
My Multi Billionaire Grandfather.

Those are divorce papers you should sign them right away and leave, those words were said by Allison May who was married to Chuck Wallen. Their marriage was arranged by Allison's grandfather when he was still alive but ever since he died Allison has been looking forward to divorce him and with the help of her new found boyfriend, he managed to get the documents signed by judge and upon tossing the document to Chuck, he told him to sign and leave their house. Chuck was later rescued by his unknown grandfather who was filthy rich.

Paul_Greens · Realistic
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27 Chs

Dinner With Louis Stedman

Allison sighed a sign of relief when he was done with narrating her story to Louis. And that's how I got married to the person I never liked, Allison said. Ever since the demise of my grandfather, I have been looking forward to divorce the man. However , i have no idea on how or where to start the process, my mother promised me that she will look into it so I have been waiting for her to one day hit me with the news that she has information of how to go through a divorce, hoping that day that i have been waiting for will soon come and set me free from that good for nothing husband of mine.

With that, Louis was so shocked but on the other hand, he was happy to hear that the beautiful lady that he has eyed on want to get a divorce. I can help with that, he said, but with one condition. And what is your condition Mr. man? she asked. If only you will agree to become mine I will help you with the divorce process. You really are joking aren't you? Allison asked, what makes you think that am joking? you barely know me and you are asking me to be yours? I don't mind infact the little I know you the better and I even feel as if i have known you all along, so what do you have to say, do we have a deal?

Allison was quiet for sometime then she nodded in agreement, alright Mr. man if you help me with this I promise I will not only be your but I will also marry you, but In the mean time you have to show me that you care and love me just as the way that good for nothing loves me even though I feel nothing for him I can't deny the fact that he loves me, so do we have a deal? Are you talking about love? I will love you till I die infact I love you more than that good for nothing husband of yours does.

Now will you come and give me a hug? Louis couldn't wait any longer to hug Allison is that all you want? yes I want to hug the woman that I met today and fallen in love with. With that being said let me come to you for a hug. He got up from where he was sitting and hugged Allison He then let go of her after holding her for a while, paid their bill and went out of the hotel since they both drove themself to the hotel, they had no choice but to wave good bye to each other, got into their cars and left.

On the way home, Allison was finally happy that she got a man that was rich and the man that she will soon be in love with even though the man claims to love her she knew that love should not be just a relationship, it should be a state of being, and maybe soon she will start having feeling for Louis. She then took her phone and called her friend Susan the call was connected and she shared her story with her friend who was finally happy for her. When am I meeting your Mr. man Allison? Susan asked. Soon you will meet him Susie then they both said goodbye and the call was disconnected.

When she got home, she couldn't help it neither could she stay calm so she had to share the good news with her mother Yvonne. Am happy for you my daughter, you must make that man happy so that he can help you to get divorced and maybe marry you which will make me happy. When will you bring him to see me? Yvonne asked with a smirk on her face. Soon mother, soon you will see him.

On the way back home, Louis was finally happy even though he is a womanizer, he has finally found a beauty that can not be reckoned. He made a call to his lawyer friend who Upon hearing his story promised to help him out as soon as he gets back from his vacation. Ok man I will be waiting remember I also want to sign a marriage certificate the moment she divorceses her husband. No worries I will help you get what you want but you must pay me dearly.

Before going to bed, I called Allison and we talked for a period of not less than an hour then we send each other love emojis before retiring to bed. That was the best day of my life.

The following day during lunch time, l went to a restaurant and bought packed lunch for two and went to Westminster hospital to surprise my woman and upon reaching the hospital, she was so happy to see me, I handed her the bag I was carrying and without a word she hugged and thanked me for the lunch. We stayed in her office eating lunch together like two love birds. When it was time for her to go back to the clinic, I hugged her and as she hugged me back I couldn't control myself so I kissed her thinking that she will resist my kiss little did I knew that she will kiss me back.

We then left together on our way to her clinic, I told her that i have already talked to my friend and he agreed to help her with the divorce process when he gets back to work. She was so happy to receive the good news then she thanked me, leaned over to me and whispered to my ears, "soon I will be free and soon I will become Mrs. Louis". her words filled my heart with joy I couldn't believe what I heard, has she already agreed to get married to me? Louis thought at the back of his mind.

Well I will be waiting for that day he said back.

when we got back to her clinic, I was hesitant to leave her there and go back home alone I really wanted to stay there with her but i couldn't due to her list if patients that were waiting to be attended by her. So I had no choice but to just hug her and wave her a goodbye.

Back at home, my father was waiting for me since I left without telling him so when I got home, i went straight to his room and after giving him the old man his medicines, I shared with him the good news. He was happy for me, he has always been telling me to get married and give him grandchildren. However, I had not settled my eyes on the woman that I wanted to Marry.