
My Mutation System

A creature over 8 feet tall, completely covered with black fur, a large snort on its face and teeth so sharp that they could rip apart flesh and bones without much effort, claws almost 5 inches long which could tear anything to shreds, pointing ears which could hear the heartbeat of whatever stood before it and black ears which depicted blindness of this creature. A creature resemblance to a werewolf and one stood before it, unmoving and almost incapable of breathing. Ray couldn't move as he stood before this beast, only his legs moved, rattling in fear. Without a doubt, if he didn't do something he would... die. Mustering all courage he could, Ray looked away from the creature, unto the starites in his hand and without a second thought, ate it. Screams of excruciating pain could be heard from Ray as bone like wings burst out of his back, as if trying earnestly to reveal it's existence, his hands and legs broke and reformed again, enlarging and shedding off skin leaving only large elongated bones and black blood which continued to gush out from all over his body. Tentacles with eyes burst out through the lower part of his back and finally feathers formed over his wings and arm. The transformation had come to a halt and opening up his now completely black eyes, Ray said "it's Incomplete" ********** This is the story of a young boy named Ray Renard who got the mutation system and is trying to survive in the military academy and the world while trying to find out the truth about the mutant system, abilities, Terans, pureblood, keepers family and so much more. Follow him on this journey of fun and survival. Author's note:I am a fan of my vampire system so this novel might be similar in a way but I really wish for your support and time so read and enjoy. Also the cover photo isn't mine and I hope to change it if I reach far into the story and if you all cooperate with me. Thank you for reading.

OJE_Novels · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Ray's Life

In this new world, in order to train the next generation to come. The military powers have taken the burden to take in students who have attained the age of sixteen, to teach and train them at various military academies.

The academies were all situated into many military zones which the students are to be taught for three years, classified into first, second and third year students. And a certain boy falls into that category, he had just arrived from his normal school, he turned 16 yesterday and would be going to school today.

"What a bummer"

He sighed while scratching his short blonde hair. This young blonde has a finely chiseled face, great jawline and sky-blue eyes which always seemed to have a glimmer in them that drew people in.

It would be a lie to say that, this boy wasn't a high-class handsome but when you're as weak as he is, it didn't seem to matter. Exhausted, he fell face first onto his bed at his apartment as painful memories of his past flood into his mind.


The young boy with blonde hair laid on the hard floor, spitting out some blood as someone steps on his head.

"You're pathetic, Ray"

The one marching on the blonde boy named Ray spoke up and with it, laughter encircles from others male students.

"This world isn't fair, Ray so just give in already, we don't got all day, right boys?!"

"Yeah, yeah!!!"

The leader of the group had a sinister smile hearing his boys reply for he already knew Ray's reply.

"Yeah, it isn't fair"

Slowly, Ray got up from the floor with weird grin on his face.

"But even if it isn't, that doesn't mean I won't fight back!"

Ray yelled before a strong punch landed on his face.

"Get him, boys!"

Their leader shouted signaling his guys to beat Ray up as they rush in, pouncing on Ray and pummeling him mercilessily. Ray remembered this memory and countless others which had happened to him in his school days, all due to his weakness, all due to the category, he apparently and unfortunately fell into.

The abilitiless, those who are incapable of learning an ability. They are rarely found in the earth as it is estimated that only 1% of the earth population are abilitiless and for some reason only God knows why, Ray was part of that 1% and he has been shun from society all his life.

Ray has no parents as he lost his parents in the war but it didn't bother him so much since he couldn't remember anything about his parents, he couldn't even remember their face as he was a little kid when they died and left him to survive on his own.

Ray didn't also know of any of his parent's family members if he had one so he slowly became poor and lost in his tracks till he was taken to an orphanage where he met a new family and then immediately he was there, all the needs of the orphanage were being paid for, from food to clothing and to educated teachers which taught them personally at the orphanage and when he turned 13, he was unanimously provided an apartment room where all the rentals and furnitures were already paid for and was to be provided food every day at the apartment so he had to leave his new family to stay at the apartment but before he left, he was told of everything that had changed in the orphanage due to his coming by the orphanage caretaker, stating to him that someone was watching over him from the dark but nevertheless, he had to say his goodbyes leaving for the new home and getting ready for highschool.

Getting into highschool, Ray worked hard to be the best of the best in knowledge and overall physique but lacking in power as he came to know of the pained truth of his category after successfully buying an ability manual, only for him to be incapable of using it, selling it back for cash. This had been Ray's life till now, trying to live and fight back bullies who bully others because they have been bullied but in Ray's case, that wasn't the total reason.

"My handsomeness is a curse!"

Ray screamed into his bed, remembering the hatred of the boys due to almost every girl in their school liking him as he had superior beauty, physique and knowledge over others and also partly due to Ray's caring and pure heart. Nevertheless, he still fought back against being bullied even if he always loses to anyone, even a level 1 ability user.

Ray kept on fighting back, not giving in because the treatment received by weaklings who give in to the strong is worse than those who still fight back. This is because bullies don't like to bully those who always bite back at them. Now here is Ray, graduated highschool student but still a loser with no friends, Ray bit his lips hard at the thought so he wouldn't waste his energy to let out a furious scream.

Looking up at the ceiling, Ray thought about how it seemed to be that the world has changed so much, a world where only strong ability users rule while weak ability losers lick the feet of the strong ones. Well, it had always been the system of the world, just a little different due to the existence of abilities. Ray's eyes wandered around his room, a tv, a small kitchen, a bath room and toilet and the comfortable bed he laid on.

"I really need to thank the person who paid for all this if I ever get to meet him or her"

Ray thought now staring at the ceiling, being lost in his own imagination till a knock on the door brings him back to Earth. Getting up from his bed, Ray got to the door, opening it he saw a familiar face.

"Will you be eating now?"

It was a blue-haired girl in a maid outfit who had a smile on her which could charm many dudes, you could include Ray in that category.

"Thanks, Sona but I'm not hungry yet, besides I'll soon be leaving for military academy"

Her name was Sona, a girl who always wore a cute maid outfit which Ray knew nothing much about apart from that she was sent by the one who paid for the apartment to provide him with food and water everyday. It was strange to say the least but Ray wasn't bothered much by it because it was free food and it wasn't poisoned or anything.

Ray had been trying to get information out of her every freaking day but she never seemed to budge and she also seemed to carry high authority as she always gets what she wants whenever she shows a badge of an phoenix with a head of a dragon.

Ray actually wanted to steal that badge from her before but first, he didn't want to get his butt kick and second was because she saw right through him, telling him not to try it. Searching for information about the badge, Ray could only find out that it was the mark of a hidden governmental power whose name he did not know but that didn't bother him.

"If that's the case then I'll be going then, I only hope you can survive it as an abilitiless"

The last path of Sona's words were mumbles but he still heard it and it made realize something, he was going to military academy as an abilitiless when ability is everything at a military academy. Ray's heart fell at the thought.

Sona waved a goodbye before leaving Ray in the broken state he was, just staring at the spot she stood before till he manage to get a grip on himself, shaking his head and closing the door. Ray slowly fell to his bed with a smile as he thought.

"I think I brought my hopes up too much, the world is different, no I'm different, an abilitiless who dreams on getting a life in a world of abilities. Damn, what was I thinking?, I need to call off going to military school and go get a life as a cleaner or something"

Getting up, Ray planed to do just that till...




"Hello, is anyone there, I am sergeant Philip, ready to take you to military school"
