
Chapter 1171 Who Decides Right or Wrong

Chapter 1171 Who Decides Right or Wrong

"However, it seems that the source power that Daoist friend has given me is more advanced than what is obtained through normal cultivation..."

"Even more advanced?"

Baihua Daoist carefully chose his words and asked slowly.

Li Ping naturally wouldn't tell Baihua that the reason the effect of this source power is far superior to normal cultivation is because he wants to use the power of sentient beings' belief and sublimate the source power into source essence.

But all the current attempts have ended in failure.

After all, even the existence abandoned by the true immortals is a power beyond the mundane. It's not so easy to control.

"Friend's illusion. How's your recovery? Almost done, let's hit the road soon." Li Ping said blandly.

Baihua Daoist smiled awkwardly, with no other way out, he could only sigh and take his leave.

"After ensuring the absolute safety of the main camp, we can consider conquering other small worlds."

"Know the specific locations of each small world like the back of my hand, and even directly infiltrate them and move the entrance to the vicinity of the main camp."

"Spiritwood, Empire..."

"And the Netherworld."

Just as the Holy Emperor Li Ping returned to the Holy Emperor's seat, sitting and contemplating the future of the Holy Dynasty.

His disciple, Sun Erlang, came to seek an audience.

"Um, Master. The item that was caught from the fishing pond earlier..."

"Tell me."

Immediately, Sun Erlang recounted the origin of the matter.

It turned out that since the end of the last fishing competition, most of the anglers who received rewards had been absorbed by various institutions of the Holy Dynasty.

And among them, a middle-aged man named Quan Ruochu was appreciated by Sun Erlang and taken in.

What he caught from the fishing pond was a white light mass.

At that time, Li Ping personally inspected it and found it to be a common item called "Hidden Orchid Flower," so he didn't pay much attention to it.

But now, according to Sun Erlang, this "Hidden Orchid Flower" that on the surface was at most a Yuan Ying level quality, after being carefully cultivated by Quan Ruochu for some time, displayed abilities completely contrary to common sense.

"Quan Ruochu, although he is middle-aged, has accomplished nothing. His parents are deceased, and he has no wife or children. The only thing he loves in his life is fishing and raising flowers. He has a calm nature, without any ambitions. After catching the white light mass, he wasn't particularly disheartened. He even liked this Hidden Orchid Flower more than other treasures."

"Originally, I thought that this Hidden Orchid Flower would grow in soil and be nourished by spiritual energy like normal flowers. But after Quan Ruochu planted it, no matter how carefully he cared for it, it always appeared to be on the brink of withering. In his eagerness to save the Hidden Orchid Flower, Quan Ruochu did something unbelievable." Sun Erlang bowed his head and told the Holy Emperor.

"He actually planted the Hidden Orchid Flower on himself! Using his own body as soil, exchanging blood and nurturing it..."

"But after a few days, he transformed from a strong man to a withered figure, but he didn't give up and still planned to exchange the last of his life's blood."

"I didn't see him for a few days, but when I went to find him, I saw this scene."

Sun Erlang's voice was low: "I intended to remove this monstrous flower directly, but Quan Ruochu forced me with his life, saying that as long as the flower is alive, he will be alive, and if the flower dies, he will die..."

"And considering that this was a treasure bestowed by the Master, I hesitated and didn't act. But watching Quan Ruochu's body grow weaker and closer to death, I couldn't just stand by and watch."

As Sun Erlang spoke, Li Ping had already locked Quan Ruochu's whereabouts and carefully examined his condition.

After all, it was just a blue light mass, and there was nothing particularly mysterious about it, so he understood it at a glance.

After Sun Erlang finished speaking, Li Ping shook his head and spoke in a stern tone.

"Erlang, you've disappointed me."

Sun Erlang's body trembled slightly, and he lowered his head even further.

"A leader should command the entire army, not be swayed by personal feelings or even a small group of dozens or hundreds of people."

"Is this the first time you've come to see me since you apprenticed under me? And it's just for this?"

After a long silence, Sun Erlang said in a bitter voice, "Master, you see through everything. If it were an instant death, maybe I could remain unaffected. But watching a familiar person slowly being drained of life and withering, I couldn't keep calm in my heart."

"I hope for Master's punishment."

Li Ping's voice thundered like divine thunder in the Holy Emperor's seat.

"The reason I'm disappointed in you is not only because of your indecisiveness, but also because you fail to distinguish right from wrong. The monstrous flower..."

"Go back and take a closer look!"

Li Ping waved his hand and expelled Sun Erlang.

At first, Sun Erlang felt a tightness in his chest, but then he seemed to understand something and hurriedly went to Quan Ruochu's residence.

Guided by the Master, Sun Erlang carefully observed once again and finally discovered the mystery of the Hidden Orchid Flower.

Although it appeared that the Hidden Orchid Flower was constantly devouring Quan Ruochu's blood, it also simultaneously produced a miraculous force that sustained Quan Ruochu's life force.

In the brink of death, the Hidden Orchid Flower grew and prospered.

At the same time, Quan Ruochu also gradually underwent a complete transformation.

"All of his lifeforce is tied to this Hidden Orchid Flower. If I had rashly cut it off back then, it would have resulted in the death of the flower and Quan Ruochu. I nearly made a big mistake!" Sun Erlang couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.

He closed off the entrance and didn't allow any outsiders to disturb. At the same time, he brought a miniature "Heaven and Earth Oven" to ensure the concentration of spiritual energy around.

After doing all this, Sun Erlang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks to the Master's guidance," he said with some relief.

But what Sun Erlang didn't know was that the Hidden Orchid Flower did indeed assist Quan Ruochu in holding onto a thread of lifeforce.

But it's not out of gratitude for his cultivation, it's just a survival instinct until it finds a new host.

And Quan Ruochu, who only had the cultivation of the Qi Refining stage, couldn't withstand the unscrupulous absorption of the Hidden Orchid Flower and was bound to die.

If there was no external help.

And the reason why he appeared to be getting better was purely because the Holy Emperor Li Ping had helped him.

"Whether it's right or wrong, good or evil."

"Nobody can make a correct evaluation until the final outcome is reached."

"Only step by step, until the end, can one vindicate oneself."

"The process...isn't important."

The Holy Emperor Li Ping sat in the Holy Emperor's seat, his thoughts fluctuating slightly.


Endless white mist, within which lies a land of illusion.

"How...how many frozen corpses are there here?"

Shang Shaojun, who was brought into the life-and-death reversal array by the Holy Embryo Li Fan, exclaimed at the horrifying scene before him.