
My Infatuation With Death

Conrad Garnier the former first prince of a nation called "Alkatash" is banished from royalty. With his fiance Regina Clement he settles in an obscure town of adventures far from his country so he could live in peace. One day he meets the soul reaper herself, and becomes curious about her. Read as his curiosity turns into obsession and how it affects his relation with Regina, Explore the continent of Guernia through this story.

Untatheredone8499 · Fantasy
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82 Chs


Perspective : Conrad Garnier

With my fire bolts, we sealed off the small tunnels through which the ants could enter. With Patrick's holy barrier, we created a temporary shield around us to prevent any surprises. To add to our defenses, Kyle released his sand into the air, filling the room with a captivating shimmer of golden dust. After completing these preparations, we could finally take some well-deserved rest.

After Regina meticulously arranged the pieces of firewood, she turned to me and asked,

"Conrad... If you will".

I responded with a confident gesture, conjuring a small flickering flame on my finger. Carefully concealing it with my hand to protect it from extinguishing, I gingerly placed it onto the arranged firewood. Instantly, smoke began to rise as the flame ignited the wood. Sensing the need for a gentle breeze, I blew softly with my mouth, causing the flame to grow and transform into a sizable, scorching fire - perfect for cooking.

I said,

"Here you go".

Patrick responded,

"Now the only thing we need is food .... let's see what we have?".

Elkdrack swiftly responded, by submerging his hand into a mysterious black void that seemed to be just big enough to fit his arm. From within, he retrieved two bottles of alcohol, each just the right size to accommodate his arm. [Item box]

He said,

"Don't know about food ... I sure do have some booze".

Patrick let out a concerned sigh as he placed his hand on his forehead, and said,

"That's the stupidest thing I have witnessed.... You didn't bring any food... only alcohol ... did you now".

Elkdrack replied,

"Well... I assumed you chaps would handle the grub... so I took care of the booze... What's with the stares?"

Kyle responded,

"Well ... I told you all to grab what's necessary... didn't I?".

"And you grabbed booze".


Elkdrack replied with his own logic,

"Well booze is a necessity.... I need it before going to sleep every day ... otherwise I can't sleep".

Kyle replied,

"That's all good and all .... but you probably should have brought some food too ... ".

"You can't live on alcohol alone .... you know?".

Then Regina like a saviour, saved Elkdrack from going hungry,

She said,

"Don't worry guys ... actually, I do have some wolf carcasses... from our battle yesterday".

I asked her,

"Are you sure that's good?".

Regina replied,

"Well .. all this time I kept it in my Item box... so It's gotta be as fresh as yesterday".

Patrick's annoyance was evident on his face as he retorted,

"Great... we have to skin it first... don't we?"

Elkdrack, undeterred by the grumbles of everyone , responded with a confident tone,

"Ah, see? Problem solved... Now, who's up for some of this fine booze?"

As Elkdrack made his offer, everyone cast him a collective gaze filled with annoyance and bother, as if he was solely responsible for their weariness and the additional task we now had to do in their state of exhaustion, which in reality it was.

As I observed Patrick preparing to skin that majestic carcass of a direwolf, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the scene unfolding before me. The cold, frost-covered pelt seemed to enhance the ethereal quality of the moment.

(Truly everything can be beautiful.... Even the skinning of an animal ... if done correctly)

With graceful precision, Patrick delicately traced his fingers along the natural contours of the animal's fur. His skilled hands moved with purpose, carefully separating the fur from the body, revealing the intricate patterns and textures of the hide. Each gentle stroke revealed a myriad of memories woven into the wolf's coat, a testament to its resilience in the harsh, unforgiving cold.


Patrick asked me with a concerned look,

"Are you okay... Conrad?".

I replied,

"Yeah ... I am fine ... Why ask?".

He responded,

"You must be really hungry, huh!".

As the fur was gradually freed from the carcass, I couldn't help but be enthralled by the intricate details and unique markings on the direwolf's pelt. The mix of silver, gray, and white hues created a mesmerizing mosaic, reminiscent of swirling snowflakes under the moonlight.

(And that stench of blood... felt nostalgic)

It was a truly captivating sight, witnessing Patrick's artistry in preserving the essence of that noble beast. Though the process was necessary for all of our nourishment, there was a certain beauty in his actions, a deep appreciation for the creature that had once roamed these forest.

In that moment, amidst that blood- stenched air, I couldn't help but see the beauty in defilement of a creature, that once proudly attacked us. It was like, even in death, we were punishing him.

It was exquisite.

The direwolf's spirit would live on, not only in our food but also in the warmth and protection its fur would provide in the days to come.

We chopped the meat, and skewered it above the campfire.


As It cooked, we all sat firmly, in anticipation.

Patrick asked Kyle,

"Kyle ... What's your plan .... to persuade everyone to rejoin us? Have you contemplated your approach, yet?"

Kyle replied,

"Actually no ... the only thing that makes sense to me is to leave the group... so everyone can join back ... without being afraid of me?".

Elkdrack responded to Kyle's answer,

"No mate ... there's gotta be another way ... ".

Kyle replied with a long sigh, and a contemplative look on his face.

"Trust me ... I have given lots of thought into it ... and I don't see any other way".

That's when, Regina leaned into me and gently whispered in my ears,

"It's all because of me ... I feel bad... can't you help him".

I replied,

"What can I do?".

For some darn reason, my conscience couldn't bear to see Regina like that. A hint of worry on her face, makes me wanna tear off the freaking world.

I don't know why, I felt this way?

This feeling,

It's engrained into me, it's something that's just there, like water, air and land. With no explanation.

I had no choice, but accept this feeling and act upon it.

I proposed, Since we all were sitting encircling the campfire, waiting for our meals to get cooked.

I said,

"Listen everyone ... since there is nothing to do ... while we wait... why don't we help kyle think of an alternative way .. the way where we don't have to abandon him?".

Kyle glanced at me with a guarded expression and softly replied,


in a slightly subdued tone, as if he was unsure if such a solution could be found.

Which to be honest kinda pissed me off.

Firstly Patrick suggested,

"Why don't we ask Emilia, she may help us, get all of them on board?".

As Patrick faced Kyle,

He said,

"Not to pry or anything ... but you, Emilia and Keira seemed to be old acquaintances ...".

Kyle abruptly responded,

"Yes we all used to be in a party together... but for some reason she went solo".

"But I don't think she holds a particularly favorable opinion of me."

Secondly Regina pitched a solution,

"What If we create some sort of requirement ... that involves Kyle?".

No one understood what she meant,

So, I asked,

"What do you mean ... what requirement ?...".

Regina explained,

"A Requirement .... a necessity.... a need ... like if Kyle is needed, how to say this?".

She faces towards Kyle,

"What If Kyle were to say that, in order to collect everyone's compensation for the expedition... Kyle must be present?".

"Only through Kyle ... will they get their payment?".

Kyle said,

"Remember ... they don't trust me ... what makes you think that they will believe me now?".

"Besides, it's a lie anyway".

As I chimed in,

I said,

"But the doubt is enough ...".

Perplexed Kyle asked,

"What exactly do you mean?".

I replied,

"By simply mentioning it... you will plant a seed of uncertainty in their thoughts... yes, they may not believe you, but... they will still have doubts as it could potentially be true."

"Even if it's not the truth."

"They wouldn't want to take any chances... wouldn't they?".

Regina added,

"Not only that... we can act as your allies, bolstering the authenticity of your statement."

Kyle still with a hint of doubt, and concern for us,

He said,

"No .... I would be lying once again ... not much point in apologising then, is there?".

"Added ... I will be taking you all down with me ... which I would surely regret".


Patrick responded as he said,

"Then it's back to ... step one ... we go".