
my new life in highschool dxd

Ahmed_Dazumi · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 44: a milf is in love with me

**New Stats After Celestial Genesis Technique Activation:**

- **Physical Stats:**

- Strength:350

- Agility: 325

- Endurance: 342

Title: avenger (horizon avenger)

Perks of The Avenger:**

1. **Vengeful Resolve:** Increased strength and agility during battles against those who have wronged me.

2. **Recovery of the Resolute:** Accelerated healing and recovery after overcoming significant challenges.

3. **Avenging Aura:** An aura that instills fear in adversaries, diminishing their morale and weakening their attacks.

- **Cultivation Stats:**

- Cultivation Level: spirit refinement Stage (7th Stage)

- Cultivation Physique: Divine Ascendant Body

- Elemental Affinity: All Elements

- **Skills:**

1. Qi Control - Level 35

2. Martial Arts - Level 32

3. Elemental Manipulation - Level 33

4. Meditation Mastery - Level 34

5. Gale Palm - Level 33

6. Harmony Breath - Level 34

7. Wind Steps - Level 29

8. Meridian Cleansing Techniques - Level 28

9. **Sword Mastery Techniques:**

- Whirlwind Waltz - Level 29

- Tempest Slicer - Level 32

- Frost Bite Gale Slash - Level 26 (Unlocked after Celestial Genesis Technique)

- Inferno Lotus Fist - Level 32

- Cosmic Veil - Level 28

- inferno burst- level 3

- **Special Skills:**

1. Alchemy - Level 28

2. Formation Crafting - Level 30

- **Celestial Genesis Technique Enhancements:**

- Starlight Infusion Mastery - Level 3

- Elemental Fusion Proficiency - Level 2

- Astral Projection Initiation - Level 1


- Avengers Edge (Empowered after Celestial Genesis Technique)

**Additional Traits:**

- Celestial Awareness: Enhanced ability to sense celestial forces, providing advanced foresight during battles.

- Eternal Youth: The Celestial Genesis Technique further extends lifespan, granting the prospect of enduring vitality.

- Cosmic Resilience: Increased resistance to celestial and elemental attacks due to the mastery of Starlight Infusion and Elemental Fusion.

As Issei and I wrapped up our training session, we returned home to the familiar surroundings of our shared residence. Yue, our newly adopted little sister, greeted us with a bright smile as we entered. The playful atmosphere of the home seemed to melt away the strains of cultivation, and for a moment, we were just a regular family.

Issei:Hey, little one! How was your day?

Issei ruffled Yue's hair, his cheerful demeanor infectious.

Yue giggled, her eyes sparkling with delight.

Yue:It was fun! I drew some pictures today.

Kousei:that's awesome! I can't wait to see them

I replied, crouching down to her level. The warmth of family bonds enveloped us, shielding Yue from the complexities of the supernatural world we often navigated.

Issei shot me a curious glance.

Issei:Kousei, have you thought about when we'll start teaching Yue about, you know, the supernatural stuff?

I sighed, a thoughtful expression crossing my face.

Kousei:I think it's best to let her enjoy a normal childhood for now. There's plenty of time for her to learn about our world. She's special I want her to spend more of her time as a little girl Kousei if the devil race infact the three factions ever discovered her bro there would be another great war Let's keep her innocence intact as long as we can.

Issei nodded in agreement.

Issei:True, she deserves a carefree childhood. We can introduce her gradually when she's older and better equipped to understand.

Yue, oblivious to our conversation, tugged at my sleeve.

Yue:Can we play a game, big brother Kousei?

A smile formed on my lips.

Kousei:Of course, Yue! What game do you want to play?

She pondered for a moment before brightening up.

Yue:Hide and seek!

Issei chuckled, always up for a playful diversion.

Issei-Alright, I'll be the seeker first! You two go hide.

As we engaged in the lighthearted game, the walls of our home echoed with laughter, creating an idyllic scene that contrasted sharply with the challenges we faced in the supernatural realm. It was moments like these that reminded us of the importance of preserving the simplicity and joy of family life, shielding Yue from the darker aspects of our existence.

As the game continued and Yue's laughter filled the air, the bonds of our unconventional family grew stronger, providing solace and strength amid the unpredictable journey of cultivation and the supernatural.

Akeno's first-person view

As I sat down for breakfast, the anticipation for my first day of high school bubbled within me. Kousei had promised to accompany me, and I couldn't help but smile at the thought. My mom, Shuri, noticed my excitement and couldn't resist teasing me about my boyfriend.

Shuri:Someone seems eager for today. Is it because Kousei will be by your side?

she playfully remarked, a knowing glint in her eyes.

Blushing, I replied

Akeno:mom, you've known about us for a while now.

Shuri chuckled, her teasing tone persisting.

Shuri:Of course, dear. I'm just glad you found someone special. Kousei is a good young man.

Appreciating her support, I smiled back.

Akeno:Thanks, Mom. It means a lot.

She winked at me.

Shuri:Now, finish your breakfast and get ready for your first day. I'm sure Kousei is waiting.

Taking her advice, I focused on my meal, feeling a mix of excitement and gratitude for having someone like Kousei in my life. Today was not just the beginning of high school but another chapter in our journey together.

Akeno: so mom when are you going to admit feelings for my Kousei

Shuri chuckled at my question, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Shuri:Oh, Akeno, you're just as perceptive as ever. I can see why you and Kousei get along so well.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her response.

Akeno:Mom, that doesn't answer my question. Are you developing romantic feelings for Kousei?

She leaned back, sipping her tea before giving me a thoughtful look.

Shuri:Sweetie, love comes in many forms. What I feel for Kousei is a deep appreciation and fondness. He's become like family to us, yes I do love him

I couldn't help but press further.

Akeno:But Mom, he's my boyfriend. Doesn't it bother you?

Shuri smiled warmly.

Shuri:Not at all, Akeno. In fact, it brings me joy to see you happy. Kousei is a wonderful young man, and if he brings joy and love into your life, then that's what matters most to me.

As she spoke, I sensed the sincerity in her words. Shuri had always been supportive, and her openness about emotions made our relationship stronger.

Akeno:But Mom, I've noticed you two spending a lot of time together

I pointed out.

She chuckled again.

Shuri:Well, we do share common interests, and Kousei is great company. It's not about romantic feelings, dear, but rather a genuine connection between us. After all, family extends beyond blood, and Kousei has become a part of our family.

Her words resonated with me, and I nodded, understanding the depth of her sentiments. Our home was filled with warmth, and I appreciated Shuri's ability to embrace the relationships that brought happiness to our lives.

As I finished my breakfast, a sense of gratitude washed over me. Not only did I have Kousei by my side, but I also had a mother who valued love in all its forms, creating a supportive environment for our unique family.

Akeno: mom I'm your daughter you can't lie to me

Shuri's eyes widened in surprise, and then she burst into laughter.

Shuri:Well, it seems my daughter has seen through my attempts at secrecy. You've got quite the intuition, Akeno.

I grinned mischievously.

Akeno:Mom, it's written all over your face. So spill it – what are your true feelings?

She leaned back, still chuckling.

Shuri:Alright, alright. Maybe, just maybe, there's a bit more to it than I let on. Kousei is a remarkable young man, and spending time with him has been delightful. I won't deny that there's a special connection between us.

She looked away with a red face

I arched an eyebrow playfully.

Akeno:pecial connection? Mom, you're blushing!

Shuri feigned innocence.

Shuri: Ara Ara~ Oh, am I? Well, it's not every day your daughter catches you harboring secret feelings. But, Akeno, it's important to understand that these feelings don't change the fact that Kousei is your boyfriend. I would never want to intrude on your relationship.

I nodded, appreciating her honesty.

Akeno:Mom, you know I don't mind. If you and Kousei have a connection, I'm happy for both of you. Besides, it's like you said – family extends beyond blood sharing his caring

Shuri's expression softened.

Shuri:Thank you, Akeno. You're mature beyond your years. I value our openness and the love we share as a family. Kousei has brought something special into our lives, and I'm grateful for that.

Akeno: I know how you look at him and I don't Blame you for having such feelings

Shuri's voice wavered with sincerity as she began to express her feelings.

Shuri:akeno, from the moment Kousei accepted your fallen angel heritage, I knew there was something special about him. His kindness, his strength, and the sacrifices he's made to protect us—it all touched my heart deeply.

She paused, collecting her thoughts before continuing.

Shuri:When he faced danger and nearly lost his life fighting off the Himejima clan for us, I felt a surge of emotions. It was then that I realized how much I love him, Akeno. His selflessness, his dedication—it's something truly extraordinary.

Tears welled up in Shuri's eyes, reflecting the depth of her emotions.

Shuri:Akeno, you're lucky to have him as a boyfriend, but my feelings for him go beyond that. I cherish every moment we spend together, and I can't help but imagine a future where we can be more than just friends. I love Kousei, Akeno, and it's a love that has grown with each passing day.

Listening to my mother's heartfelt confession, I felt a mixture of emotions—surprise, understanding, and a sense of responsibility to navigate the delicate dynamics within our unconventional family. "Mom," I said gently,

Akeno:I'll talk to Kousei about this. We'll find a way to address your feelings and ensure that our family bond remains strong.

As Shuri wiped away her tears with a grateful smile, I couldn't help but acknowledge the complexities of love that had woven their way into our lives

Shuri's words lingered in the air, carrying a profound weight that needed to be addressed. I looked at her, appreciating the honesty and vulnerability in her admission.

Akeno:Mom, I appreciate your openness and honesty. It means a lot to me that you trust me with your feelings.

Shuri nodded, her eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and anticipation.

Shuri:Akeno, you're like a beacon of understanding. I know our family dynamic is unique, and it's not something everyone would easily comprehend. But you've always been accepting and supportive, and I can't thank you enough for that.

I took a deep breath, considering the delicate situation.

Akeno:Mom, I want you to know that Kousei is a crucial part of our lives, and his well-being matters to both of us. Whatever unfolds, let's ensure that our family remains a source of love and support for each other.

Shuri smiled, her warmth returning.

Shuri:You truly are remarkable, Akeno. I knew I could trust you with my feelings. Sharing Kousei with you doesn't diminish my love for him; instead, it adds another layer to the tapestry of our family.

As we continued to discuss our emotions and navigate the intricacies of our relationships, a sense of unity prevailed. The foundation of our family was built on understanding, acceptance, and a willingness to embrace the complexities that life presented. In the end, the love that bound us together proved resilient, transcending the boundaries of conventionality.

The realization echoed in my mind, reverberating through the chambers of my thoughts. The prospect of sharing Kousei, my beloved boyfriend, with my own mom was like stepping into an unexplored labyrinth of emotions. The path ahead seemed complex, laden with uncertainties and questions that begged for contemplation.

In the quiet recesses of my mind, the first whispers of disbelief emerged. How had we arrived at this unexpected juncture where the lines between familial bonds and romantic connections blurred? The mere idea challenged the conventional norms that had shaped my understanding of relationships, creating a sense of surrealism that danced on the edges of my consciousness.

As I navigated through the labyrinth of emotions, a subtle undercurrent of insecurity seeped in. Would sharing Kousei alter the foundation of our family dynamics? Could this newfound arrangement bring about complications that tested the resilience of our connections? The questions hung in the air, casting shadows over the solidity of the relationships we had known.

Yet, interwoven with the uncertainty was a strand of understanding. Kousei, with his unwavering support and strength, had been an anchor for both me and my mom. The acknowledgment that he could play a dual role in our hearts felt like a testament to the depth of our connections, a recognition of the unique tapestry that defined our family.

Compassion emerged as a guiding light amidst the emotional labyrinth. My mom's admission of love and vulnerability unveiled a side that transcended the conventional boundaries of motherhood. Empathy welled up within me, recognizing her longing for a connection that went beyond traditional roles. In that recognition, a seed of acceptance took root.

As the inner dialogue unfolded, I grappled with the complexity of emotions. The journey ahead, marked by the shared love for Kousei, held the potential for growth, understanding, and a redefinition of familial bonds. The uncharted territory beckoned, and with open hearts and honest communication, perhaps we could navigate the labyrinth and emerge on the other side with a deeper understanding of love's transformative power.