
My Infinite Potential System

"Let's see how this works!" Ethan Bourne said after release a high pressured wind, slashing millions of soldiers to death.

PracticeMakesShit · Fantasía
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3 Chs

That I died...

I opened my eyes. I looked around, my mother was gone.

'The hell! This body is weak as shit!' How can I tell? Because in my previous life I was an avid Volleyball Player. Jesus! I got exhausted just by walking up the bed! What the heck!?

This body is too weak, and with the headache now gone. I can 100% confirm that yes, I'm a yes or no luck.

Lucky because I'm the first prince, and unlucky because I'm weak.

Now, where was I in the world-building?

Ah yes, due to this body being weak, this Etha- I, was an avid book reader. From history, and geography, to fantasy, every possible available book is read. Well with 7 years since I started reading, lots of books could be digested.

I digress, back to the world-building.

In the known information based on 'my' memories. The world has developed a 'unique way' of scaling power levels.

A kingdom can be tiered from 3rd to 1st, then an Empire can also be tiered likewise.

Now in the 'Banner of the 3rd tier Jason Empire,' there are 2 additional kingdoms as well.

There's our kingdom, the Slevania, East of Jason Empire, The Kraton Kingdom, North of Jason Empire, and the Estul Kingdom, South of Jason Empire.

It is called a 3rd tiered Empire because it had 1 to 3 kingdoms subdued or they call it "Allianced" under them. 4 to 6 kingdoms make them a 2nd tier empire, then 6 to 9 kingdoms make them a 1st tier empire.

In the legends there was once a hero named Straos who unified the entire Eastern Continent, now that guy was a legend himself. Others categorized that level as a Continental Empire, for having the whole continent in his rule.

Now this power scaling is a bit confusing, cause sometimes. Other empires can subdue other empires too. But doing so would be difficult, for powers that have EMPIRE on their names aren't made in one day. They are the collective power either from the military, economy, or any other forms of strength that are not shown in the books.

Like the scaling power of the Kingdom to Empire ratio, the same could be said from Village to City, 3rd to 1st tiers, and City to Kingdom.

Now, this is where it gets more complicated. Empire's usually termed by the individual might of its rulers. Yes, this is like wuxia all over again.


However! there's a catch, but that's for later.

Now, where was I? Ah! yes.

The Empire's strength is indicated by its ruler's individual might.

Its called the classical, "Scaling of Power".

Now like those in the novels I read, there is this weird energy that people absorbed or cultivate in their bodies. Here they call it World Essence, in other continents... Well, I have no information, but we'll see.

Okay I digress, I apologize. Back to the stages.

These Scales of Power are separated into Mortal Realm, Earth Realm, Sky Realm, King Realm, and Emperor Realm. Now, these are the known Cultivation stages, heck! I'd even guess that might be a Saint stage or a Godly stage or something.

Enough of that world-building stuff, my head is getting a headache just from remembering all this boring shit.

Let's talk about my golden finger.


It was when I woke up on the 2nd day after I transmigatereated, Ah! fuck this spelling.

It was when I woke up on the 2nd day, that I noticed the oh-so-wonderful blueish transparent screen of my golden finger. My own system.

I sighed in satisfaction, thinking about those classic OP systems that let you get overpowered real quick, which in turn let you easily defeat your enemies, which in turn easily gets you the heavenly beauties of boobs and butts.

But let me stop you right there!

This shitty bluish transparent screen only says one word.

[Infinite Potential System]

That's it.

No huge dimensional inventory, no maps, no quests, no stat pages, no nothing.

Just [Infinite Potential System].

Mind you it is better than nothing but please, are there more?

Where's the transparent screen with more options and stuff!? Why do you look so lonely...

*deep breathes* Okay calm down now. Just from the word Infinite Potential this might make me overpowered too, I'll just have to train like hell.

"Hehe" I chuckled thinking how funny my situation is.

In my previous life, I was supposed to take a vacation for 2 months then I'll work my ass off to be financially independent. But here I am. Thinking of ways to work, albeit in a different type of work than I thought I'd do.

Okay, no time to waste. The grind starts now.

If this is called Infinite Potential System, this might give me Infinite Potential in things I'd be working on. Mind you everyone has their own limits, yes they could be broken through, but It comes with a price.

Either through a huge amount of resources or sacrifice. But with this...



"Okay, let's start" I clapped my cheeks to hype myself up. Since this body is very weak I'll start with the most basic exercise. Then I started doing some lunges.

You know lunges are very good for the body, it strengthens your balance, core, and your legs, you do it by putting one foot forward, then lean- *Huff *Huff *Huff

'Ugh!' Everything is trembling, my legs, my core, even my hands are shaking, WHAT THE FUCK!?

Then I saw darkness.