
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Anthony and Loren were now seated in his study. Anthony was pacing around while Loren lounged in the desk chair. "Anthony, you are going to ruin the carpet." She commented, for the man had been pacing nonstop. "This carpet is the least of my concerns." Loren sighed, rising from her chair, approaching him. "Anthony," she grasped his hand, turning him to face her. "Please stop." She whispered. The man obeyed, gazing down at her fingers intertwined in with her. "Anthony, look at me, please." He turned his gaze upon the woman's face. 

"What is wrong? What is the problem with Daphne marrying the Duke? Why are you so against it?" She questioned. Anthony sighed deeply, "He will not make her happy. Daph deserves a love match, and the Duke is not marrying for love. He is marrying Daphne by force." 

"How would you know? The Duke might be completely in love with her. And even if he does not love her now, I have no doubt he will fall for her eventually." Anthony simply nodded, "You are right, I do not know why I worry so much." "It is alright to worry, Anthony. Your family is your responsibility, you will always worry. But you must try and relax. Daphne will be in good hands."

Anthony sighed, "You are right, Loren. You are always right. Simon will take good care of her." Loren smiled in response. There was a moment of silence between the two, until Anthony finally spoke, "Loren, there is something I must tell you." The woman nodded, believing she already knew what he wished to say. The man cleared his throat, stringing together his thoughts, "I believed that I could possibly die this morning. And so I took into consideration everything of the past. I thought about all of the moments that I have spent with you, and I..." He paused, his Adam's apple bobbing slightly. "I.." 

'Yes, Anthony?" She urged, wishing for him to say the three simple words. But he did not say them. "I am so thankful to have such an amazing woman in my life. I do not know where I would be without you." 

Loren's heart sank. 

This is not what she was expecting. Her thoughts drifted back to the letter, and what was written in it. How hard was it for him to admit that he loved her? Anthony felt attacked by guilt. He had intended to tell Loren how he felt, but ultimately chickened out. While he wished that he could tell her, then kiss her senseless, he was afraid. Not of rejection, for it was quite obvious of her affection toward him. But he was afraid of hurting her. What if for some reason, he decided to turn back to a mistress? He doubted it would ever happen again, but there was always a possibility. 

Loren held no response to his statement, for she was still in utter shock. The man cleared his throat again, "I should be going. I must check on Daphne. Surely she has informed Mother of the proposal." He said, moving past the woman, approaching the door. Loren was frozen in place, watching him go. Anthony was almost out of the room when Loren blurted, "I love you."

The man halted. Slowly, he turned to face her, an unreadable expression on his face. Loren's voice quivered as she continued, "I love you. And I have for a very long time. I cannot think of when it happened, but somehow I fell in love with you. And at first I was ashamed, I scolded myself for falling for a man I cannot have. After all, you said you would not marry. Therefore I believed that nothing would come from it. Which is why I have waited. And I could not do it anymore." 

The woman paused, collecting her thoughts before continuing, "I read the letter, that you wrote. My curiosity got the best of me. And I realized that you felt the same way, and that is why I cannot hide how I feel anymore. Surely it is obvious, but I cannot go on, pretending as though nothing is happening between us."

Anthony was silent, and this aggravated the woman, "Say something, Anthony. Anything... please." She begged. The man didn't say anything. But instead, stalked toward her with determined steps. Before Loren could even process what was happening, Anthony cupped her cheeks, crashing his lips against her in an intense kiss.