
My Only Piece of Candy

KorolevaDeath · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

It was still chasing me. What the hell is going on, I thought. The creature is furry yet hairless. It is a gruesome six foot on all fours and double that on two legs. It has two eye sockets with no eyes and a gaping hole where its mouth should be, but isn't. I'm sure I've running for hours but time says it's only been forty minutes. The creature, beast, monster, demon, never relented in its chase after me for some odd reason. But it finally caught and trapped me. Shit, am I going to survive this. Probably not, I thought, shit. Its claws ripped into tender flesh. I screamed and hollered and yelled in desperation for a help I knew I would never, ever get. More and more flesh-

I am startled awake by someone shaking me and yelling my name. I sit up quickly and looked up at someone with wide eyes.

"Jake, are you ok?" Candy almost screamed in my face. She decided since I didn't answer immediately more shaking was needed.

"Yes. Stop. Candy, stop. Candy, I said stop!" I yelled in annoyance. Forcing her to let me go. "Sorry, didn't mean to yell at you."

"It's okay," she said as she presses a soft kiss to my lips. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, just a bad dream," I said, trying to wave out off. She won't let it go.


"For the last time, I'm fine it was just a dream," I tried reassuring Candy for the tenth time. "Can you drop it, I have track practice, please?"

"Fine," she pouts but pins against the wall beside me.

"Are you sure you want to venture here on school grounds?" I smirk and grab her by the waist. I knew I already had the mischievous glint in my violet eyes.

She didn't say anything, only smashed her soft lips against my softer ones. Yes, I pay that much attention. I kissed back with more passion than she had expected. Candy recovered quickly nipping at my lip piercing on both sides, licking my lips asking for entrance. I groaned parting my lips slightly. She took that as a yes and slipped her tongue in my mouth, sliding it against my own. I fisted a handful of her hair, maneuvering her for better access. I flip around, pressing her against the wall deepening the kiss. She moans and wraps her legs around my waist, pressing her huge tits against me. I hoist her up fixing her position, making it better.

"Erhm," a teacher passing by said to us. "Go home if you want to do all that," She gesturing the position we are in.

"Oh sorry, ma'am," I say, letting Candy down and pulling away from. There was no way to hide my scarlet flushed cheeks.

"You know better, Jake" she said as she walked away.

"Well, um, bye Candy," I said quickly, as I ran down the opposite way. "I'm going to be late for track practice."

"Oh okay," She said meekly, as she watched me go.


"You're ten minutes late, dude," one of the track runners said.

"I know, I know," I said, "I was with my girlfriend. We were busy."

"Oh, hot sex with Candy again. Aren't you just a pair of horny teenagers," another one snickered.

I knew my face was bright red. I felt the heat rush to my face. "No, no sex. We've never had sex. And if anyone is horny it'd be you guys, you've fucked almost every female in the school including the teachers."

"Hey, none of that in the locker room or track! Do you all understand?" coach said.

"Yes," we all chorused.

We all finished dressing and headed out to the track and did all our usually drills. The stretches, then the speed drills, the endurance drills and all the others. I am bored. I finished all the drills before everyone else and now I'm just sitting here. A boy with chestnut hair runs past me. The kid is fast, he is the new addition to our track team. He's tall for fifteen and I'm five foot, nine. The kid is six foot, two inches.