
My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Check out my new novel: The Ultimate Devourer! My life as the strongest cultivator of the blood throne sect let me live a great life, I was born with the highest constitution possible, my wisdom was infinite due to my soul absorbing my former reincarnations, I was the strongest to ever be known in my universe. Until one day that I died, even though I have reached the peak of cultivation it was impossible to attain eternal life, the universe is cruel and the world won't let you live as long as it does. I died as a doddering old fool, dying in my sleep! I just woke up thinking that I reincarnated again only to be greeted with this bullshit: [Caterpillar System Activated] [Does Host want to eat leaves?] [If the host doesn't eat the leaves host will die] I the great cultivator known as Yun Jhin with thousands of concubines and hundreds of official wives became a leaf-eating caterpillar? I do not own the cover picture! Disclaimer: Don't expect stellar perfect English from this novel, I do my best using grammarly to fix all of the problems that the program can find but I cannot fix everything, any obvious mistakes that have been overlooked will be fixed if you point me to them in the comments. If you want to support me or the novel you can donate to my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/KaiokenGuy If you want an alternative and free way to support me you can use this link: https://surveytime.app/kaiokenguy Make an account with the link above, verify it with your phone number and link your paypal account, do one survey and get paid 1$ immediately, for every person who gets paid out I get 1$ but this only happens for one person, so if you continue using the site I won't get any more money after that 1$, however even 1$ helps me very much! It doesn't cost you anything and you get paid for it as well!

KaiokenGuy · Oriental
Sin suficientes valoraciones
244 Chs


Yun Jhin knew he had to do things quickly or else he might fail in his endeavor, he was a person that hated failure so he wouldn't be able to look at himself anymore if he failed such an easy job. Yun Jhin aura started to increase as his muscles bulged up, veins started to appear on them, his breathing quickened his blood flow did the same, his undead heart started to beat as his putrid blood started to rush in his veins.

His red eyes glowed with a peculiar color and he gritted his teeth as he made sure his wild aura didn't leak at all, his perfect control over his host's ki made it possible, combined with his stealth technique the trio ahead of him didn't realize they were stalked by a predator that could gulp them up in seconds.

Small shockwaves started to appear around Yun Jhin's body as he speeds up, he immediately went directly to the unknown guy with the cultivation of the 4th stage, his hand was made into a spear motion as he made sure he would direct it into his chest and take his heart. This was one of his favorite finishing moves, it was also one of the quickest ones, taking out the heart directly was the best way to know someone was dead, that or decapitating.

However the 4th stage unknown guy smiled to himself as he dodged Yun Jhin's attack at the last second, however, Yun Jhin still grabbed him by the arm and ripped the appendage off!

The man continued laughing as he looked at the fountain of blood that came out of his stump and said:

"Digo, Bango, GO TAKE CARE OF HIM!"

Yun Jhin frowned as the dark-skinned man and the other 5th stage practitioner made a pincer attack towards him, however, his breakthroughs combined with his use of the forbidden technique and his constitution made him able to fight a 6th stage cultivator, while 2 5th stage ones would be troublesome he could still deal with them for some time and even kill them both if they didn't get reinforcements!

As Yun Jhin failed with his attack he made sure he didn't leave the 4th stage cultivator alive as he grunted and sent 2 dark-colored balls of ki at the man, the balls collided with his body and electrocuted him to death, the dark electricity spread to the 5th stage duo and Yun Jhin himself, but while the duo got fried Yun Jhin took no damage!

His aura changed as electricity started to run around his body, he didn't like open combat but that didn't mean he was weak in it!

His body disappeared as his meridians burst with electricity increasing the speed of the body to an immense degree, due to the body's sturdiness even though his meridians started cracking they held well.

The dark-skinned man was called Digo and his body was very sturdy, he wouldn't be able to kill him one shoot but the other guy looked quite frail, he decided to attack him while he dodged a straight claw attack that came from Digo.

Digo furrowed his brows as his claw missed, he was strong and steady but not fast, Yun Jhin's figure appeared near Bango as his hand went directly to his chest, ready to pierce through and take out his heart!

Yun Jhin's attack hit home but the man dissipated as if he was an illusion, Yun Jhin looked around and his hand went directly to an empty area behind him, a cough could be heard as blood started to appear in the clear water, Yun Jhin smiled as he retracted his hand, a heart that was slowly stopping it's beating was in his hand. His hand quickly went directly to the man's spatial bag but he frowned as he found that it didn't have the dragon stone.

He looked at the dark-skinned man and he launched himself directly at him but before he could do anything light started to shine on his body, Yun Jhin frowned as he looked at the formation and realized that it was a teleportation one!

Such a weak sect with only a King Realm expert had a formation master that could lay teleportation formations?

Yun Jhin frowned as he sent out a long slash of energy that struck at the man's spatial bag destroying it and spilling all of its contents, Yun Jhin saw the stone and lunged towards it, he grabbed it as the man disappeared but a big smile was on his face as he pointed towards his pants and he pulled a similar-looking stone out of them.

Yun Jhin cursed as he watched the man vanish and roared in the sea as the water around him started to evaporate due to his anger, he broke the fake dragon stone into little bits with his hand as he unleashed a giant beam out of his mouth that destroyed the seafloor.

He started to control himself and said:

"I have let my anger take a hold of me, *sigh* I didn't think there would be a teleportation formation on that guy's body, did they stay in this region to charge it?"

Yun Jhin could feel that this region had quite a lot of spatial ki in it, that meant his guess was right, only if he could have gotten here faster...

The only way for him to get his hands on the dragon stone would be to directly infiltrate the Heavenly Turtle sect, but it was currently impossible, he would need to switch bodies, even though he could change his outer form with the ki technique, the sect must have some ki detecting formation that he couldn't fool, even though his main body wouldn't be found, his host's body would surely will.

Yun Jhin frowned as he left the sea and returned to the city, he broke his own arm and hit himself in the stomach as he laid down seemingly 'dying' on the ground, after a few hours of waiting a squadron of fighters from the empire found him and took him away.

After 'regaining consciousness' Yun Jhin found himself into a medical tent, the doctor there walked forward to him and said:

"The minister of the military has sent out 2 other generals besides Minimus after he found out Minimus died, they found you unconscious and half-dead at the city with no one else in sight, could you tell us what happened? Wait for a little so the generals can come."

The medic rushed out of the tent and later came with two imposing men full of muscles that looked the same, it seemed they were twins, both of them were bald and wore the imperial armor of the minister of military showing that they stood in his camp, the minister of the military worked with the minister of the left who supported the crown prince.

The duo talked in unison as they questioned Yun Jhin:

"General Sisheng, would you mind telling us what happened?"

Yun Jhin coughed a bit as some blood welled up from his throat and stained his clothes, his hand was dangling in front of him as it didn't heal properly yet, it seemed they didn't apply the treatment for him, Yun Jhin eyes narrowed as he looked at them and said slowly:

"Ah I'm quite injured you see, maybe could you fix my arm first before I can give my report?"

The duo frowned then they motioned for the medic to enter back, then he settled Yun Jhin's arm back into its socket and gave him a pill which immediately healed some of his self inflicted injuries.

The twins then came slowly in front of Yun Jhin and glared at him while saying:

"Now that you are healed, could you tell us what happened to general Mono, General Minimus, and all of the other troops?"

Yun Jhin nodded his head as he started his story when general Minimus came:

"General Minimus and General Mono started off by fighting each other at the base, then after they settled their differences, *cough* I and some other soldiers had to stop Mono before he dealt a fatal blow to Minimus."

Yun Jhin's coughing worsened as he coughed up another mouthful of blood and continued:

"After we made sure Mono and Minimus were at full power we ran at our quickest speed towards the city, there we met with two 5th stage ki cultivating experts, Minimus was fatally wounded by one of them and then... General Mono gave the finishing blow taking General Minimus's life."

The duo frowned as they looked at each other then nodded seemingly beliving the story, they knew the story behind Minimus's and Mono's hatred, so it wasn't surprising to them that Mono would do such a thing. Yun Jhin didn't technically lie to them there.

As he continued his story Yun Jhin coughed a few more times and the medic had to stabilize his condition, even though he needed to rest from what the medic said, the twin duo didn't want to let him go before he finished his report:

"After Mono killed Minimus he fought a deadly 1v2 fight, in the end, he took one down but the dark-skinned man he fought before made him meet his end, as for me and the others, there was a back up at the 4th stage that fatally injured me and then he killed the others, fortunately, I faked my death using my corpse technique if not I wouldn't be here to report this to you."

Yun Jhin finished his report as he 'collapsed' on the bed and he coughed one more mouthful of dark blood, the medic quickly came to him and started resuscitating him with lightning ki, after a while the doctor felt that he wouldn't die, he knew that he cultivated a special corpse technique, but he could still feel his life force, as it wasn't decreasing anymore he thought that he wouldn't die.

Yun Jhin stopped controlling the level of his life force as he smirked inside, he fooled these empire dogs but he grimaced as he thought about his failure, to get his hands on the dragon stone wouldn't be easy.

However, before he could cultivate under the guise of resting a palm smacked him in the face as he was seemingly 'awakened' by it.

He looked up at one of the twins which hit him in the face and gritted his teeth as he made himself look like he was unable to get up and said:

"What's wrong I told you everything!"

The man laughed as he said:

"True I couldn't see any lie in your story, however, there's one thing you forgot to tell me!"

He put a paper that had the image of the dragon stone on it and shouted in his ear:


Yun Jhin squinted his eyes then widened them as he said:

"Yes, yes, I saw the dark-skinned man take it in his spatial bag, when we got there they just excavated it from the city lord's house, I wonder why would the city lord keep such a thing under his house.."

The man frowned as he heard Yun Jhin's words then he looked at his brother and said to Yun Jhin:

"You did a great job out there peasant, I will make sure the crown prince hears of your merit."

The man gave a creepy smile to Yun Jhin as he said those words, Yun Jhin knew the man was going to embezzle his merits but he just nodded his head and made it look like he was too tired and injured to realize that.

The twin brothers laughed in unison as they left the medical tent behind, the medic from before continued to tent to Yun Jhin's body as he monitored his life force, as he felt that it was increasing steadily he left the tent and went to do other miscellaneous jobs.

Yun Jhin frowned as he felt the damage done around his body, the self-inflicted damage was only on the surface, as for the attacks from the others they didn't faze him much, the most damage that he got was from the forbidden technique and his forceful breakthroughs.

He frowned as he felt that he would need atleast 2 years to heal this normally, the damage from the forbidden technique could be healed faster, but if he didn't take care of the sequelae from forcefully breaking through he would have to abandon this body, not because it wouldn't be able to fight anymore, but because it wouldn't be able to get him to the King Realm!

He deeply frowned inside as he kept his unconscious act up, he thought about what herbs he needed to heal his body quickly and then made sure those were the things he would ask for with his merit, as for the dragon stone, he would make sure he got his hands on it sooner or later.

As long as Yun Jhin wanted something, he would be able to get his hands on it, he would also need to show these two bald muscle heads who was boss afterward, even if the emblazed his rewards, he would make sure they coughed up double of what they took at the minimum!


Feeling weak today I'm not sure If I can post the second chapter, I had to some physical work around the house today and move around like 30 objects that weighed around 40-50 kilograms with my dad, this first chapter flowed quite smoothly but I'm not sure if I can post a second one.

If it doesn't come up in atleast 5 hours that means I won't post a second one today, sorry!

KaiokenGuycreators' thoughts