
Chapter 2- Transported to Another World... For Just 24 Hours! Part 5

The Head Master raises his voice above the quiet night. "Every knight who can hear my voice come down from your horse at once!" His voice is calm but demanding. Knights from all corners of the desolated school yard come rushing towards him, leaving their horses at bay. In almost an instant there is a mass of shining armor circling the Head Wizard. The young knight he was speaking to before is the closest to him. They are so close that It's almost as if the story is going to be solely told between the young knight and him. While everyone else he gathered around is a mere bystander looking in through a television to watch a live event; they can see and hear everything that is going on, but they're not actually there.

As the knights settle down, some confused for why they were called to gather, the Head Wizard uses his arms to motion the knight to sit down. Their armor clanks as they sit down on the scorched ground. The young knight follows suit; the Head Wizard also takes a seat. He gives three consecutive coughs to clear his voice before his story begins. I'm getting excited! I can only hope Lilith doesn't take us out of here before we can hear the story. I haven't even thought about that happening. Well I guess all we can do is trust her skills in not having bad timing. Even though that honestly makes me more worried.

"Young knight…" The Head Wizard gives a gruff whisper before protruding his voice for all the knights to hear. "To all my fellow knights I have gathered you here to tell a story. A story of which you have never heard. A story secretive enough that only the people it pertains to know of it. However, even though I was forbidden to speak of it I will tell you, only because I trust every single one of you fine young men." He gives an expression of admiration to every knight around him. To the young knight in front of him he gives a different type of look; almost like he thinks more of him. "Before I start though I need you all to swear on your life that you will never repeat what you're about to hear to a single soul." His mature tone makes the knights think twice about giving a half-assed promise. One by one the knights lift their left hand up in a pledge to keep this story a secret until death do them from this world. A little different from the usual, "I swear on my life great Head Wizard, now you may proceed with this amazing story to which you have so graciously entrusted us with…," yada, yada, and then he proceeds with the story. But all they must do is put there left arm up. I'm curious about that custom. I keep looking back at my memories of this world… But nothing. I mean sure people in my world held an arm up high to hail a leader, but even with that they usually said, "Hail…", followed by the name of whoever that leader may be... Dude you are getting hung up on a very simplistic and uninteresting custom. Yeah alright, I'll just shut my thought process up and listen to the old man speak.

The knights are leaning in, eagerly awaiting the Head Wizard to tell the story. "Before we start, I'm curious about something." Eyes grow wide in anticipation. "Have any of you heard of the disaster that happened ten years ago?" The Head Master eyes look over the knights, waiting for a response. The young knight sitting in front of him answers his question. "Head Wizard none of us have heard of such a disaster…" The Head Masters expression says that he was expecting that answer. He's about to speak when the young knight continues. "… And you knew that. So, why would you ask us something you already knew?" The Head Master's stern face grows a smile. "Good job my young knight. Now young man you have gained my interest since the moment you had the courage to question me… I would have great pleasure in knowing your name." He keeps his smile and looks straight into the young knight's eyes. The young knight gives a minute jolt in surprise, regains his composure, and nods his head in affirmation. "I want to express my gratitude, it is a great honor that you have acknowledged me." His head is down in respect. His head raises and he locks eyes with the Head Wizard. "My name is Czar, sir." The Head Master nods in satisfaction. All the knights are burning with jealousy. Those feelings quickly cease once the Head Wizard continues his story.

"As I was saying before, none of you know about the event that took place ten years ago. This is because if the event got spread to the public eye, there would have been a shift in power; a mass panic would have rippled through out the kingdom. Mobs would have gone rampant, Cities would have fell, for all we know the whole world could have been destroyed…" Holy crap! This has got to be a huge exaggeration. I mean he's totally milking it. He has said the same thing, just in different ways. Doesn't this feel like an exposition dump. No not the notorious exposition dump… This is what every reader, gamer, and binger dreads. An exposition dump- the act of giving information in a dull and talkative manner. That's the definition in my book at least. I just want to know the good stuff.

A couple of hours pass with the Head Master giving too many unneeded details, that in most cases rarely had to do with the story, in this amount of time he hasn't even mentioned the event that could have supposedly put the world in ruin if it reached the public eye. I mean, I know my power is insanely strong, but he might be stretching it a little. While he has been telling his elongated story, I have been floating around thinking about how I can grow my harem- I mean friendship- with Lilith, Seven, Ivory, and any other girl I come across. I'm also ready to get back to reality because ever since I found out how powerful I once was, I really want to see if I can still use some of my power. Hopefully my younger self didn't drain the magic battery out of me. Sure, I did want to hear the story about why my powers were sealed, but he won't get to the main part. He keeps procrastinating! Well we can speak for ourselves, but to me it looks like they are enthralled with it. I shake my celestial body out of a daze, focusing my eyes on their facial expressions and body posture. And my conscience is right, they seem genuinely entertained by his story. "Argh! I wish he would get to the good part… Or Lilith get me out of here!" I'm positive I am losing my cool in here from massive amounts of boredom. June. My conscience grows serious suddenly. I'm honestly a tad nervous. "Um… What is it?" I have good news for the both of us. "Oh, that is not what I expected… I mean awesome, what's the news?" We're not depressed anymore. My celestial body freezes from shock. "Are you serious?" That's a dumb question and you know it. "You're right it is… It's just I'm so freaking relieved." I fly up, the moon in my background, and do a backflip out of relief. Sure, the backflip is only possible because I'm flying in the air, but it is nonetheless super cool.

Another hour passes, I get my relief and excitement out of my system, however the Head Wizard is still going through every gruesomely detailed build up to the part I'm waiting for; and I'm sure the knights are too. That is what I thought any way. I look towards the knights once again and they are as content as they were before. I'm sick of this boring story. "Lilith, I know you probably can't hear me, but if by the off chance you can, please let me out of here!" Saying those words was surprisingly exhausting, or maybe it's just my imagination. I don't dwell on it and pay attention to the story. Who knows maybe we are getting close to the part where my younger self comes in? As the thought passes through my nuero passageway I catch a key phrase I've been waiting to hear from him these past three hours. "… the boy lying over there is June, the boy who defeated Vallah." Every knight gasp, besides Czar, and all I can say is, "Thank the heavens! It's finally time for the main part of the story to begin."

The Head Wizard gives a couple of gruff coughs to clear his voice. As he does this I call out to Lilith once again. "Lilith, I know I told you to get me out of here before, but now this old man has finally gotten to the good part; so please hold me in this place a little longer. Thank you!" I yell out to a girl who probably can't hear me. He stares pensively at the ground long enough to be concerned. Don't tell me he forgot the most important part! I'm usually not this agitated but being bored for this long is not my cup of tea. Czar calls him out on his ruminative state. The Head Wizard's glazed eyes begin to regain their cesious color. "Ah… my apologies, now, where was I?" He scratches his chin; trying to answer his own rhetorical question. He recalls what he was about to say, snapping his fingers in accordance. "Yes, sorry, my mind was elsewhere." He gives a reassuring fake chuckle followed by a complete one eighty. His demeanor turns from a light-hearted chuckling old man, to a hardy old man who has seen too much for his own good. "Ten years ago, when you fine, young knights were still tediously training your bodies into shape to become a knight, an event happened. One so devastating that, as I have said before, it would have changed the world order, if said event had gotten out to the public." I roll my eyes instinctively. He's got to be exaggerating, right? I don't know, we both saw how he acted before he started this part. Yeah, you're right. I shut my inner thoughts off and focus in on the story. "When that boy, June, was only at the innocent age of one, his whole life changed; along with everyone around him. Ten years ago, before its existence was erased from our history, there existed a village named Ippan. In our common language this translates to common." He pauses for a moment, then continues. "The name of the village fit perfectly. Everyone there had a normal job, life, and income. Honestly the people residing in the village were impossibly normal. More so that the kingdom never would have expected something monstrous to come from it. The day that history would be erased and rewritten was a peaceful day, a completely normal day for the people of Ippan. Not a breeze or cloud in the sky, the temperature was pleasant; not too hot nor too cold. The only thing out of the ordinary, if it can be called that, was the people were having their annual town meeting.

"During their annual meetings they would all gather around the grand hall, the place where the village chief lived. There would be no chairs or anything of the sorts. They would stand for the rather short time of thirty minutes. To be precise they never ended before thirty minutes nor after; it was always perfect timing. However, that day was different, for a certain family at least. This family was normal, exceedingly so. The man of the household worked out in the field to provide for his wife and newly born child; while the wife would nurture her precious baby." He takes a slight pause to catch his thoughts. "As you have most likely concluded, that newborn baby was June, and since he was only one, he was still being breastfed. Furthermore, during these ceremonious events it was considered indecent to feed your baby during the entirety of it. This would unfortunately be the down fall of a numerous amount of innocent people." Wait, so if I'm guessing correctly, then the destruction of an entire village was caused by an angry, hungry baby. It sounds crazy enough to laugh at; no, it is crazy enough to laugh at. Just listen. Also, stop going off on random tangents!

"When events which were inconceivable came to be, the town's meeting had only a minuscule number of five minutes left before the villagers were free to return back to their regular routine. Five minutes before the town's meeting was over an ordinary mother was trying to suppress an unordinary baby. June was hungry, but since they were in the town's meeting, she couldn't feed him. I suppose she thought five minutes wasn't a long time to wait, even for a one year old." He takes in a breath of the fresh night air, exhaling with his eyes closed and says, "If only she knew of the monster residing in her innocent child."

My eyes are fixated on the Head Wizard. Every word he says sinks in, every detail retained. "June was throwing a normal temper tantrum, only the demon inside of him fed on his anger. As the village chief was closing there was one lady trying to calm down a hungry baby. Furthermore, the more she tried to calm him the angrier he became. The monster inside of him was growing immensely in strength. His lid was about to pop." The Head Wizard stands up, every knights' eyes are glued to him; awaiting the climax of the story. He starts to walk toward my unconscious body. Some of the knights start to stand up, but he quickly settles them back down.

The Head Wizard is standing over my younger body, not making eye contact with it, and turns back to the anticipating knights. With his voice raised he begins to come to the stories end. "June went berserk. His built-up energy from his irritability busted like a steaming tea kettle. Those poor people didn't have enough time to blink before the whole village was annihilated in an instant." The Head Wizard's right-hand hovers above June's body. He isn't casting magic nor trying to help him in any way; though he probably doesn't need help. The Head Wizard is holding his hand above his body more out of respect for all the people in the tragedy caused by an enraged baby. As the Head Wizard is paying respects, eyes grow wide from the realization of how powerful my younger self is. I'm just as surprised as they are, most likely even more surprised. Who knew we had this much power within us? I know right, it's insane. But this begs another question; how come I couldn't use magic when I first came to this world?

I put my rhetorical question on standby, focusing my attention on the story at hand. "You all might be wondering how we found out about the destruction. Well I can clarify that easily. The power June released was enough to send a massive shockwave out through the kingdom. That shockwave was powerful enough to cause the biggest earthquake the kingdom has on record. Of course, the record was written to make it seem as if it were a natural disaster. But that wasn't even enough to keep people from questioning, since along with the earthquake a light brighter than the sun shone alongside. It was visible for a mere second, however that was more than enough time for citizens to notice the unnatural phenomenon." The Head Master is about to continue, when Czar speaks in a quivering voice. "Sorry to interrupt sir, but you are telling us that the cataclysmic earthquake and destruction of an entire village, which took place ten years ago, was caused by a mere baby." Czar can't stop shaking as the words tumble out of his mouth. The Head Master, in a reassuring voice says, "Precisely." Then in a one-eighty turns serious. "And Czar do not interrupt me again." His eyes narrow in on Czar. Czar takes a gulp and shakes his head; respecting his order.

The Head Wizard regains his composure, continuing from where he got interrupted. "As I was saying before, the citizens of our kingdom noticed the oddity. Knights were already preparing to head out before requests came pouring in. I, as you might have guessed, took part in investigating the strange occurrence. I was leading the group of knights, just like I am with you all. Honestly, I never thought I would have to do this, this soon." He gives a hardy grin to the group of knights in front of him. "Ah… My bad I'm getting off topic. Where was I? Oh, that's right, I was leading the knights. I remember as if it were yesterday. My cavalier and I left an hour pass noon, we had just finished our mediocre lunch. We were by no means new to peculiar oddities of this world. However, this was like nothing we had seen before; a destruction beyond our most comprehensible scale.

"When we arrived there was nothing left, only charred ground. Our hearts dropped when we saw the devastation. We were too shocked to speak, but we were all thinking the same thing. We concluded that there was a slim chance anyone was alive. With this in mind, I still decided to order the Calvary to search the area, on the slim chance… No on the hope that there was at last one survivor. Once I give an order my men execute it with their fullest capabilities, so when one of the knights found three survivors in the span of ten minutes I shouldn't have been surprised. That is, I wouldn't have been surprised in any other situation, but considering the state of the place I was flowing with relief, joy, and a terminal of many corresponding emotions." The Head Wizard lets out a depleting sigh, scratching his chin hairs in the process. "Yes, I was happy… However, we shortly figured out that only three people survived out of a village of ten-thousand people. At first, we kept our distance from the three survivors. 'Why?' You might all be thinking, well that's because the knight who found them couldn't get more than twenty feet near them without hitting an invisible wall.

"When he informed me about this, I thought it was more than odd, but not impossible. I mean if a whole village can get wiped out in an instant then it isn't too much to believe. So, without questioning him I followed him to the spot. When we arrived, I could feel an ominous aura coming from the three people on the ground. The aura coming from them was protruding without stop, which means I had a tough time sensing who the aura was coming from." Wow, to think the Head wizard couldn't pin point where the aura was coming from. I'm surprised beyond reason, while a feeling of excitement is welling within me. This feeling of excitement is due to the fact that I am super overpowered! Hey now, don't get too ahead of yourself. "And why's that?" I ask with a smart aleck tone. If I were in an anime, I would have drool coming out of my mouth from all the thoughts of being full of power. Wow… how much of a ditz can you be. I can visualize my conscious putting its hand on its head, shaking with disappointment. As you said when you first saw your younger self use that uncanny power, "Still I wonder why I couldn't use it when I first came to this world?" Doesn't that ring a bell? My excitement recedes a little, still holding on to a mustard seed of hope. "Well even if that is the case, I can always ask Lilith to reteach magic to me, and who knows, maybe the Head Wizard will say something in a bit, if he examines my body." Have you even considered the possibility of you not being able to use magic anymore because of this incident? "No, not particularly… But we'll cross that road when we get there. I shut out my conscious as the Head Wizard continues to speak.

"Once I realized I could not pinpoint from whom the particularly powerful aura was coming from, I regrouped my men and told them to be cautious from here on out. After I told them, I allowed them to continue searching the barren wasteland, once considered a village, with the hope we could find more clues pertaining to the cause of this. Even though, when I came up to that powerful ward, I had a feeling of what happened. The knights dispersed and I was left at the highly powerful ward. My first hypothesis was that a strange anomaly occurred within the sudden burst of destructive power causing a rift in its magical energy, causing a build of thin energy that happened to be protecting three villagers out of pure luck. I quickly threw that thought out of my head. My second hypothesis was more focused on the two adults in the ward. An idea occurred that one of the adults could have caused this destructive event. However, that was as farfetched as my first hypothesis. The more I thought about it the more unlikely it seemed. One of the first flags was that the kingdom would most likely have records or at least known about a person powerful enough to do this. Then the flag putting this idea to rest was the fact that the only person powerful enough to have done this was Vallah; and as some of you might know ten years ago, she was still sealed in the void. So, for most of the day I was walking around the ward trying to think of all the possibilities that could have caused it. While thinking of reasons for the anomaly I was also trying to break the ward.

"At first, I tried a couple of low-level destruction spells, knowing full well that they were useless, but I wanted to see what type of ward I was working with; testing its strength. I then turned to my arsenal of my strongest destruction spells. I knew the ward was not going to break on my weakest highest spell, so I went for the jugular, by using my strongest and most well-known destruction spell… Gladiolus Ignitus!" The Head Master shouts his spells name for the whole world to hear, sparking admiration from every knight. I am also brought back to my senses from the resonance of his voice, which is strange since I'm in a celestial like body, and from the fact that the spells name is freaking lit. You'll always be an otaku at heart, won't you? I give a grin. "Don't you mean we'll always be an otaku at heart. He-he-he!" Yeah… whatever you say. I once again ignore my conscious snarky attitude, focusing my full attention to the Head Wizard's story.

"Gladiolus Ignitus… The very spell that took out Vallah the first time, allowing the kingdom to seal her up in the void. The only spell known, till today at least, to have taken down Vallah." Czar rambles under his breath unbeknownst to him that everyone can hear. "Yes, indeed that very spell, which you have so highly heard of Czar." The Head Master gives Czar a warming smile. "Head wizard I'm sorry for speaking without permission, I humbly accept any punishment you believe worthy." Czar immediately puts his face into the ground, groveling. "Lift your head Czar you have done me no wrong, I will allow that much, so there is no need for you to worry." Czar's face comes speeding back to its original spot and the Head Wizard continues to finish up the story. "As I was saying, the spell I was going to use to cause the ward to weaken, eventually causing it to collapse allowing us to enter, obtaining the three people inside. Sadly, I greatly underestimated the magic power that went into creating that ward. But I didn't come to this realization till the moment I finished the incantation.

"The second, Gladiolus Ignitus left my parched lips I knew something was wrong. With this spell, once I release it, a giant swirling cyclone is supposed to appear over the caster. Then the cyclone is supposed to spin with unimaginable speed releasing highly powerful fireball in a myriad of sizes. However, the only thing making a commotion after I recited my incantation was the sound of a newborn infant. Instantly my eyes grew wide, not from the coincidental timing of the baby crying and my spell not activating, but from the fact that I was witnessing the magic I poured into the spell being absorbed by the crying infant. At that moment I was baffled, with a hidden fear in the back of my mind. Not only was I witnessing something that had never been done; I had also figured out who had caused the atrocity. It wasn't some evil master mind who had stayed in hiding till now, or even the notorious Vallah, it was an infant baby who wasn't even old enough to know what he was doing."

The knights' bodies grow frantic in awe at what they had just heard. However, I'm a little underwhelmed by the story. Maybe it's because I knew what was going to happen from how he was building it up, not to mention moments ago my younger self took down the most powerful witch in existence, and it could be that it was way too long of a story that could have been finished hours ago. "I'm just glad it's over, but there are still more questions than answers." June sorry to spoil your moment, but the Head Wizard isn't done telling the story. I turn my attention back to him and surely enough he is continuing the story. "Holy crap! How much more could he have to say. Plus, they haven't even noticed the survivors around them." I smack my forehead with my palm. "Man, how have they not noticed them yet… What pitiful knights, and isn't he supposed to be the strongest wizard? How has he not sensed them yet." Did you ever consider that the younger version of you has yet for his magical powers to deplete? Concluding that it is plausible that the wards are still around the survivors, meaning their presence is blocked from the Head Wizard and knights. "No, that didn't even cross my mind." I give a heavy sigh, ending my rant, listening to the rest of his elongated story.

"I was mesmerized by the immense power he exuded. I didn't notify any of the knights near my location because I knew if this got out there would be a change in our world order. So as the knights were searching the remaining areas of Ippan, I was trying to figure out how long it would be before this frightful force exhausted his magical power. Thank the gods I didn't have to wait but a trivial fifteen minutes after he absorbed my spell. I watched as the ward instantly faded, the air around the area felt as if a curse had been lifted from it. He was sound asleep in his mother's laxed arms.

"I walked cautiously over to him, for I didn't want to wake him. Since I didn't know what caused his power to activate; how fickle he was. When I arrived a few steps away from him I could instantly tell these people were a family. From the way his father was cradling the mother in his arm, almost as if he was bracing them. And the way the mother held her baby tightly, while adding the graceful touch only a mother can provide to comfort in a time of crisis. However, this begged another question: Why did his father and mother survive while everyone else in Ippan died instantaneously? I knew I wouldn't get my answer staring these peaceful looking people down, so I put my Cover Presence and Invisibility spell on them. As soon as I made them virtually gone, I cast my two highest mental spells… Meanwhile Erased and Memory Rephrase.

Czar eyes sparkle like a child getting the present he wanted most for Christmas. "Sorry to interrupt Head Wizard, but those spells have never been recorded." The Head Wizard nods his head knowingly and gives Czar a response. "There is a reason no one has never seen or heard of these two spells. The simple reason being every time I use them on the person intended, that said person doesn't remember anything." Czar nods in quick recessions. "With this being said you… Actually, you all probably want to hear about what these spells do." The knights start to whisper among themselves, coming up with ideas on what the spells could entail. "Just what I expected. Then it shall be. Let me tell you what these two spells can do." I should be excited about learning of unheard spells, but I've been listening to this boring story for what feels like days. So, I'm not too happy about detouring off the main story to talk about some spells that he was probably going to tell us about, including what they did, when he got to it. For me this is just a punch to the temple. "Huh… Why can't this story end?" Well on the bright side, we are closer to hearing the ending of the story than we were several hours ago. I can feel a smug grin coming from my conscience. "Way to stay positive me." I say with a sarcastic level high enough to make an English teacher give up.

The Head Wizard continues prolonging the story. "First I'll start with the spell I used first once I figured out what likely happened. Since I didn't want the other knights to find out about the babies overwhelming magic power, and I couldn't just ride back to the kingdom without them asking tedious questions, so the first thing I did was use the spell… Meanwhile Erased." The Head Wizard emphasizes the spell name. I wonder why he does that? It's almost as if he's trying to make the name sound dramatic and imposing. Maybe he has a complex. Yeah maybe… If he does, I wonder what it is. "Meanwhile Erased… is a spell that allows me to erase a person's memories. I can erase everything where they are nothing more than a newborn again or erase the smallest of things I see fit. So, I activated the spell and erased all the knights' memories of our excursion, all the way back, before we had lunch that noon. The spell took me moments to cast and then I moved onto… Memory Rephrase.

"Memory Rephrase allows me to manipulate a persons' mind. So, once I finished wiping their mind, I ordered them, like dolls, to head back to the castle, resign as knights, and then to become mute for the rest of their days." That sounds quite harsh. "This might sound harsh, but I had to make sure nothing was spoken of, in the case that… Meanwhile Erased… didn't hit one of its marks. Finally, after I finished my clean up, getting rid of the witnesses, I kept him along with his father and mother concealed until I got a private hearing with the king. The king was reluctant at first, for he didn't want the baby to do what he did to Ippan. But before I requested his hearing I talked with his parents. The father didn't see what happened before their baby went berserk, however his mother did. She told me how the meeting was almost over and how he was hungry, then she doesn't remember anything. Thus, I realized that the slightest thing could make him berserk. So, the day before my hearing I constructed my most powerful magical device to this day, a bracelet; one of which concealed his powers. Now we have devices like these used on criminals to minimize their magical powers. Those only conceal their powers on a basic level. My device however concealed the power from the users' soul." He drives it home when he spends the next hour talking about how he constructed the bracelet. "There is something seriously wrong with this old man. I mean by the time he's finished its going to be daytime."

The Head Wizard finally finishes with his schematics of the bracelet and starts moving this freakishly long story forward. All I can do is hope that he's almost done. However, I have my doubts based on everything I've witnessed so far. "Thus, the time came for me to meet with the king. I left their baby with them in my home for the time being, then headed for the castle. When I made my presence before the king, he took me to a secret hold deep within the castle, to discuss the most urgent of matters at hand. The first thing I brought up to the king was the bracelet I had made for the baby. I explained how it would seal his magical powers away, staying on him the remainder of his life, and how it would grow with him continuing to negate his growing powers. I also old him about the baby's parents and how hey had knowledge of the tragedy that befell their village. This was a major problem for the king, since he didn't want a single leak out to the prying public. At first, he suggested having them brought to death, allowing the baby to grow up under my guidance, to eventually grow up to be an obedient trump card for the kingdom. I was not keen with his idea. Therefore, I recommended using… Meanwhile Erased… to wipe their memories of the event. Then I would use… Memory Rephrase… to manipulate their past into that of a noble. I would make them believe they were of the highest class of nobles. And with that I suggested one more thing, that the family could live in the castle so they could keep a close eye on their child. Once the king heard my idea, he loved my idea, to the point where he gave it the go ahead without a second thought. However, he had something to add to the plan. He wanted me to use… Memory Rephrase… on the baby to make him not question why he had to where his bracelet for the remainder of his days. I found this a small trivial, to which I had considered beforehand, but nonetheless agreed to do as I was told. That concluded our secret meeting and I went to work immediately." The Head Wizard goes into some lackluster detail about how he executed his plan, then explains how everything led up to today's events, or maybe yesterday's events I'm not sure what time it is; finally coming to the much-anticipated ending of his far stretched story.

The knights begin to whisper frantically to one another, talking about what they had heard. However, Czar stares into the Head Wizards eyes. His eyes are staring into the deepest parts of the head Wizards soul. I can tell from his intense stare that he is about to say something. "Head Wizard may I voice an observation and concern onto you." He bows his head in respect. The Head Wizard looks at him quizzically. "Yes, you may speak your mine." The knights around him turn silent in anticipation for him to speak. Czar lifts his head and his face is full of purpose. My heart starts to speed up a little from his look, and not in a weird way. It's more on the lines of his whole demeaner is protruding confidence. "Head Wizard, not to be rude in any way, but I have one concern that bothers me with your story coinciding with what you told us when we first got here." The Head Wizard's eyes go wide, then his face relaxes, and he asks, "Czar what do you mean by this claim?" Their eyes meet, sadly without sparks flying, and Czar continues. "The thing bothering me is when you talked about how you sent your men scouring for survivors. When you said you had doubts that there were any survivors. So, if I may ask, why did you bring everyone together saying the only one alive was the boy, June?" Czar points towards my younger self. He puts his finger down, awaiting a response form the Head Wizard.

"Ha-ha, you are indeed a sharp one. Very well then, I had you all regroup, believing the situation was hopeless because…" He draws a blank, trying to find the right words. " … Actually, I'm not sure, I guess with old age comes greater emotion, which clouded my decision to make the right decision. Therefore, Czar, I should have had a positive outlook on the situation, instead of assuming the worst. With this I give you knights full permission to search the area, on the slim chance there might be survivors other than June." The Knights get up, separating into groups of two, and start to spread out with the objective of finding survivors. Czar gets ready to search with his partner grabs his shoulder, when the Head Wizard grabs his shoulder. "Wait!" Czar holts his partner and turns his attention, once again to the Head Wizard. The Head Wizard lets go of his shoulder and elevates his voice. "My knights, hurry back at once!" His voice is frantic and full of surprise. "What is it Head Wizard?" Czar looks concerningly at him.

The knights return with haste. "I… I have news!" Wait news? Is it good or bad, I mean who says, "I have news.", without indicating if it's bad or good? Well it could be that the news is neither good or bad, but neutral. Which would be why he would say it like that. That is a very good point. I let my celestial head droop. How are you smarter than me when you are me, that is the most mind-boggling thing; even more than what has happened to me. To my dismay my conscience decides to keep its mouth closed. The knights look confused with the Head Wizard's sudden tone. "A few moments ago, I felt several surges of life forces coming from around the area." Czar's mouth drops like a rock. "Sir, what do you mean by that? How come you didn't sense life forces before?" The Head Wizards mumbles, "It is just as before." His voice returns to its normal volume as he continues to speak. "My fellow knights I have no time to explain, but this type of thing happened ten years ago. I couldn't feel anyone's life force until June had exhausted his magical power. With this said, the same thing has happened again. But I didn't think it would be this many people alive.

The Knights clank there armor together, to celebrate the news. However, Czar doesn't do any thing of the sort, he simply asks the Head Wizard another question. "Sir, If I may ask one more question…" The Head Wizard nods his head, a signal for Czar to continue. "…I was wondering what you mean by, 'I didn't think it would be this may people alive?'" The Head Wizard gives a smirk. "That's a good question. I said that because when the event happened ten years ago his parents were the only ones alive. So, I concluded that only those that he loved would be spared from his berserk mode. Even I expected one other person to be alive; a childhood friend that he spent every waken moment with. But the fact that I count eight other life forces boggles me beyond words. Now I'm so not sure if he loses full control of his magical powers or if he retains a conscious state while his magical energy goes beyond our understanding. And that is why I said that, hopefully that answer satisfied you." The Head Master locks eyes with Czar, awaiting his reaction. Czar keeps his expression void of emotions and says, "Knights what are we waiting for let's get these survivors to safety… Move out!", to all the knights.

The exposition is finally done, and the knights are scattered about securing the students that survived. I watch closely as the Head Wizard walks over to my body. He examines my younger self from head to toe. After which he cast a spell with an inaudible whisper. A light blue haze covers my younger body. If I had to guess what the spell was, I would say it was a sleeping spell. Even though I am clearly out of it. I watch closely as he cast another spell to levitate my body. I watch as he stands not doing anything, besides looking around at the knights. However, his eyes are glued to one particular knight, Czar. "I wonder why…" I quickly shut myself up as I see for myself what the Head Wizard is seeing. Czar is currently trying to awake one of the survivors… No not just any survivor, its Lilith. I quickly fly to their location to see why he's having trouble waking her up. However, I can point out a few things that could lead to her being knocked out; she did get a beating from Vallah. Czar is trying the best not to cause any harm to her as he tries to wake her. Hey, June something weirds happening. What is it now? I don't know how to explain it but- My conscious gets cut off, as I'm shrouded in darkness.