

Vermont is a prince who is on the run; trying to stay alive and not meet the end his family had met. He encounters earth and finds refuge on the foreign planet with even more foreign objects. He has to find a way to fit in; but he gets too comfortable with his new friend, Penelope Walts. She spoils him too much because she loves fairies and magical creatures that she had only seen on TV. How long will Vermont be safe for and how long will it take for his fairy lover to reveal his secret to the world?

Gloria_5922 · Fantasía
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34 Chs


The tour around the school was much longer than I had imagined it would be. I made sure to absorb as much information as I could. As she gave me the tour I took my time to admire every nook and corner of the school that was beautifully decorated and simple. She even took time to show me to the men's room which was a little strange for her to be doing. This must have something to do with Mr Guilder and my rescuing his daughter

"You should not hesitate to inform any of the stuff members if you have any trouble with anything." she said and I nodded

She showed me my locker and I took the liberty to put in my school sportswear as well as some sneakers. As we walked in the corridor a woman emerged from the other end dressed in a light peach dress that ended just above her knees. If this woman is a teacher why is she allowed to wear something that reveals her bosom this much. I do not think the head teacher noticed her because the woman kept on talking as she looked around the walls of the corridor as if she was the one being given a tour. When we were close to the woman in the peach dress the head teacher finally noticed her and said,

"This is Miss Celine, she is your home room teacher so you should not feel shy to inform her about anything."

"Is this the new student?" miss Celine asked and the head mistress nodded her head.

Miss Celine looked at me for a while until it became uncomfortable. Then she looked back up at my face with a bright smile.

"You must be Mr McGuire. I am Celine Parker I hope that in your time here we will get along.

I nodded my head as I shook her hand while also maintaining a smile. Miss Celine left the corridor after that and I continued to walk beside the head teacher who was still enthusiastic about showing me around. "Shouldn't I be getting to class?" I asked and this made her check her wristwatch

"Oh you're right the lessons have started. Let me show you to your class."

When we got there she introduced me to everyone which meant I had nothing to do except to sit down. To my amusement I was in the same class as Nixon and he did not miss the opportunity to glare at me like he was going to kill me. If we were alone I wouldn't mind having to fight him but it will be a problem for the family if I get into a fight on the first day, so I will try and avoid him but if he gets in my way there's really nothing I can do except defend myself, is there? There was a free sit next to him and another one next to a shy looking brunette who seemed quiet and reserved so I went to sit there.

The headteacher left the classroom and the teacher resumed her lesson after greeting me formally. It was an English lesson which I think was boring and mostly tiring. For the most part the girl besides me was breathing heavily as if she had difficulty and that made me a little worried.

"Are you alright?" I whispered to her when the teacher turned her back to the class

"I'm fine." she said turning slightly pink

Was she breathing heavily because she was in love with me. If so, then she has to be heartbroken very soon. I looked away from her and felt her gaze immediately land on me. I did not look at her however and pretended like I had not seen her. She later let out a sigh of relief then she turned to look at the board where the teacher was writing down some words.

"I want you to discuss the meanings of these words in pairs." she instructed us. I finally looked at the girl and so how she avoided eye contact as much as possible. Whatever is going on in this girl's head I have to get it out but not if she has not said she likes me in any way.

The first word was misdemeanors the definition was easy to find while the second word was a bit of a challenge for me. Abhorrent; I had not heard it before the girl whose name is Susan knew the meaning of the word and now so do I because she taught me. When we were done with finding the definitions of the words we waited for the rest of the class to finish.

"Now I will pick at random and when I pick you, you come and write the meaning of any word on the board."

Some people seemed to hold their breaths hoping that she would not pick them but I remained calm and it seems that was a mistake because she immediately pointed at me. I walked to the board and wrote the meaning of the second word that I felt more confident in now that Susan had shared with me the meaning of it.

"Very good." she said and I went to take my seat

The next person she picked was Nixon and he went to write the meaning of the first word which I believe everyone knows because there was a lot of mumbling when he wrote the meaning of that word. The meaning he had written was wrong however and this made the teacher shake her head in dismay and disappointment.

"Mr bridger how long have you been speaking English?"

"Since I was one." he answered

"And since you were one you have never come across the word misdemeanors?"

"No, I have not. No one even uses such words in real life." he said and it made some of the students laugh.

"What is your career choice?" she asked him and he said quickly,

"I want to be the president."

"A president who does not know the meaning of misdemeanors?"

There was another loud collective laugh from the students and it made Nixon appear to be more than a fool.

"Sit down. Susan come and write the meaning of the word."

Susan got up from her seat and went to write the correct meaning of the word misdemeanors in her neat hand writing.

"Mr Bridger, take note of that word because it will be in the test and I do not want you to write another wrong meaning."

Nixon looked very annoyed from where he sat. He was the only one without a partner to do the exercise with. At least he had even participated. As soon as the lesson was over the students started getting up to get to the next class. I looked at my own schedule where the next subject I was supposed to be heading to was Biology. Very interesting subject.

"Excuse me," I said to Susan and she looked up from the table,"Can you please lend me your book?"

"English book?" she asked.


"Sure." she said and she gave me the neatly covered book.

She has a very neat handwriting and very organized notes.

"Can't I give this to you tomorrow morning?" I asked her

"No problem I'm not studying English today." "Thank you."

I was about to walk away when I heard her ask shyly

"Do you have someone to sit with at lunch?"

"Yes I do," I answered turning to look at her,"Is there a problem?"

"No, I was just wondering that's all."

"Thank you for worrying about me." I said and she smiled shyly

When I reached the door someone pushed me from behind and I did not need to turn around to know who it was, Nixon, and I just glared as he stood with crossed arms and a grin on his face

"Excuse me Nixon but it seems you are overweight because you succumbed to the pull of gravity on your excess mass."

The people behind him and the ones who were out of class laughed at my comment and it had Nixon's grin turn into a deeply set frown.

"Watch what you're saying pretty boy." he said to me.

"I will just watch where you take your useless flesh." I replied.

I did not wait to see his reaction and moved away from there. I heard him start shouting for me to stop so that he could teach me a lesson but I did not stop and quickened my footsteps. I got to the biology lab where the head teacher had told me all the biology classes took place. I was happy to see Riley sitting in the lab as well. This meant that we share the class together. I looked around and spotted Penelope sitting in the corner. If I go and sit with one of them the other will be unhappy so I decided to sit alone.

If I'm in the same class then that means that the test that they had been complaining about is supposed to be here. I can't be tested on something I do not know. I looked around and when the teacher came in I went to inform him that I was new,

"You must have learned something at your previous school, just write what you know."

I was afraid he would say that. I went back to my seat and pulled out a paper like everyone else. I cannot say that the test was simple nor that it was hard. I think I might land on average score. At least the people there complained about the last five questions because apparently the man had told them not to study the topic because he was not going to test them on it.

"Well kids, I was visited by an angel who told me to do this because he knew you wouldn't study.

There was a round of incoherent complaints as well as groans, then the man slammed his fist onto the table.

"The new boy is not complaining so you people should be ashamed of yourselves."

"It's still not fair sir." Riley shouted from where she was sitting still holding on to her paper even though he had said that it was time to hand in their answer sheets.