

" Who do you think you are? Daring to enter my office like that? " A soft profound voice inquired as she turned out to look at the direction in which a young man in his late thirties made his way in from the main entrance of the chamber. " I am the Devil and I don't need to ask for permission when I make an entry in my premises. " A deep voice stated as he sat on the chair in the last had vacated a while ago by the curvy lady who stood by the window sipping down her booze

RoseNdungu · Ciudad
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14 Chs

A New Ceo

" Come in, " A deep voice stated

I unfurled the door to make my way in only to be met with these luxurious leather seats that made my heart halt before it started racing I did not know for how long I stood by the door when I was collected back with a deep voice behind me.

" You must be Adriana? " A deep voice inquired which astonished me for a moment.

" Ooh.. Ooh my God, You almost startled me. " I stated almost stammering on my first day meeting the owner of the company that has offered work to 1000 people in the building the ironic thing is that I am going to resign. My heart sank at the thought of it.

" Have a seat, please, " He stated and I felt like I heard the iced voice before but The Tall body that towered in the room with his intimidating body and his steps echoed through the room had caught my attention that I was left glued and numb to where he left me a second ago before I heard a loud bag on the table which caught my attention.

" I am sorry, I was just lost in my mind that... " I stated before I was cut short.

" Could you have a seat please, I need to have a word with you. " He stated with a soft polite voice.

" Thank you, sir, " I stated as I strolled to take my seat that we're located opposite where he sat and as I took my seat I smelled the scent which smelt familiar like the man I meant yesterday night.

" Could it be him? " I murmured to myself in my mind doubtfully

" I have a new deal for you, You can go through it you can take your time and you can give me your feedback when you are ready. " He stated as he pushed some printed papers to the side I was seated.

" Sir, I would like to pass on my resignation letter. " I stated as I picked out an envelope from my purse and pushed it to his side.

" What if I don't accept it and file a case against bleach of contract, Do you know how many years you can spend behind bars? " He inquired with a profound voice as his serious gaze stuck on mine.

" But you have not yet signed my contract. " I stated boastfully with the hope that he did not sign it.

" Well, I did sign it yesterday. So are you going to pick the deal or are you going to push over for this? " He inquired as he pushed the envelope back to me.

" Okay I will take the deal but I will have conditions that I want to be met," I stated confidently even before I checked on the printed deal.

" Okay, Go ahead, I am all ears." He stated which caught me off guard.

" I would like to work outside the city and I need no one to trace me to where I live. " I started waiting for a mockery voice but what he stated with a profound voice astonished me.

" Anything else? " He inquired with his gaze on my gaze.

" Nothing else, Sir. " I stated before I picked up the pen and placed my signature on the signature text box on the five printed papers.

" Aren't you going to look through the agreement and policies? " He inquired

" I will later in my office, I am glad that my condition will be met which means I will be still alive. " I stated as pushed the signed documents back to him.

" Okay, Congratulations on your new post, Madam CEO. " He stated as he stretched his hand after he rose.

" What do you mean by CEO? " I inquired confused

" You signed for that position and I will hand you a copy of this personally. " He stated as a smirk of a smile curved on his face.

" Tell me this is a joke and wait why did I become a CEO so fast, I am only one day old here and I don't know how to even run myself how will I do all these people? " I inquired still dumbfounded by everything that was happening right under my eyesight as my heart was racing. I felt like having a second chance was worth it. I had a mixture of feelings and I couldn't share this happiness with anyone close since everyone with whom I could share it with we're dead and the alive ones betrayed me.

" I know this has caught you by surprise but I would like to tell you that you can do this and I will be here to support you every step of the way to greatness. There is nothing to worry about. " He stated

" Okay, Thank you for your inspirational words, I think I should be leaving so that I can digest all of this. " I stated as I shook his hand and I was about to stroll from the office when I was halfway he halted me.

" Wait, You should go home and park your stuff as the agencies will help you to allocate to your new premises and one more thing, please there is no one else who knows about this and I would like to say this on Monday during the board meeting. This will be for your safety and I wouldn't like to lose you as a leader. " He stated as he resumed to his seat.

" Okay, Noted. " I stated

" One more thing is please get adequate sleep, you look pale. " He stated

" Okay, I will. " I stated as I strolled out of the office my heart was racing against my chest and I couldn't hide it as I made it inside the elevator I shouted out of joy as tears surged down my cheeks. I pressed the button on the ground floor.

Back in the CEO's office, a deep laughter is given attention to

" Are Sure she didn't recognize you? " A deep voice inquired as he gulped down the booze near the window.

" She seems nice and I sent the agencies to relocate her to my mansion in the countryside. " The CEO stated

" I won't judge you sir but I hope you made the right decision. " He stated as he turned and he poured himself a drink.

" Simon, do you think I went too far? I know this is the smallest company I own and I don't know if I decided to make this decision with my feelings which I am even confused about. I spent the whole night thinking about it. " He stated

" I did a background check and she had no family or relative left and her best friend betrayed her with her boyfriend. " Simon stated

" Why did you not tell me that earlier? " The CEO inquired

" Martha told me that you were in an important meeting and you did not want to be interrupted. " Simon stated

" Okay, I now know why she wished to relocate and had the resignation letter.... " The CEO was cut short.

" What do you mean by resignation letter? " Simon inquired shocked

" I think last night's incident with the gun, The boyfriend had gotten into her mind. I wish you were here to see her reaction. " The CEO stated

" I am glad she will soon be through this. " Simon stated

" That is why I am signing you to her bodyguard and to let me know her every move. I have no one else that I can trust." The CEO stated

" Are you sure boss this is the right choice boss? " I inquired

" Yes, I am sure of it. " The CEO stated

" Okay, Your wish is my command, Sir but I won't lie that I won't miss you at all. " Simon stated

" I know you will and thank you for being here like a brother and friend I would like for you to take care of her like a sister-in-law. I will be back after a couple of months. You should go and take care of her, I know that she must be overwhelmed by everything, and she might end up doing something crazy for sure. " The CEO stated

" Okay, Brother I will take care of her, I will be on my way off. "Simon stated as he gave him a tight hug.

" What a day! Yesterday was a horrible day for me. I can't even believe that I can run a company. I didn't believe that my revenge would be served this soon. Who is like me, The CEO herself one year of being unemployed, One day working as an employee and the next day a CEO. I thought it would have taken me the whole century to make this happen. Wait, I am confused, I even don't know his name. I shouldn't mind that. I am getting a salary and I will be living my dream life. Why should I be even worried about it? " Ariana murmured to herself when she was interrupted by her phone buzzing from her purse she was almost to her apartment so she decided to not park up but call when she made her way there where she was astonished by what caught her sight, The numerous vehicles parked outside her apartment and some on the roadside.

" Wait, What is happening here? " I inquired to myself as I parked on the roadside after noting that all the parking space was occupied