

" Who do you think you are? Daring to enter my office like that? " A soft profound voice inquired as she turned out to look at the direction in which a young man in his late thirties made his way in from the main entrance of the chamber. " I am the Devil and I don't need to ask for permission when I make an entry in my premises. " A deep voice stated as he sat on the chair in the last had vacated a while ago by the curvy lady who stood by the window sipping down her booze

RoseNdungu · Urban
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14 Chs

The last night together

I was just unpacking the food that I had ordered from the carrier bag when I heard the doorbell to my apartment ring.

" That was fast, I thought she would be taking longer," I uttered to myself as I opened the door to my apartment and I found no one on the doorstand but an envelope. I took the envelope after searching around but didn't get to see anyone who delivered the envelope. I was yet to find another mystery of my life in it, in just a day.

" Today has been a weird day. " I stated before I gazed at the wall clock it was half to midnight and I unfurled the envelope only to find a couple of intimate photos that my eyesight couldn't believe. I felt like ending my life After a few minutes in which I sat on my couch trying to digest everything, I heard the doorbell ring and a phone call from Lorraine and I knew she was the one at the door.

" Hey, I finally made it, See I brought wine, We will have a long weekend and I am sorry I didn't call earlier in the day but I couldn't wait till tomorrow you tell me the whole story of your first day at work. " Lorraine stated as she gave me a tight hug before breaking the hug and strolling to place the carrier bag on the kitchen counter and grab the two glasses. She knew all the corners of my apartment since she had the keys and she roamed every corner of the room at her own will. Lorraine unfurled the wine and gushed down full on the glass as I stood numb on the door after matching it close after her. She handed me one of the glasses of wine as she pulled me towards the couch in my small living room. I did not have much time to hide the photos that were scattered on the small coffee table since I was disgusted with her. I didn't know that she could stab me in my back and I felt like she had pierced a sharp thing through my chest and every second of it she turned the knife inside my wound and the pain was getting unbearable. I treated her like a sister, like family.

" What the f**k! Babe, where did you get all of this? " Lorraine who had placed her glass of wine which was halfway on the coffee table inquired startled by herself naked with Marcelo.

" Why don't you tell me, I think you have a lot to explain. " I stated trying to keep my composure as calm as possible since my emotions were going to take the best of me and I didn't want that to happen especially in front of my enemy and I had to remain flawless.

" It's not what you think... Think. " Lorraine stated as she stammered as my eyes intensified

" What do you want I believe this time. " I stated calmly as I clutched my tiny hands together I felt like beating the hell the devil out of her.

" I know I overstepped this but I didn't want you to find out this way," Lorraine stated remorseful.

" I took you like a sister and wait you were the one who said that you wanted us to get married and you even have a child with him. F*ck I feel disgusted, Even Mary had to watch his father with another woman, seriously and what about your boyfriend, or was it just your plan still for me not to find out. " I inquired as I felt like puking out my empty stomach.

" I am sorry, I put made you go through this," Lorraine stated as tears plunged down her cheeks.

" What about the threat of Killing me or did he personally send you to kill me? " I inquired calmly

" I am sorry but he wouldn't do that, He loves you so much. " Lorraine stated

" Hahaha, This is getting fun, So if it's not him that means it's you and you came to finish me off."

I stated calmly as I watched her expression.

" No, no, no, I cannot do that, You know me well off, even a mosquito itself I cannot kill it how can you think of me that way? " Lorraine stated with a shocked expression.

" I don't know anything about you at all, You even went to the extent of threatening to kill me. I think it's best you leave, I am not comfortable with you being here and don't forget to carry back your food on your way out. " I stated firmly.

" You cannot do this to us... Please "Lorraine pleaded to Ariana's feet.

" You would have thought of that three months ago when you introduced me to your husband. " I stated and I felt like splashing the wine on my hand on her face but that would cost my furniture and carpet and I did not want to since I was going to resign from the company today since I had not finished the formalities and the process was going to end today with the Ceo signing my contract for the company.

" It happened so first and I became jealous but I didn't mean to threaten you. I am sorry, Please forgive me let's start things over again. " Lorraine stated

" Start what? Why did I not even recognize you earlier? " I inquired with a frustrated look.

" I wanted you to have people who could stand with you. " Lorraine stated

" Then you could snatch them away when you feel you have it all and come pretend that you care. Well, go tell your husband that his mission failed and I don't want to ever see either him or you again, and he must have told you what happened to him earlier. So for God's sake leave my sight before I do something I will regret. " I stated

" Okay, I will leave you and please consider... " Lorraine stated as he left I scurried to close the door and sat behind the door on the cold tiles tears drew on my cheeks and I didn't know when I took a nap and I was woken by my alarm from my phone at around 6 am as the birds sang their melody, It was my second day at work and I wanted to forward my resignation letter so that I can know what to do with my life and I didn't want to ever see their faces again. I had finished taking my shower and I warmed the food that I hadn't touched after I ordered, It was still fresh and I was done dishing my breakfast, it was a new day for me and I picked up my bag and car keys and I started my car and in a few minutes, I had made my way to Britain company. I went straight to the secretary to the CEO where I had dropped my contracted papers and he was not there to sign them up he would be arriving at 9 am in the office and before he made it I wished to have my resignation letter before he signed for the contract. I had made it to the 8th floor of the building that was not occupied and I strolled through the empty hallway to a desk that was at the corner of the hallway to a lady who was seated

" Hey, Good morning, Mrs Martha. Is Mr. CEO around? " I inquired in a low soft voice

" You must be the new employee from the 5th floor, Are you Adriana Santiago? " Martha inquired

" Yes, that's me, " I replied

" The CEO requested to speak to you in his office. " Martha stated

" Is he in his office?" I inquired curiously

" Yes, he is, Just a minute let me inform him. " Martha stated as he dialed some digits on the office telephone line.

" Hello, Sir, Mrs Adriana is here, Can I allow her to come in? " Martha inquired

" Yes, Sure. " A deep voice stated

" Yes, you can go in. " Martha stated as she placed back the telephone.

'Knock, knock. ' A knock is given attention on the enormous wooden door.