
My Kingdom Fall

A dangerous rebellion attacks and sparks a war between the four great kingdoms of Medivia. The rebellion seeks refuge across the sea. As the tensions rise, the war is right around the corner. A brave soldier chases after the rebellion, hoping to get revenge. A skilled soldier leads a great army under a strong king. A powerful influencer searches for a lost soul. Divine power influences and changes the balance of the war. A new king rises, challenging anyone who stands in his way.

NexusAzara · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

The Lair

The next day, they woke up early and prepared for the adventure. They gathered their equipment, food, and navigational tools. The Guildmaster was kind enough to tell them where the Lair was. They left at dawn and traveled all day until they reached the shoreline of the lake in which the Lair was located. They looked around carefully and then decided to explore the shore of the lake. They walked across the beach and soon enough, they reached the Lair. The entrance was a mossy and dirty cave which had stairs leading down into the darkness. Hazel used fire Energy to generate a fireball that they used to go deeper into the burrow. Once they reached the bottom, they found themselves in a large chamber filled with water and mud. There were four paths: north, east, south, and west.

"Which way should we go?" David asked.

"Let's head south first. We can come back when we need to." Hazel replied.

They walked along the muddy passage and soon enough, they came upon a strange looking tree.

"Hey look! A tree!" Ash said excitedly.

"Yes, well done." David said

The tree had no leaves and it was a miracle that it grew so large without any sunlight. It was three times the height of an average person. It looked like there was something living inside it.

"What do you want to do? Go ahead and cut it or turn back?" Hazel asked.

"Do you think this is a trap?" David asked.

"Not sure but it doesn't hurt to try." Hazel replied.

David charged up an attack and hacked at the tree. The tree was stronger than anticipated. David did no visible damage to the old tree. But the tree suddenly exploded, blasting the two of them backwards. David rolled on the ground and got up.

"Ow! My head!" Ash said, helping Hazel back up

David looks around and spots a rock on the ground. He picks up the stone and throws it at the Lich. The rock hits the Lich right between its eyes and bounces away. The Lich turns around, sees David standing up, and rushes towards him.

"You're not getting by me!" David shouts, swinging his sword at the Lich.

The Lich was carrying a mighty staff with a diamond at the end. The creature screeched and used fire Energy against them. Hazel used earth Energy to shield herself, while David and Ash used their shields. David attacked from the front and Ash charged from behind.

The Lich dodged David's attacks and then tried to burn Ash. The fire energy hit Ash's shield and it quickly extinguished.

"Get out of here!" David yells, kicking the Lich back.

The Lich dodges and tries to attack David again. David dodges the attack and takes the chance to swing his sword at the Lich. With a quick slash, David cuts through the Lich's neck and kills it instantly.

The Lich dies. The body of the Lich collapses and sinks into the ground. The fight was not over. The Lair began to shake violently. David quickly grabbed the staff and followed Hazel and Ash out of the labyrinth. They made it out in time before the cave collapsed. They waited and caught their breath. After a few minutes, the shaking stopped and the sound of falling rocks subsided. They began to walk back to the village, but were stopped by an intense screech coming from the water.

"Oh crap." Hazel says.

"I think we better get out of here. Quick!" David said, as he picked up the staff.

They run away from the lake and soon enough, they reach the village. They stop by the Guild and inform him of what happened. After hearing the full story, the Guildmaster congratulated them.

"Well done. You are now Silver rank adventurers. Congratulations. You may now choose more difficult quests. Here is your reward: one hundred gold pieces each and a Silver Tag, " He said, "I can take your Copper Tags."

"Thank you, sir." the three said

"How are your swords doing?" Hazel asked

"We should get new ones." David said

The Adventurers walked down the street to the blacksmith.

"What would you like?" the smith asked.

"Two silver swords please." Hazel said.

"Alright. I'll be right back," the smith replied.

He returns shortly and hands them their newly forged weapons.

"Here are your swords. May they serve you well." he said

"Thanks." Hazel said.

David examines his sword and smiles happily.

"It's beautiful!" David exclaims, holding the blade up to admire it.

"I'm glad to hear that." the smith said

"I have to return home. I've been gone for a few days now." David said, "What will you guys be doing?"

"Vypor is a ways away from here so I will stay at the inn." Ash said

"I, too, will stay at the inn." Hazel said

"Great, let's meet back here tomorrow and do another quest." David said

"Sounds good to me." Hazel said smiling.

"Same." Ash said

"Alright. See you tomorrow." David said, walking off.

The remaining adventurers decide to visit the mage's guild. They enter and look around. There was only one other adventurer inside the room.

"Hello, may I help you?" the receptionist asked.

"Hi, we just came to look around ." Hazel said

"Very well." the receptionist said

Hazel and Ash walk around the place, looking at various books and potions. Ash looked over to the other adventurer that was there. He was shorter than Ash and wore all black. He had light leather armor and no sword on his side. In fact he had no waist holster. He made eye contact with the man. The man had a scar on his face over his eye. He had two different eye colors. Ash looked away quickly and got closer to Hazel.

"What's wrong?" Hazel asks.

"I don't know." Ash replies, looking around nervously.

"Maybe he doesn't like me because of my hair color." Ash says

"No, it's okay," Hazel said, reassuring her friend, "He probably stares at a lot of people. Besides, you're gorgeous, remember?"

Hazel whispers, "I think he likes you."

"Thanks" Ash asks.

"Yeah." Hazel replied, "He's still looking right at you."

"Hey, sir. I would appreciate it if you stopped staring at me." Ash said with confidence.

"I apologize. You remind me of someone from many, many years ago. But he died." the man in black said

"Oh, I'm sorry" Ash said

Ash takes a closer look at the necklace hanging off his neck. The Tag was... Obsidian. The highest and hardest rank to get to. There are only a handful of Obsidian ranked Adventurers. Ash wondered how this person got such a high rank, but decided to keep his mouth shut.

"I'm sorry about that, sir. Thank you for your understanding." Ash says, bowing slightly.

"You are most welcome." the man in black said.

"May I get your name, sir?" Ash asked eagerly

"My name... it's..." the man was cut off when the War Bell rang.

Everyone gathered into buildings. Even Adventurers. The Bell sounds when a high class of a monster enters the village. The dark dressed man runs out to the street and Hazel and Ash follow.

In front of them stands a fifteen foot Ogre. The man signals for the kids to go inside, but they don't budge. Hazel and Ash stood behind the man as he walked toward the Ogre alone.

The Ogre unsheathes its giant sword and points it at the brave Adventurer. The man in black slide daggers down his sleeves into his palms. The monster begins to charge at him. He swiftly moves behind the Ogre and slices the back of its calf. The beast roars in pain and jumps back. The man begins to channel so much Energy. He begins to mix all of the forms into one giant blast. Without breaking a sweat he shoots the plasma beam at the Ogre, creating a massive hole in its chest. The beast falls down, and the man is victorious. Ash and Hazel stood there in awe as the man used magic and made the body disappear except for the head, which he turned into the Guild for gold. The Guildmaster handed him a large bag of gold. The man accepted the gift and opened a small portal and dropped the bag in it. The portal closed once the bag fell in. Before Ash and Hazel could reach him, he vanished without a trace. Ash and Hazel return to the inn where they are sleeping. They say good night to each other before going into their rooms.