
My Only Piece of Candy

KorolevaDeath · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Shit, I don't want to deal with the feelings now, I thought. Shit.

"C-can I co-me in?" Casey asked, obviously nervous.

Why is he here? Why now? "Sure, why not," I move back allowing room for him to come in. "Hailey, we have a visitor."

"No, don't let anyone else know I'm here!" Casey yells.

Hailey cries out in terror. "Shit, don't ever yell around my sister. Ever," I ran upstairs to comfort my sister.

"Big brother," she screams and jumps into my chest. She sobs and sobs.

I cuddle her until her sobs subside and she's quiet again. "It's okay, it's okay. I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere." I said when she hugs me tighter.

"Sorry," a voice said quietly.

I look up and Casey is looking down, fidgeting, looking like he wanted to disappear. Damn, he looks so cute when he's vulnerable! "What," I finally ask.

"Huh," Casey says looking lost.

I sigh. "What did you say?"

"O-oh, I said sorry," Casey said shyly, flushing.

"It's fine. You didn't know. It's a rule here. I tend to have a lot of nightmares, so I end up waking up screaming a lot. It's had a big effect on Hailey, so every time she hears yelling or screaming she automatically thinks something is wrong. She will sometimes have panic or anxiety attacks."

Casey's eyes grew wide as I continued until I thought his eyes were going to pop.

"Don't worry about it. You didn't know, okay?" I sigh.

"A-are you s-sure?" He asks timidly.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"I'm sorry once again. And I'm sorry Hailey."

"It's okay," Hailey said cheerfully. " I know you didn't mean it."

I'm glad she's back to her old self. "Alright, well you wanted to talk, right Casey," I say, looking at him.

"O-oh, yeah," Casey said even more nervous.

"Do you still want to talk or would you rather go home?"

"I need to talk to you," he said, pleading.

"Fine, come downstairs," I said, leaving the room. "Hailey, behave and be quiet up here, okay?"

"Yes, big brother," she said, pushing Casey out of her room.

"Come on," I sigh, accidentally grabbed Casey's hand. Shivers course through my body, leaving my whole body tingling from head to toe.

He pauses and looks down at me, pouting. "Is there something wrong?"

Still displaced by the feeling, I looked around dazed. "What," I said.

He stood in front of me and forced me to look up at him. "It's everything alright?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. I spaced out for a second."

"Okay," he said doubtfully, but followed me anyway, concern coloring his voice.

With his hand still in mine, we went downstairs and sat in the living room. I settled for one of the couches, while he took a chair off to the side. "What did you want to talk about?" I say, finally breaking the silence.

"O-oh, um," he stutters. "I-I don't really know h-how to put i-it." He's fidgeting with his fingers again.

"I can't help you, if you don't tell me what is wrong."

"I-I know but I'm n-not used to talking to others about anything."

"Yeah, I've noticed," I muttered under my breath.


"Nothing, anyway what do you need to talk to me about that was so important?"

"Wait, you mean you don't remember."

"Remember what," I'm confused now.

"I told you after last block today."

"No, you didn't. I didn't see you after school."

"Did you forget already?"

"Forget what? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Wait, you have amnesia, right."

"Yes, severe, why?"

"Do you know what you did in school today?"

"Yes, I think, I spaced out a lot in class, weird dreams and nightmares, why?"

"I think I can help you with your amnesia. If you want me to."

"Yes," I said quickly. I could have the chance to fix my life. "I want you to help."

"Okay good," he said excited, too excited. "I need you to close your eyes, please."

"What, why?"

"For this work I need you to close your eyes and relax."

"Fine but is this what you wanted to talk about or a flimsy excuse to distract me?"

"It's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Alright," I say as I close my eyes. I hear his voice get closer until he's right in front of me. I feel him touch my arm. I instantly tense, it's reflex. He sighs, I felt it and tense more.

"I need you to relax, okay?"

I nodded, but it was harder said than done, he was too close. I jump, he touched me.

"I need you to relax here and here and here," he said touching my forearms and my forehead and thighs. I shiver but try to relax. I peek my right eye open to find Casey, inches from my face with his own eyes closed. His plush red lips slightly parted. I quickly closed my eyes, forcing myself to try to relax. "What's wrong? Is there something on your mind?" I could hear the concern in his voice. " Or is it because you think I don't know what I'm doing?" He was pouting now, I'm sure of it.

"I have something on my mind," I smirk. Your strawberry lips, so kissable. No, we're not going there. "Don't worry about it, school stuff."

"If you say so," he said disbelieving.

I continue to try relax, it's still hard. I finally begin to relax and unwind. "Good, stay like that," he muttered. There was silence then, I felt it. The softest pair of lips I've ever had the pleasure of tasting. My mind blanked more, when his tongue flickers over my lips, tugging slightly at my piercings. I moan softly, my lips parting slightly more. Then the gentlest french kiss I've ever had was placed on my lips. He treated sweet, almost like candy. I felt my fangs slide out and brush his bottom lip.

He shivered and pulled away. Casey pushed back from me. He ran towards the door. He flings it open, runs through it and slams it shut. The wind of the door slamming the door shut drowns out Casey's words.

I sat there shocked for awhile. After another long moment, I finally got, went up stairs and took a nap.

I'm sorry, Jake. I'm so sorry.

This isn't my first time writing a story but the first time I have people other than friends reading my stories. I hope you've have been enjoying the story. I certainly am. I'm very serious about this book so any and every grammar mistake I make comment me and let me know. If you have my suggestions on how the story should go also comment me. Also give me feedback. I love feedback. I love knowing how I'm doing with the story. Do enjoy and stay supernatural!

KorolevaDeathcreators' thoughts