
My Psychic Systém: The Only Psychic In A World Of Magic!

A man like no other, a living legend, at the age of 29 he solved nuclear war conflicts, at 30 he became the President of 2 countries and at 54 he finally United the whole world. Only to die at his 54th birthday by the poisoned soup made by his own son. 'What unfortunate life...' Or so he thought, but then he realized that he is still alive... Just in the body of another guy, in a different world, with a system. ______ This Story's Volume One is like riding a Rollercoaster and till chapter 25th the rollercoaster is ridding up after that it pick up it's pace. All rights belong to Drag0n777, Helius_666, Dragon S and DrAGOn all are pseudonyms for the same person.

DrAGOn · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Darkside 1

"Hey...Is that him?"

"Wait...isn't he supposed to be dying, or at least be in a crippling condition?"

"What's going on here..!"

"Could it be that Alfred's magic has weakened?"

"Heh, what a weakling, couldn't even cripple a normal human."

"Hey, is it just me or does he seems a little different from before...It's as if...I don't know I can't explain it."

"Hey...what was his name again?"

"Tch, it's glass pearl."

"No, his real name..''

"I forgot, why do you care anyway?"



It's been a few hours since I have been reincarnated here...Right now, I am walking towards my classroom, where a drama will happen, along the way I have successfully gathered every 'single' guy's attention and it seems even the boys who are dating, can't help but click their tongue at the sight of me.

If I had known I am this handsome, I would have at least looked at my face once, before leaving my room. As for what I was doing the entire time I was in my room? I was formulating a plan, a plan to kill off a few scumbags.

Although I haven't seen any of them yet, I know them, pretty much instinctively. When I got here yesterday, I didn't receive the memories of my previous host apart from his name.

So, when I used [Almighty Awareness] I made sure to absorb as much knowledge about my, previous, self as possible. Inside the space pocket of my skill time flows ten times faster, coupled with the fact that my brain processes things a hundred times faster it still took me a few hours to get my hands on all the relevant information about my targets.

When I exited my skill, it was 10:17 at night. From then until the morning I was planning, and scheming about how I can kill a few nuisances. I didn't sleep nor do I need to sleep, so long as I am not extremely injured, or in a near-death state.

In my world, I was not an assassin, but I have assassinated countless people before, people who opposed me. Call me killer, I don't care, after all, I know I would've been dead if they wouldn't have died back then.

My thoughts got interrupted when I entered my classroom, class 3 - A. The best class that was arranged by the school for the First years.

When I entered the first thing that caught my eye was a blonde guy, he was a rather skinny guy with blonde stature and a forgettable face. The only noticeable feature was the few strands of hair there were sticking out of his head, and the black mole on his face.

He was wearing what seemed like lightweight Armor. His name was Alfred, he comes from a noble house that specialises in fire magic, their innate fire has a property known as 'tenacity' it makes his flame and the injuries caused by it to be almost irreversible, even healers can't fix those, yesterday I got torched by those and that's the reason everybody was surprised to see me before.

He was talking with two other guys, one was fat, he had brown hair and pink eyes, although his looks screamed that he is a background character, his aura was different, it was as if a hungry pack of hyenas were looking back at me with their glowing red eyes.

This guy was Mike, He comes from a house that specialises in immobilizing and torturing, nothing much is known about him except for this, the school don't pry on noble families' secrets.

The last guy, for some reason, had a frightened expression on his face, and also, he was the guy who was arguing with his friends when they were busy burning me alive yesterday.

He had black eyes and faded almost transparent hair, it was as if his hairs were made up of glass. His hair was covering half of his face. Very creepy, not gonna lie.

His name was George, and he is a very scared guy who always gets scared by the consequences of any action. Yesterday he was stopping his friends not because of goodwill or anything, but because of his fear of the teachers.

Notice how I am not mentioning any of their surnames or anything? It's because to me those are irrelevant information. While a background check is important, if it's someone who I will kill anyway, it doesn't matter.

And also, I know that their families and background can't stop me inside the school so I stopped paying attention to these things, these small things pile up to cause major distractions, expert advice I tell you.

When I looked at them, coincidentally, Alfred also looked at me...

The moment our eyes met, my face darkened and his expression changed from shock to confusion and then finally fury, intense fury.

"You...!" Alfred, was infuriated after looking at me, but that is to be expected of him,

"How are you here!? No matter, this time I will make sure to kill you, how dare you survive and have Ms Agnes's company, Die!"

"You think you are so strong, huh?"

Looking at him I couldn't help but smirk, and with a mocking tone I continued

"Come on weakling, try it, try me, bitch."

Alfred, along with the entire class, was caught off guard by this. And as if a supernatural entity had cut off the sound of the room, the entire room went silent. Never in their wildest dreams had they expected the physically weakest and mentally meekest guy will blatantly insult one of the strongest guys in the classroom.

While to some it might look like I am asking for death. I, in reality, just prevented my death that would have happened a few seconds later.

Hearing my words Alfred was the first to react, and he was also beyond infuriated, before he had already pulled his wand from his belt, and just when he was about to launch a fireball in the middle of the class... He stopped.

A frown appeared on his face as he quickly realized what was going on here...

That's right, right now, no one can even hope to harm me, the time, at the moment, is exactly 8:25 in the morning, and classes were about to start in 5 minutes. And these classes are non-magic related.

Because these classes are normal classes an anti-magic barrier is activated around the entire school.

The reason for this suicidal endeavour? It's because this academy is housing some of the most unique and quirky mages of an entire continent, some of them can fly, some can make a clone of themselves and some can just teleport, in a school where students can find countless ways of bunking their classes, the school puts an anti-magic barrier every day from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

After that, the students get a little resting time and after that from 4:30 pm, magic practice begins.

With a smug grin on my face, I sat on the corner most seat in the classroom. With this, I have bought myself seven hours...

After the first teacher arrived, he started teaching the class, the teacher, as usual, ignored my presence and started teaching the entire class...

Although I know the answer to every question the school ever has to offer thanks to [Almighty Awareness] I didn't try answering any of the questions that were asked by the teacher to the class.

Why? I need to calm down, because what I am about to do is very dangerous. After the next seven hours my life will change, forever.

I think now is also a good time to revise the darkness of this world and this school.

Well, let's start with this world,

This world has six continents, in total. Three of those are occupied by humans and demi-humans, one is occupied by demons, one is occupied by a race known as sky lords, and the last continent is uncharted territory.

The name of the continent where I live is serafall continent, and while so far I was saying it's the kingdom this and kingdom that, in reality, the countries here work more like a family with a lot of kingdoms being the members of that family and the head of that family being the empire.

So technically this continent is ruled by one empire, 'The empire of the silver moon' is the name of that empire.

Now this empire has a very...nice precise, fucked up way of teaching their noble hiers, and that is to send them all to an island that's near the north pole of this world. This academy is located in the middle of that island that is in the middle of nowhere!

Yeah, complete solitude. And since it's completely beyond anyone's influence, except for the school authorities of course, whatever the school committee sees fit, goes.

And according to the committee worthless don't belong here, so what should everybody with worth do? Disregard their very existence.

You heard me right, except for giving people like me food and shelter, they don't give a damn about us.

Now it's not as if this rule can't be ignored, after all, whatever school says goes, so my father, who just so happen to be the strongest Duke of the empire, having military might equivalent to that of the royal family, can easily solve this issue but the problem is neither my father nor my mother cares about me.

Well, I can't really blame them. The previous host was just that much of a bitchboy.

So, in this world, there are four ways to get stronger,

Firstly, to have an affinity for mana, they are called Mages.

Secondly, to have an affinity for spirits who lends people their power which the said person can wield and become incredibly powerful, they are called Spirit masters.

Thirdly, by mastering aura, the mysterious energy that gives an incredible boost in physical output, they are called Enhancers,

Sidenote, If a mage manages to master aura their mana pool will skyrocket.

And lastly, to integrate and merge a magic circuit inside a person's body, using mana stones and different other things, this process is extremely painful, so much so that 90% of the people who tries this die because of the overbearing pain, and among the 10% who does manage to successfully integrate with their new circuits, 8% dies instantly because of their utter lack of compatibility, and other things like that. So yeah, it's not the best way to gain power.

Out of all the four methods, except for the last one, everything needs talent to do so, and there are several ways to evaluate that talent, and guess what? The previous Yin was talentless in all the above, and he never tried using the last method because of his fear of death, now he is dead.

Anyways, me being inside his body also makes me talentless.

Quite a bad thing, I must say.

But the really sorry state has yet to begin...