
My Multi Billionaire Grandfather.

Those are divorce papers you should sign them right away and leave, those words were said by Allison May who was married to Chuck Wallen. Their marriage was arranged by Allison's grandfather when he was still alive but ever since he died Allison has been looking forward to divorce him and with the help of her new found boyfriend, he managed to get the documents signed by judge and upon tossing the document to Chuck, he told him to sign and leave their house. Chuck was later rescued by his unknown grandfather who was filthy rich.

Paul_Greens · Real
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27 Chs

The Introduction

My name is Louis Stedman, I am the heir of the Stedman family which is one of the top 20 richest families in Baltimore city. One day I took my dad for treatment in one of the famous hospital in town which is Westminster hospital, we were received by a very beautiful lady who attracted me. I couldn't do anything at that moment since my dad Mr. Stedman was there, right there receiving his treatments which was being conducted by the beautiful lady infront of me. I managed to get her name when she introduced herself as Dr. Allison May. Once she was done, I took my father to wait for me in the car as I went back to get his medicine, all along my motives were to get the old man out of the way so I can get Dr. Allison's contacts details.

Soon as I took my dad to the car, I went back to the consultation room where we left Dr. Allison, I got there, knocked on the door and then i heard a womans voice asking me to get inside. Have you forgotten something? She asked in a very sweet voice which made my heart to skip a bit.

Yes sure I have forgotten to ask for your contacts details and to introduce myself properly. Is that so, why do you need my contacts details? she asked. let me not lie to you the moment I saw you my heart ached a bit and there and there I knew that you are the one for me, Said Louis. You are so straight forward you can't even flinch? Straight forward is my second name and flinching has never been in the list of my vocabulary, said Louis. and with that am sorry I haven't introduced myself properly.

My name is Louis Stedman the heir of Stedman family the man who you have just treated is my old man. With that being said what's your good name my queen? asked Louis. How on earth and when did I even became you queen Mr. Man or rather should I say Mr. handsome man?. Those words were like music to my ears especially the flattering words.

You can call me Dr. Allison or rather Allison May and am the heir of the May's family. What a beautiful name just like the owner. Can I have you contacts details I will give you a call and plan on seeing you another day, I don't want to keep the old man waiting he is so impatient. Alright here this is my contact details you can send me a message so that I can have you details as well.

Alright my queen I will leave you to attend to you patients hoping to see you soon, how about dinner on me in the evening?

Just give me a call I will let you know, Said Allison and with that am leaving. Louis got our of the room and went to the pharmacy to get his old man's medicine. Luckily at the pharmacy there was no one on the line so he got served and left helding to the parking lots. He got to the parking lots and as soon as he got into the car the driver drove them away. On their way home, he texted Allison the address and time where they should meet later that evening for dinner and within no time he got a reply that confirmed their dinner. He was so happy that he got himself smiling. What are you smiling at his father asked once he saw his son smiling. Nothing dad I have just remembered something. Are you mad or something how can you smile for nothing? Dad, I have told you that I have just remembered something am not smiling for nothing.

In the evening, Louis got out of his room and went straight to the parking lots, he got himself inside of an S Class Mercedes Benz and drove away towards the hotel where he was going to meet Allison. After about half an hour, he was at the parking lot of the hotel he called Allison before leaving the car to the hotel and he confirmed that Allison was almost there. He waited for her and within no time he saw a black BMW coming towards the parking he gazed to the direction where the BMW was parked only to see a beautiful lady coming out of the car, it was non other than Allison May herself. she was so beautiful with her dress which was fitting her curvaceous figure perfectly.

Louis couldn't wait any longer he got out of his Mercedes Benz and went direct to where Allison had parked her BMW. Hello gorgeous the true deffination of beauty finally you are here, he said. Stop flattering me, you are so handsome Mr. Man. the name is Louis. Louis Stedman. Alright I heard you. Then they both went direct to the entrance of the hotel. Upon seeing them, the waitress went to them and asked if they had booked a reservation.

Yes I personally booked a reservation under the name Louis Stedman you can check on your booking list. With that, the waitress took out a list from her pocket and checked name by name until she saw the name Louis Stedman on the list. Alright sir please follow me, she directed them to the table which has been reserved for them. Please wait as your food will be served to you shortly, she then left and after some few minutes, she was back with a tray of six different dishes, she placed the dishes on the table and then she left she later came back with a bottle of red wine and two glasses, Enjoy yourselves sir and Madam then she left.

Enjoy your food Allison May, you too Louis Stedman. They started eating and after almost half and hour, they were both done, Louis poured the red wine in a glass and passed it to Allison then he poured his own. Cheers, they tossed and after some few minutes, they were done then they started chatting. Allison was hesitant to tell Louis that she was in an arranged marriage with a man who she didn't love. However, she gained the courage and she opened up.

Look it's like this, when my grandpa was arrive, he brought this guy home and he introduced him as Chuck he then told us that Chuck will living with us since he didn't have a place of his own. He was living with his Aunt who later died of cancer. No one bothered to pay attention to what the old man was saying he later made Chuck his personal driver and later they became best of friends to appoint he use to treat him as one of his own grandson.

Later on as we were all having dinner, my grandfather came up with a very bad news telling us that he has already arranged a marriage between me and Chuck. My mother and I tried to oppose but he was the head of the family and whatever he said goes. I was left with no option rather than getting married to that good for nothing Chuck. Before my grandfather died he insisted that we should give him a grandson he kept nagging until one day he threatened that he will not leave any of his properties and wealth to us. My mother talked me out and I got pregnant just to secure our wealth once the old man dies.

Although we were living in the same room, I never liked the idea of sharing the same bed with that looser so he use to sleeping on the floor when I was the one sleeping on the bed. Later on after I gave birth my grandfather passed away and since then Chuck had never slept in my room, together with my mother we sent him out and he has been sleeping in the store.