
My randomic road to power

An 18 years old dude with ADHD gets transmigrated in Deku's body with a random system, literally, how will he survive in a world where 80% of people have powers, and he is part of the rest? book image, and plot, aren't mine

DaoistKQnDFL · Cómic
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78 Chs

Chapter 31 Quirk Apphrension Test

When I got out of the changing room I headed to the area where Aizawa said we would have to wait for him.

Less than a minute after I got out Kirishima also got out rushing towards me with a smile on his face.

" That was cool as hell dude, do you have a fear-inducing quirk or something like that? Or do you have a body enchantment quirk? Would suit you considering how shredded you are."

" I am quirkless." I bluntly told him.

His face showed clear confusion, he doesn't seem disgusted as some other people I have seen be, he only looks confused and doesn't know how to continue.

A few minutes later everyone got out and Aizawa arrived with the same testing equipment as the anime.

" We will be testing the limits of your quirks, until now you have been obliged to not use them, here you can." He said, and less than a second later grabbed one of the balls and threw it towards me.

The ball was thrown at a speed above normal, so he was testing me, without even flinching I easily catch the ball.

" Izuku Midoriya, first place, come here and show how this is done."

I moved towards him and asked what I had to do.

" What was your average distance during middle school?"

" 30 feet."

He was stunned by the answer but he recovered quickly and continued.

" Use everything you can and throw the ball as far as you can, but you must not get out of the circle."

I nodded and got inside the circle, I had already thought of how I should deal with this.

I activate Rage and threw the ball upwards, I jumped up while spinning my body and at the exact perfect moment while activating multistrike, and activating the effect of martial arts, I kicked the ball with all my strength.

No explosion or that type of bullshit happened, but the ball disappeared behind aiming for the sky.

Aizawa showed the result and I was quite happy with what I got.

On the machine the number, 711.3 meters could be seen.

'So I have reached the same strength Izuku would have had right now while using 1% of One for All, but only by using skills and gimmicks of my system.'

Everyone got surprised by the show, and one got angry, mostly because they didn't understand what my quirk was.

" Perfect, now you understood what to do without your quirk, you all have to do it with yours."

" What does without mean?" Momo asked her curiosity taking the best of her.

" I am Quirkless."

And like in all anime, a scream that even if staged could have been this good, came out of everyone's mouth at the same time.

I ignored the stares and got back in place.

" Perfect, now it's time for the first actual test."

The test was the same as the anime, same order and in the same groups, but unlike the Izuku from the anime, I rocked all of the tests, Rage was active all the time boosting my stats, while for each test I simply had to use the require skill, 50-meter dash? Two quick instantaneous steps and I install finished, Grip Strenght? 85 strength plus 50% boost of rage plus Tear made resulted in a drip strength of 1 ton, standing long jump? Didn't even need a skill for this one, Turbo helped me have 25% of my speed even from an unmoving position, Repeated side steps? Ok, this one wants pretty normal, above average, but Mineta still beat me, meh, Ball Throw? Already dealt with it, Bakugo couldn't beat me and Uraraka broke the record with bullshit power, in all the other tests I still got first place, rocking the distance run and being asked to stop after Aizawa got bored.

But something different happened this time.

Well more like Aizawa didn't act.

After seeing the results, Bakugo, not even in third place, shouted Deku and rushed towards me.

I saw how Aizawa flinched but didn't interact, he was curious about how I would deal with this situation.

'Sorry Aizawa, but I hate people like Bakugo.'

I appeared right in front of Bakugo my hand grabbing his face and smashing him against the ground all in one fluid motion.

His body bounced off the ground, only to get stomped by my foot most likely cracking a rib.

I activate Intimidating Presence and pointed it at Bakugo.

" My dear Bakugo, I would have let it slide if you only shouted at me, but you attacked first, what would have happened if I had gotten hit by one of your explosions? Would I have gotten another scar? You already covered 10% of my body with them aren't you satisfied? Should I do the same to you?"

When those words came out a smile formed on my face, and a shiver passed down everyone's spine, for those that had been under the effect of an Intimidating presence, the smile meant more than just a simple sick smile, it meant that a beast was aiming you as its prey.

I continued putting pressure on the cracked rib, but before I could continue a scarf covered both my arms and legs and even though I would be able to move with a lot of struggle, I decide not to, going further would put me in an even worse light.

" I knew you all would have been a troublesome group, but not to this extent."

Ohhh he has no idea.