
My Infatuation With Death

Conrad Garnier the former first prince of a nation called "Alkatash" is banished from royalty. With his fiance Regina Clement he settles in an obscure town of adventures far from his country so he could live in peace. One day he meets the soul reaper herself, and becomes curious about her. Read as his curiosity turns into obsession and how it affects his relation with Regina, Explore the continent of Guernia through this story.

Untatheredone8499 · Fantasía
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82 Chs

End of Day 2

Perspective : Conrad Garnier

"Ohh ... my leg feels as heavy as a bloody fucking boulder... for crying out loud".

Elkdrack vented,

Patrick replied,

"Come on ... mate a little bit more ... untill we find a good place to rest for the night".

Elkdrack said,

"This damn cavern just goes on forever".

"Does this even have an end?".

Patrick responded,

"Considering that ... it's more of an ant colony then a cavern ... it is to be expected".

"These tunnels are likely spread out extensively, allowing for faster transfer of food .... they should also be massively interconnected".

Elkdrack responded with a rather harsh tone,

"Ohh shut up ... I am not in the mood for that".

Elkdrack, once again expressing frustration, indirectly mentions me.

"I will be walkin' all fine right now, like you merry folks... if it 'ad not been, for carryin' someone... seriously, It took quite a toll on me legs."

Knowing, who he was addressing that to, I replied,

"Stop It .. this is what ... the 7th time you mentioned that?".

Regina added,

"Yeah ... it's becoming rather annoying to hear you say that again and again".

Elkdrack responded,

"It is the truth.. ain't it?".

"You are breathing... because I choose to carry you all the way ... if not for me ... you would be in an ant's belly right now ".

In hopes to end this pointless conversation I responded,

"Get to the point... what do you want?".

Elkdrack, with a mischievous grin that cannot go unnoticed, displaying his unmistakable agenda of greed on his face.

He uttered

"You know ... since I saved you and all ... a little bit of compensation is in order".

"Like 20 percent of your share of the treasure".

Patrick reacted to Elkdrack's words,

"Mate we haven't even found anything yet ... and you are already asking for a part of his share".

Once again, Elkdrack responds Harshly,

"Ohh ... shut up ... I didn't ask you.... you keep your nose out of it".

Then, he turned to me and asked,

"Hey ... what about it? ... huh".

Even though we just met a month ago, I was pretty familiar with him. Elkdrack was the type of friend who would lend a hand, but occasionally he would reveal his greedy side. "And when he talks about gold he is always serious".

Since, he had saved me. I couldn't just tell him "No", even if I wanted to.

However, I also wasn't willing to simply let him have his way, either.

So I replied,

"10 Percent.... it's that or nothing".

Elkdrack responded with a rather disappointed look,

"Seriously mate ... that's how low you bet on your life".

I replied with absolute certainty,

"Yes ... wanna have it".

Elkdrack responded,

"Fine 10 Percent it is".

Patrick reacted to that deal,

"You should be pleased .... that he is giving you anything at all ... if it were me ... ".

"Well you know..".

Elkdrack responded,

"Shut up ... ".

[ After a while, we entered a room]

Kyle whispered slowly, saying, "Stay ready, guys... look over there."

As those words escaped from his lips, he pointed towards 10 enormous ants that were staring at us.

In the face of that daunting challenge ahead, I couldn't help but feel a pang of doubt creeping into me. As I gripped my blade, I was't able to shake off the lingering sense of uncertainty that plagued my mind, at that moment. The weight of my lost arm and the knowledge of my weakened state weighed heavily on my confidence, causing me to doubt myself.

"Can I defeat them in this state?".

"Guess I will soon find out".

However, there was no other option.

As those ten ants surge towards us, their massive forms loomed over us, I gripped my sword tightly with my right hand, and channeled my fire bolt through it, the flames dancing along its blade. Determination coursing through my veins. as, I prepared to face that imminent threat.

Regina advised me,

"Stay behind me Conrad".

I replied,



I impulsively charged forward towards the approaching ants.

"Guess old habits die hard,"

Regina's voice ringed out, filled with frustration and concern.

"I told you to stay behind me, Conrad!"

she shouts, her tone conveying a mix of annoyance and worry.

Caught off guard by Regina's rebuke, I quickly responded, my voice laced with remorse.

"Sorry... my legs have a mind of their own,"

With a burst of energy, I dashed towards the nearest ant, sidestepping its powerful pincer strike. As I swiftly evade, I slice my sword in an arc, aiming for the jointed legs of the ant. The blade cuts through the exoskeleton, causing the ant to roar in pain. Pressing forward, I capitalize on its momentary weakness, delivering a swift and precise thrust to its exposed underbelly. The ant collapses.

Right beside me, Kyle as he gently blew sand in the air.

He asked,

"Is there something wrong with your head?".


Weaving his fingers Intricately in the air, he controlled the sand mixed in it, creating a swirling vortex that engulfed the room. The sandstorm whipping around us, disorienting the remaining ants and limiting their movements. Their frenzied attacks become erratic, giving us a crucial advantage.

In response to his question, I replied with unwavering authenticity, my voice filled with determination,

"I can't hide behind someone... who needs protecting from me".

In a gentle tone, Regina expressed,

"You don't need to protect me... I can do that myself."

Stepping forward, her eyes gleaming with determination, Regina raised her hands, and from her wand, sharp shards of ice shot towards the ants. The icy projectiles pierced through their exoskeletons, causing them to stagger and lose their momentum. Sensing an opportunity amidst the chaos, I weaved through them, my sword blazing with fiery intensity. With a flurry of calculated strikes, I skillfully exploited the ants' weakened defenses, delivering precise blows to their vital spots. The power behind my strikes proved lethal, as those two ant's collapsed.

Regina once again adviced me,

"See I can handle it ... now, stay behind me ... for god sake".

"You are injured...".

I responded,

"No I am just fine ....".


Elkdrack, wielding his dual axes, charges forward with unyielding determination. His axes whirled in a deadly dance, striking the ants with raw power and precision. He targets their limbs, delivering devastating blows that caused the ants to stumble and lose their balance. As we all moved in tandem with Elkdrack, coordinating our attacks, creating an opening for Patrick.

Patrick brandished his blade, adorned with divine magic, carrying an aura of strength and light. His sword gleamed with holy energy as he engaged the ants.

He said,

"Let's get this over with".

With each swing, his strikes cut through their exoskeletons, weakening their defenses and leaving them vulnerable. As I engaged in combat alongside Patrick, our moves became fluid and synchronized. We anticipated each other's strikes, delivering a seamless onslaught against the remaining ants.

Elkdrack responding towards the ant's relentless assault said,

"These ones are tougher then the ones we faced earlier".


The clash of steel and the roar of the ants filled the air. I unleashed a series of agile moves, as one lunged right at me, I flipped over its pincer and delivered a powerful strike to its back. The ant staggered, momentarily stunned, giving Regina the opening to summon a whirlwind of freezing wind. The gust enveloped the ant, encasing its legs in a thick layer of ice. I seized that opportunity, by striking it's frozen limbs with my blazing sword, shattering them with a satisfying crack.

As the last five ants remained, our team's determination surged. We pressed on, fueled by sheer hope of finding some rest soon. With unwavering precision, Elkdrack unleashed a devastating blow, cleaving through the armored carapace of one of the remaining ants. The ant crumbled to the ground.


With an intensified focus, Patrick and I coordinated our attacks, striking in perfect harmony. We left no room for the remaining ants to breathe, delivering a barrage of strikes relentlessly that weakened their defenses.

And finally, the culmination of our combined efforts arrived in a crescendo of power. With impeccable timing, we delivered simultaneous finishing blows, drawing an arc with our blades through the ants' bodies. Positioned strategically, I swung my blade to the left while Patrick swung his to the right.

As our blades sliced through the air, in a moment of perfect synchronization, they tore through the remaining four ants' armor. With a swift and decisive motion, our blades cleaved through their exoskeletons, cutting them in half, In a display of coordinated precision, swiftly dispatching the remaining ants.

Elkdrack, his tone filled with exhaustion and his breath heavy, spoke up, saying,

"Now it's just a matter of finding a safe place to spend the night. I am beat."

Patrick, his gaze steady and a determined expression on his face, responded,

"Well, we don't need to find one. Look around... this place is as safe as any. It's a small room with only two tunnels in the walls and two entrances, one from where we came from. We just need to close them. And this is as safe as it can be."