
Chapter Twenty-Six

Loren paced around Anthony's study anxiously. She couldn't stop worrying about Anthony's fate. She didn't want to think about it. The woman, who was feeling slightly dizzy from the continuous walking, decided to take a seat in the velvet cushioned chair behind the large desk. The stress was unbearable, and she decided that she needed a drink. Loren pulled open the bottom drawer to reveal a large bottle of whiskey. She didn't bother searching for a glass, and instead resorted to drinking straight from the bottle. 

She was still very anxious about the whole ordeal, and nothing seemed to ease her feelings. Her gaze fell upon a crumpled corner of parchment that was trapped in the top drawer. Loren knew that she should leave it be, but her curiosity got the best of her. Slowly, she pulled open the wooden drawer, retrieving a folded parchment. Her fingertips grazed over the cursive scrawl written upon the front, a single word, ''.  This only sparked her curiosity even more. Just as she was about to unfold the letter, she paused. "No." She muttered, "This is his property, I have no right to read it." She said, placing it upon the desk. It was barely a moment later when she grabbed the letter once again, unfolding it. Her eyes scanned over it, reading it through.

The sound of the main door opening, and hushed whispers startled her. For a moment, she could barely comprehend what she had read, for her main focus was finding out whether Anthony was dead or alive. Quickly, she folded the letter, shoving it into the top drawer before standing. She rushed out of the study, tiptoeing down the corridor until she reached the top of the staircase, fearing the worst.

She waited, watching as Colin entered first, staying silent. Benedict followed, Daphne in tow. Tears stung Loren's eyes, A wave of relief washed over her as the man entered through the door. He was alive and well, yet looked somewhat annoyed. But she didn't care. Loren began scurrying down the staircase toward him, Anthony glanced up at her, "Loren? Whatever are you-" The man silenced himself as Loren threw her arms around his neck, holding onto him as though she never would let him go. Anthony was taken back by her actions, but nonetheless melted, he wrapped his arms around her small frame, cradling her. Tears of pure joy spilled down Loren's cheeks as she buried her face into the crook of his neck. Anthony gently ran his fingers through her curls, attempting to calm her, "It is alright Loren, I am alright." 

"I thought I lost you." She whispered, tightening her grip slightly. The woman felt her breath hitch slightly as he gently pecked her temple, "You will never lose me."