
My Kingdom Fall

A dangerous rebellion attacks and sparks a war between the four great kingdoms of Medivia. The rebellion seeks refuge across the sea. As the tensions rise, the war is right around the corner. A brave soldier chases after the rebellion, hoping to get revenge. A skilled soldier leads a great army under a strong king. A powerful influencer searches for a lost soul. Divine power influences and changes the balance of the war. A new king rises, challenging anyone who stands in his way.

NexusAzara · Fantasía
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67 Chs

The Dungeon

The next day, David finds another quest from the Guild. This time it is not a simple one. They need to retrieve a dagger from an ancient tomb located somewhere inside an old ruined castle near the village. Also the dungeon is guarded by a very powerful skeleton warrior.

"You know, this might actually be a good opportunity for us to level up." Ash said

"You're right," Hazel said, "It will be very difficult."

"We need to bring the bones of the skeleton back as well as the dagger to get an even bigger reward" David planned.

"But how do we find the dagger? And where is the tomb?" Hazel asked

"Let's split up for now. You two go north and I'll go south. If we find it or don't, meet up here at sunset and then we will decide what to do next." David said, getting up.

"Good idea. I'll try going west." Ash said, leaving the tavern.

"See you later guys!" Hazel said and left too.

David headed south for a while and found nothing that resembled a ruin of anything. Soon enough, the sun began to fall. David returned to the tavern and saw that Ash had a huge smile on his face.

"It is a mile west of here." Ash said with bliss

"Awesome work!" Hazel and David said

"We should leave tomorrow morning." David suggested

"Okay, sounds good." Hazel agreed.

After a few hours of rest, they got up and continued their journey to the ruins. Once they reached the place, they saw a large building covered in vines.

"This must be the tomb." Hazel said

"I guess so." David replied.

"It is." Ash said

They entered the door and were immediately attacked by skeletons and giant spiders.

"Okay, you two take care of the skeletons and I'll take care of the spiders." Hazel said

"Got it!" David replied

David and Ash fought and killed the skeletons. They were really weak. They did not recover the bones because they wanted the Guardian's bones. Hazel used fire Energy and killed the spiders. They venture deeper into the tomb and finally reach the daggers resting place. They slowly and cautiously walk into the room. In the corners of the room were piles of gold. They walked closer to the dagger. Hazel grabbed it and holstered it on her belt. Then they heard rumbling. Out of the shadows comes a giant skeleton standing seven feet tall with a sword and shield.

"Who dares take the Blood Dagger?" the Guardian called out

"Alright, let's kill this thing and go home!" David ordered.

"Right behind you!" Ash shouted.

David and Ash charged forward and attacked the Guardian. He blocked Ash's sword with his shield and swung his sword at him. Ash dodged the attack and gave a counterattack. David parried the Guardian's sword again and ran towards him. As he approached the Guardian, a spider jumped onto David's shoulder and bit his neck. A second spider then dropped onto his back and bit his arm.

"Ouch! That hurt. Hurry up and finish this guy off!" David yelled, waving the small spiders off him.

Ash jumps up and with the help of Hazel's gravity Energy, he slices the neck bone of the Skeleton Guardian and kills it. The skeleton falls down dead.

"Great job guys!" Hazel said, running over to David to heal his wounds.

Hazel healed David's injuries and they both picked up the bones. They also collected some of the gold. They gathered three hundred gold pieces and each took one hundred. They hurried to the Guild and turned in both the dagger and the bones of the Guardian.

"My, my. Look at those. Pure Guardian bones. And the dagger. Well done." the Guildmaster said, "If you complete this next quest I have then you shall rank up to Silver. It will be the most dangerous one you and your squad have done."

The Guild master gives each of them one ruby and fifty gold coins for completing the quest. He hands David the letter. David slowly opens it and reads it. The next quest is to retrieve the Staff from the lair of a powerful Lich.

"What do you think we should do about this? Should we do it?" David asked.

"I say we go for it. What could possibly happen?" Ash said.

"You know what. That works for me too. Let's do it." Hazel replies.