
My Psychic Systém: The Only Psychic In A World Of Magic!

A man like no other, a living legend, at the age of 29 he solved nuclear war conflicts, at 30 he became the President of 2 countries and at 54 he finally United the whole world. Only to die at his 54th birthday by the poisoned soup made by his own son. 'What unfortunate life...' Or so he thought, but then he realized that he is still alive... Just in the body of another guy, in a different world, with a system. ______ This Story's Volume One is like riding a Rollercoaster and till chapter 25th the rollercoaster is ridding up after that it pick up it's pace. All rights belong to Drag0n777, Helius_666, Dragon S and DrAGOn all are pseudonyms for the same person.

DrAGOn · Fantasy
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20 Chs

In A Different World 2


  A grunt escaped from my mouth when I realized I was inside of a room. The first thing I noticed was, I was covered in bandages, from head to toe. 


After all, bandages are your only partner in bed if you get bbq-ed alive, huh.

  Well, it could've been worse, heh. If I were to feel the pain of burning then I am sure I would be freaking out right about now. 

'Thanks, gamer's state.'

Amused, I chuckled softly as I thanked my skill not that it will respond or anyth-

[Your welcome, host.]

And I got interrupted by my system, moreover...

  Much to my amusement, the system did answer my call, but...

'I didn't thank you I thanked my skill,'


[Ohh, how shy you are, host.]


Gonna play wordplay with me, eh, system? Wait-

"I see, you've woken up." And...I got interrupted again, but this time it was the milf.

"Pardon my asking, but, Ms Agnes, what time is it? I don't think you're supposed to be here at the moment." 

  That's right, the milf's name is Agnes, she also has a huge ass name like mine, but meh, I am too lazy to recall. 

  If you're wondering how did I know about her name so I got it from my personalized internet, yup! That's what I'm calling it.

"You...how did you recover so quickly?"

After registering my words, and noticing how fluently I am talking, her eyes widened. Well, it's a normal reaction, after all, I mean you can't expect a roasted human to be talking like a normal human after a sleep of 12 hours. 

But little did she know, I'm a gamer, kekekeke.

"Who knows, Ms Agnes, I wonder...

Anyways, Ms Agnes, since I am healed up, I suppose you don't mind me taking off these bandages? It's rather uncomfortable, you see."

I said with a gentle smile. Though, she can't possibly see it since my entire body is wrapped in bandages.

"Umm, no..! You can't take them off just yet, it might leave some scars..." Before she could say anything I swiftly took off the bandages that were covering my face and eyes, and for the first time, our eyes met.

Reddish blonde shoulder length hairs, adorned by a hairpin that looked like a pink four-petalled flower with two green leaves, and blue eyes. A very sexy body, with C-cup breasts, and a perfect ass. 

For a woman in her late twenties, she is a succubus. 

No wonder, half of the school is a simp for her, the other half consists of girls.          

  Yeah, she is the school's most beautiful woman, and the entire boys' faction is a sucker for her, and she...is a sucker for me.

"Umm, if your b-body is f-fine, then I don't mind..." Stutters were all that left from her rosy lips, as her face went red, cute.

But seriously, to think that a simple smile on my face can do this amount of damage, I am dangerous. Putting those thoughts away, I replied to her with an broad smile.

"Ohh, so you want to see my body, Ms Agnes? Sure!" I said as I started stripping, only to get interrupted.

"W-Wait! Y-You can't do that...stop..."

The last part was so low pitched that I almost couldn't hear it. Fighting the urge to tease her anymore, I asked.

"Haha, I was joking Ms Agnes, but please do tell me where are my clothes," Hearing my words, she got flushed and said cutely, 

"Yin, y-you…! Your clothes were all burned up but I've brought some spare clothes from your dorm, those are there! Humpf! Get well soon!"

She said before rushing off, from the medical room, even though she is the one in charge here.

  Sighing wryly, I stood up, closed the door of the room, and then wore my clothes, then I left the room. And directly beelined towards my dorm room. When I entered I realized it was a fairly big place to be called a dorm room. It has 3 big rooms, one bedroom, one kitchen and two washrooms. Definitely a good place, especially considering that I am one of the least favoured students in the entire academy.

  When I entered my room, I calmly closed the door, whatever playful, carefree attitude I had, left me. 

  After all, someone tried to burn me alive, and probably the previous host died in the process, I'm sure I would've died as well, if not for the gamer's physique converting damages into hit points, and the gamer's mind negating all pain. 

  And judging by the utter lack of reaction from both the school staff committee and students towards this entire ordeal, I can only imagine either this is a very chaotic place where such things are very common or I am just that worthless, and forgettable. In the worst-case scenario, it may be both.

Now I am seriously considering getting out of this place where I can literally die at a moment's notice.

  But before that, what I need most is information, fortunately, I have just the skill for this. I have to know what is going on here, how can a school just let it students' die, why am I here, what should I do from here on out... 

Thinking all this, I let out a sigh of tiredness.

There is no point overthinking it, I will get my answers soon anyway.

  As I sat on my bed, for the first time I actively willed my skill [Almighty Awareness] to activate. I had used this skill twice before, first for learning the language of this world, and the second time was when I used it to gain knowledge of how's Ms Agnes's relationship with this body's former host. But both of those times system just subconsciously activated the skill and imparted the knowledge in my brain, so technically, this is the first time I am actively using it.

'System activate almighty awareness'

[Initiating skill...]

[Begin operation]

  When those messages popped up in my eyes my vision momentarily shifted and the next second I found myself in a different place...

Ethereal, that was the only word that comes to mind when looking at this scene

I am standing-no, floating on top of clouds that had all the colours of rainbow scattered all over, like me, millions of, what seemed like, bubbles are also floating with me. Truly an amazing scene.

Not knowing what to do next I asked the system what am I supposed to do here, and it said that all I have to do is think about what I am curious about and the information will show itself. And I did just that, and the next second as if I am a part of this world I started feeling...everything, be it the movements of grass, the humming of birds, the crying of children, the pleasure-filled moans of cheating women, everything.

  Then with the system's instructions, I started sorting out everything and slowly but surely, started gaining knowledge about several things. As I learned about this school and the kingdom I am living in, the grimmer and grimmer my mood became...

After a few hours of the real world, I woke up from my pseudo-comatose state, which was a result of me using the skill.


After gaining the knowledge about my surroundings, for the first time I saw the dark side of humanity, don't get me wrong, I have seen darkness on earth countless times, but this...

This helped me realize something, and that is not earth and..

I am truly in a different world.