"Aaah why are you pulling me ...", I said in pain, rubbing the back of my head

"Why do you keep coming closer to me ??!", Whined Sofia, hitting my chest

"Stop, it hurts you know ...", I said holding her hands on my chest

I just realized our current position. I lay on the floor while Sofia's body was right on top of me. We stared at each other.

"Kyaa! Let it go! Are you crazy !!", Sofia screamed

"Ssshhhhhh!!", I said, covering her mouth and rolling over, so that right now I was the one on top of Sofia

"Don't be noisy! Halmoeni will hear!", I whispered to her

"Mmmmhh mmh mmh mmmhhh", Sofia said vaguely, still struggling under my body

"Calm down! I'll let you go if you promise to calm down ...", I said

Sofia gasped in my arms. Her eyes sparkled. Her face flushed red and I could feel her heart beat rapidly through the veins in her neck.

For a few minutes we stared at each other, my heart was beating wildly as if at any moment it was about to jump out. I can smell the sweet orange scent from her body. Our bodies stick together, sending electric shocks all over my body.

I felt the wild animal within me struggling to get out and take this chance. My breath hurts, my throat is dry. I can't think right now.

"Mmmmh, mmhh", she muttered, sending me back to my consciousness

"Promise me that you won't scream ... I'll let you go if you promise ...", I said in a threatening hoarse voice

She nodded her head slowly, without taking her eyes off my eyes. I took a deep breath, trying to fill all my senses with this sweet scent. Then slowly I remove my hand from her mouth.

My gaze immediately turned to her puffy lips. Her head is between my hands. Without realizing it, my palms caressed her fine hair. Why is she so beautiful ?, I thought.

I swallowed hard when I saw her lips slowly open. Man, this is driving me crazy !! I held myself as hard as I could so as not to kiss those lips. I closed my eyes and clenched my hands trying to shake off the tempting thoughts.

"Yeobo ...", she said softly

I opened my eyes, shook my head and got up hastily. After helping her up, I stood up awkwardly as I incessantly rubbed the back of my neck. I think my face is turning red because I can feel the heat radiating from my body.

"Umm I, I, uh ... you sleep here. I, I'll just sleep in the studio", I stammered as I took my cellphone from the bedside table and walked out of the room without even looking at her

Arriving at the studio, I immediately locked the door and walked back and forth.

"Aah I can go crazy !!", I shouted, clutching my hair

Why does she look even prettier? Her eyes, her hair, her smile, her body and even her fragrance could awaken the primitive soul in me. I shook my head ... Just a little, just a little more I can feel her soft lips ...

"Aigooo !! Crazy! I must be crazy", I said over and over

I have to do something to dampen my desire. I rubbed my stomach and felt another part of my body harden. Damn it! No, no, I don't wanna do it!

Then I started exercising, doing 5 sets of push-ups, and followed by 5 sets of sit-ups until I'm exhausted. Finnaly I was able to close my eyes and fall asleep, even though sweat soaked all over my body.