

Vermont is a prince who is on the run; trying to stay alive and not meet the end his family had met. He encounters earth and finds refuge on the foreign planet with even more foreign objects. He has to find a way to fit in; but he gets too comfortable with his new friend, Penelope Walts. She spoils him too much because she loves fairies and magical creatures that she had only seen on TV. How long will Vermont be safe for and how long will it take for his fairy lover to reveal his secret to the world?

Gloria_5922 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


After taking a long shower I was called down for dinner because lunchtime had been disrupted because of me, even Rose and Rilili were there. Everyone at the table was chatty that evening and I listened to every word that they said, getting to know them better and better. I slept well knowing that Rose and Rilili were in the room next to mine and even from this distance I could smell her rosy scent. Early the next morning Bella came to Wake me up with some light pinches on my cheeks I almost slapped her hand away believing it to be some huge insect sucking my blood.

"Good morning Dee." she greeted me enthusiastically.

"Good morning mama." I greeted as I stretched on the soft bed.

"That sounds so cute." she said smiling down at me,"Get up you now, have to go to school."

I blinked a few times to wake up completely and then she said,

"It's Monday morning. You don't want to be late on your first day, do you?"

"School?" I asked and she nodded,"Right now?"

"Yes, right now. The others are also getting ready. I'm not sure why they did not wake you up."

"I'm going to school!" I enthused and it made her giggle a little bit.

I got down from the bed quickly and run to the bathroom, nearly falling on my way in and I heard Bella laugh behind me. I closed the door and opened the shower' tap to start washing myself. Sam came into the room and he started talking with Bella but I couldn't hear what they were saying because of the water splashing on me. I did not take long in the shower and came out quickly to find Sam ironing my uniform for me.

"Morning dad." I greeted him even though he was facing the other direction.

"You call her 'mama' and you call me 'dad'? Can't you call me daddy?"

I just smiled at him awkwardly because calling him 'daddy' did not sound right.

"Fine just call me that, kiddo. I'll also find a unique name for you." he said as if he was feeling defeated.

I looked at him as he turned to face me and then his eyes suddenly widened.

"Why didn't you take off your clothes?" he asked,"Were you so excited that you forgot how to take a proper shower?"

I looked down at myself and slapped my forehead for making the same mistake twice. I went back to the bathroom and took off the clothes, putting them in a basin I washed up a little bit again and wrapped myself in the towel before coming out. I did not need the same thing that happened when I got here to happen again. When I came out again Bella was gone leaving only Sam and I. I put some lotion sparsely on my body and when I reached out for my uniform Sam slapped my hand away.

"Apply the lotion properly or else you're staying here." he said glaring at me disapprovingly.

I pouted my lips at him but did as he said. The uniform felt nice on my body and I took my time to admire myself in the mirror. Like this I looked like a normal human being, with a normal life and a normal family. We didn't have breakfast as we were late for school but I did not mind because I had eaten a lot at dinner yesterday and I still felt quite full. Bella packed some fruits for us and on our way out she handed out kisses to everyone; two for me because I was officially her last child. I was grateful for the fact that they did not take us to school and we went on foot. It was good to exercise once in a while especially after sleeping for a week.

"What's the school like?" I asked Ray because we were the only ones heading in the same direction.

I'm glad Sam agreed to take me to the same school as Ray. This means I get to see Rose and Rilili everyday; Rose and her intoxicating scent.

"Stop acting like a twelve year old who's finally getting a date for prom, Dee." Ray complained.

Now he has placed another question in my mind....

"What's prom?"

"Don't ask me that. School is a place where we have bullies, the goody-two-shoes, the popular ones, the rich kids, self-centered ones the ones who study a lot but never pass, the ones who never study but pass.....you know those kinds of people."

"Will they like me?" I asked still cheerful.

"I don't know. Why are you asking me when it all depends on your first impression.

"How do I make a good first impression?"

"Stop asking me that. You'll know when you see and meet them. Some people are just not worth it and if you befriend people I don't know I'll act like you're not my brother.

"I see....so you are a choosey person."

Ray shook his head at me then looked behind us and smiled.

"Good morning Penelope and Riley!" Ray shouted as he waved his hand at them.

I turned around and my nostrils were immediately invaded by the intoxicating rosy scent wafting off of Penelope. They were in the same uniform as us and I was really shocked because I had expected that the girls would be wearing skirts but they were wearing the same pants as us.

"Good morning." Riley greeted.

Penelope only greeted us when we were at the same place.

"Morning." Penelope said simply looking tired. "Did you not sleep?" I asked her as I traced my finger along the dark circles of her eyes and it had her eyes widen in shock and her cheeks turned pink.

"I was studying for a test today." she explained.

"Does that mean you cannot sleep." I said and it felt like I was lying to myself because I had not slept an entire night when I was learning about the earth.

I let my hand drop to my side and then I hugged them both.

"You seem very excited to go to school. If only I was as excited as you." Riley said and I smiled at them and then we continued walking.

They started to talk about Mathematics and Biology; they are fun subjects. I'm guessing that's what the tests are going to be on. I am praying and hoping that I am not in their class. When we arrived at the school I was amazed at how the architecture of the school was nearly perfect and very professional. When we walked in through the gates, some of the students turned to look at me with curiosity in their eyes. I was smiling the whole time but then a boy came to bump into me like he had not seen me. Unfortunately enough for him, he is the one who fell and not me.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you." I apologized and I saw how the embarrassment seemed to weigh down on him.

He looked at my extended hand and slapped it away then got up on his own.

"Who are you pretty boy?" he asked trying to sound threatening and I nearly laughed. "Vermont Delsaloriota McGuire." I introduced myself.

"Well, I am Nixon Bridger. I practically run the school so I would advise you to stay away from trouble if you wanna graduate looking pretty."

"So you are the headteacher?" I asked and it had the boy frown.

He looked over at the girls and then his eyes landed on Penelope and I subconsciously narrowed my eyes at him. He was about to walk towards her but I grabbed his sweater and pushed him back to stand in front of me. There was a round of collective gasps from the crowd as the boy found his footing. He glared at me intensely and then he clapped his hands twice and six boys emerged from the crowd. The boys all looked fairly muscular to me but I can tell that they are nothing more than that. Ray tapped my shoulder and nudged his head to the side as if telling me to listen and follow him.

Penelope and Riley also had the same expression of fear on their faces but before anything else could happen the woman from the hotel said,

"Welcome Mr Delsaloriota. We've been waiting for you."

She had a bright smile on her face as she walked towards me and I politely shook her hand. She glanced at the boys and they dispersed or rather they hid in the crowd.

"This way. I will personally tour you around the school. I see the uniform was a perfect fit."

"Yes it is." I responded smiling back at her as I put my hands in my pockets for comfort.

Even today she.was in white; it must be her favorite color. I followed her through the crowd and into the building that she said was the administration. I noticed how the girls giggled when I walked past them and I made an effort to smile back.