
My Life With Superpowers I Wished

One day God came into my dream and gave me a power that I wished After woke up I found out that dream was real and I actually got super power

DaoistEQItp8 · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Step toward fulfilling the goal

After setting my new goal ( read the previous chapter) I should start by taking over my country. So I searched that can I become president of India. I found my age is too low for becoming president so how about forcing the people so that I become head of India.

So I decided to first become famous in my country. There are two ways to become famous 1. Become a bad guy and do some bad stuff but if I become Head because of this, people will dislike me, and 2. do some good deeds and I choose the second one but the second will take time.

" Wait a minute.... I can do whatever I want, so I can also change the minds of people and make them think that i am their Head of state."

So let us start by thinking. I have never used my power on such a large scale so I got dizzy and fell on the ground.

I woke up in a big room which was in the color of yellow and white.

" Where am I?"

"My majesty" voice came from beside my bed.

"You are now supreme commander of nation and all the minister, member of legislative assembly and parliament and former president are going to be executed"

" Hey! don't do that, they will perform their function the same as they have done before so don't execute them I need them."

"As you wish, my sir"

"By the way what is your name?"

" Aarna Singh, I am from now on your secretory and caretaker. Sir your family will also stay here only"

" OK, nice to meet you Aarna"

I moved out of the room and I opened T.V. In many news channels there were debates going on whether a child should be allowed to rule a country or not. I ordered Aarna to announces that I am going to hold a press conference at 7:00 PM.

At 7:00 PM press conference started and people started asking questions...

" Sir as all of the officials are disbanded from their position how will the country?"

"They are ordered to resume their work from tomorrow, I will only observe what is going on and if I feel if the government is not working properly I will change them and I will not rule. Instead of answering all of your questions now please tell me all your questions and I will answer them later on."

So I got a huge amount of work to do though I was happy.

( After spreading the news of what happened in India worldwide, USA started taking action.

"So we have got a new person to be beware of....")