
My randomic road to power

An 18 years old dude with ADHD gets transmigrated in Deku's body with a random system, literally, how will he survive in a world where 80% of people have powers, and he is part of the rest? book image, and plot, aren't mine

DaoistKQnDFL · Cómic
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78 Chs

Chapter 32 Friends and GACHA

While Aizawa dragged Bakugo away, I deactivated all the skills that boosted my stats, and the sense of tiredness started to disappear thanks to my inhuman stamina regen.

I could feel the stares coming from my classmates, not expecting such a scene, even more, because I had nearly broken a rib.

" Was that necessary?" Kirishima asked, he wasn't scared but surely wary, his concept of Quirkless broken into hundreds of pieces.

" Necessary? Define the word, after all, I have just been attacked, why should I have not answered the same way?" I countered the question back to him.

"And you are right, I would have also smacked him right in the face, but what you did afterwards was..."

" Cruel," Mina said from the back of the group.

"... So if I villain were to attack, you would simply smack him on the wrist and let him go?"

" But he isn't a v-"

" He was acting like one, so until he removes those tendencies from him, I will treat him like he deserves it."

Before anyone could say something else Aizawa came back, non none apart from me knowing he had actually been hearing everything I said.

" Today you have trained your quirks for the first time, most of you used them not efficiently or in the wrong way, you are here not only to become heroes but to also become experts on quirks."

He didn't continue letting the words sink in.

" Now you all should go back to class, you have your second period in a few minutes."

Hearing the words I head to the changing rooms and put back on the uniform, the people inside now looking at my scars with a bit more concern and fear.

A few minutes later we finally arrive at the class, I get on my seat, which is the same as the one from the anime and I take out the book I am currently reading, Call of Cthulu.

The possibility of gaining a skill that connects me to an eldritch beast excites me.

But before I could start reading our teacher got inside, and damn is she an exhibitionist.

"Good morning class, I am your teacher for Modern Hero Art History, Nemuri Kayama." She said with a flirty tone.

' So in the time that we didn't see in the episode they actually go to school like normal high schoolers, it's gonna be boring.'

The day went on and we met most of your teachers, all wearing their hero costumes and showing off their quirks, all of them stared at me for a few seconds before starting their class, maybe they felt bad for showing their quirks, I don't care.

During Lunch we were told where the cafeteria was and like I had predicted, no one sat with me for lunch.

" Hey, can I sit?"

I look up from my book and meet the eyes of Mezo.

" Sure," I told him, surprised to see him approach me.

He sat down and started eating his food through the mouth on his arm.

" Cool quirk."

" If you say so, most of the time it gives me more problems than I wish."

" Mutant haters?"

" Qurikless haters?"

We both nodded, knowing the true colours of this world.

" How did you get this strong, I can see you not having any type of 'mutation', but training can bring you to a certain point." He asked quite curious about what I would answer.

" That is an on-point question, I did train like a madman, but apart from that I also discovered that my body has some different 'mutations', they are not related to quirks, so even though I can be defined as quirkless, my DNA and body are different from a truly quirkless human."

" So we both are mutants." He said with a laugh.

" You can call me that," I answered with a smile.

The others seeing the scene, and some even sharing what I said, were confused about what to do, on one side I looked like a beast ready to steal their candies, on the other, I was a normal teen who knew how to take a joke.

While nodding Kirishima gets up from where he was and sat at my lunch table, followed by Uraraka and a few others.

" Sorry dude simply didn't know how to act, you were both scary and cool at the same time and my brain stopped working." He said bluntly, no shame in his voice.

Uraraka hearing him punches him on the shoulder.

"What?" He asked not knowing what he did wrong.

Everyone sighed and then continued eating.

While eating I saw Mina deciding if she should approach or not.

We met eyes and after looking at each other I moved my head to indicate for her to sit down.

She sat down with a smile, unsure if it means I forgave her, which I did, not there really being anything to forgive, it was pretty easy.

We continued chatting and by the end of lunch we were a little closer and the fear they previously had for me was gone.

The day finished by 4 P.M. quite tired from learning things I already knew and having to wear clothes that were too tight for my comfort.

The only thing brightening my day is the possibility of beating to a pulp Bakugo tomorrow, let's only hope no butterfly effect will happen.

But before doing anything I have something I have been craving to do.


You have pulled 17 random gachas

You have pulled 1 Random Headgear Gacha

Weak Attributes gemstone( INT)x5

Weak Attributes gemstone( WIS) x3

Weak Attributes gemstone( DEX) x2

(Same things as attributes gemstones but for specific stats, the number would still be random)

Congratulations on gaining the system function: Perks

You have gained a Large Bracelet of Holding x1

You have gained the famous book: Icha-Icha book 1 x1

You have gained the skill: Observe

Due to already present skills, a skill fusion will happen.

Observe Lv.50 => Copying Lv.1

Copying Lv.1

Your ability to understand things is unimaginable while looking at others perform actions you have a chance of ( Skill level) of instantly learn without practice, and the more you look the higher the skill level will rise, the maximum level is the level of the one you are looking at, can't copy innate, unique skills or powers.

You have gained 3 filled Trash bags

You have gained the item: Glasses of the Scholar

Glasses of the Scholar

While reading the effect of Speed reading will be doubled, and all gains, while reading will be boosted while wearing INT and WIS points, are easier to gain.

All items have been stored inside a Large Bracelet of Storing.


'... Well, I now truly have a gamer system.'