
Chapter 1172 Death Thought Yin and Yang Pearl

Chapter 1172 Death Thought Yin and Yang Pearl

As the leader of the Qingxuan army, Shang Shaojun has suppressed the deep abyss for a hundred years, and even in the face of the terrifying sound of the end of the world, he can remain calm.

But now, he truly feels a deep-rooted fear that he hasn't experienced in a long time.

There are too many dead cultivators in the icy sea.

Shang Shaojun could hardly imagine where these cultivators came from.

I'm afraid the number of cultivators buried here is even more than the entire Xuanhuang Realm!

The holy fetus Li Fan also pretended to be shocked by the scene in front of him, shaking slightly and showing a look of horror on his face.

"Shaojun, don't act recklessly, be careful."

After a while, he seemed to come to his senses, comforting Shang Shaojun.

Shang Shaojun's face still looked ugly, constantly scanning around, as if there were unknown enemies hidden around.

"Something is wrong here. Have you heard any sounds?" Shang Shaojun asked through a voice transmission.

"Sounds? What sounds?" Li Fan was a little puzzled, but it wasn't an act.

Shang Shaojun said with a grim face, "Perhaps it's because I've been in the deep abyss for too long, I am more sensitive to any sound. Ever since I came to this maze, I have always faintly heard some kind of whisper. It comes and goes, haven't you heard it?"

Li Fan narrowed his eyes.

He was not the first to come here.

He had even guided various different cultivators to come here.

But no one, like Shang Shaojun, had actually heard inexplicable sounds in the silent icy sea.

With different thoughts in his mind, Li Fan solemnly said, "Shaojun, what do you think? There must be some great secret involved here. But at the same time, if we want to delve into it, we must also take great risks. Should we leave while we haven't been discovered, or should we explore further?"

Shang Shaojun didn't immediately answer Li Fan. Instead, he moved his ears as if he were trying to discern the sounds he had heard.

After a while, he explained through voice transmission, "Brother Li, follow me. I have a feeling that tracing the source of this sound might unlock some of the mysteries of this place."

Li Fan nodded slightly, his sword drawn, guarding the two men.

"Be cautious."

The two of them traversed the endless icy sea.

Li Fan was already very clear about the overall structure of the Reverse Life and Death Formation. But since he was pretending to be here for the first time, he didn't expose the fact that Shang Shaojun was just going around in circles within the formation.

He just followed quietly behind.

But as Shang Shaojun stubbornly continued in a certain direction, Li Fan also noticed subtle changes in their surroundings.

These changes were so subtle that they even eluded the analysis of the Final Disintegration Disc that he had previously overlooked!

"In the grand formation, there are still hidden changes like this? Truly worthy of being a formation that can achieve immortality," Li Fan thought to himself.

They continued forward.

It felt as if they were treading on the spot, but the icebound coffins in the dead sea around them kept rotating.

The deeper they went, the faster the surrounding scenery rotated.

"Be careful, Brother Li. It seems that the source of the sound is just ahead!" Shang Shaojun's voice was slightly tense.

As if passing through a long, narrow tunnel of time and space, the surrounding area became a series of overlapping lines due to how quickly it occurred.

When they broke through the end of the tunnel, countless circles converged into one point.

Then, there was a sudden explosion in their field of vision.

It suddenly became clear.

But the surrounding air became even colder.

Even Shang Shaojun and Li Fan felt themselves stiffening from the cold.


Activating their spiritual power, they tried to dispel the bone-chilling cold.

They carefully surveyed their surroundings.

Inside the silver-white light sphere, aside from the blurry borders, there was nothing inside.

As for looking back in the direction they came from, they were suddenly taken aback.

Like a yin and yang fish, rotating small spheres were silently floating in the air.

From the dim parts of these spheres, Li Fan could vaguely sense the same dead silence as in the icy sea earlier.

And within these white light spheres, there were actually eight more yin and yang spheres!

There were a total of nine, forming a special shape.

Shang Shaojun struggled to swallow his saliva.

Just one of these yin and yang spheres contained an endless number of deceased individuals.

If you multiplied this number by nine...

The two men looked at each other, both seeing the fear in each other's hearts.

They even spoke to each other in hushed tones, afraid of disturbing the nine yin and yang spheres.

"Shaojun, the sound that you heard earlier..."

"It's gone. It stopped abruptly as soon as we entered this place, and disappeared inexplicably. Wait a minute..." Shang Shaojun suddenly froze, turning to look in the opposite direction of the yin and yang spheres.

Li Fan followed his gaze but saw nothing.

"Be careful."

Shang Shaojun cautiously warned, then fell silent.

His body stiffened, not moving. His breath also became extremely weak.

It was at this moment that Li Fan realized that there seemed to be some invisible presence in the space.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Although there were no actual sounds, the heavy footsteps resonated strongly in Li Fan's heart.

They were getting closer.

The intruders weren't noticed, and the presence arrived directly at the vicinity of the nine yin and yang spheres.


A soft blowing sound was heard.

The space near the yin and yang spheres distorted as a result.

The yin and yang portions of the nine small spheres started to rotate around each other and became more distinct.

Shang Shaojun and Li Fan clearly saw that with the unknown presence's breath, strands of frozen bodies were entering the nine yin and yang spheres.

This eerie process did not last long.

The oppressive footsteps gradually faded, and the silver-white space slowly returned to normal.

The nine yin and yang spheres also settled down and became calm again.

After a while, the two men felt it was safe to talk through voice transmission.

"Just now, what was that?"

"A sense of crisis pervaded me, as if my entire body was being pricked by needles. It felt like imminent disaster... Can even the Longevity Venerable bring about such a feeling?"

After a few short sentences, the two fell into an extremely suppressive silence.

"The sound I heard earlier should have been the echo of the footsteps of that unknown presence here," Shang Shaojun guessed. "Even though it's gone now, the sound still lingers."

"Countless frozen corpses in the yin and yang spheres seem to be the handiwork of that being. But I still can't understand, where did so many bodies come from? And what lies beyond this silver-white space?"

These and many other questions remained unanswered by Li Fan.

He had thought that this was just the Daoist temple of the Longevity Venerable. He hadn't expected that, by pure chance, he would discover deeper secrets hidden here in this lifetime.

End of Chapter 1172. He also mentioned another half-chapter. I have finished the extra for Tianyi. There won't be any more chapters. Points will be returned.