
Conners Family

I was interested in learning more about Erin and her family. Pola tried and struggle to get her skateboard back. "No fair! You're a bully!"

"Well I want to hear about your family. I am guessing its related to you pick pocketing?"

The little girl looked a little angry and she tried to kick me in my groin. I held her back by a hand. She huffed and thought for a second.

"What if I scream? You'd be in trouble mister!"

"I could push you over and break your skateboard. Do you really think its worth it?" I had checked over the skateboard and it was well worn and wheels had been replaced on it. The board itself however was well taken care of, I'm guessing because it was a signed item. I hadn't recognized the signature, but it was clearly important to Erin's Sister.

She grew bright red and puffed, "FINE! I am doing my homework, does that make you feel better?"

"How is pick pocketing people homework?"

The little girl crossed her arms, "I'm home schooled, Erin was too until she wanted to got to high school."

I put the pieces together and it made sense. Erin's family was on the more dubious side of the law. Which meant Erin like was schooled on some questionable skills. "Why are you nodding your head like that."

I stared at Pola, "Its my thinking nod, anyway So pick pocketing is that your lesson for what sleight of hand? Can Erin do the same?"

"Uhhh yeah? How did you know... Sissy learned more then me though obviously. For now I am only taught by Mom, I want to learn from Dad like Erin! Except Erin chose to attend UA instead... Uhnp! I mean, I wasn't supposed tot say that."

I raised an eyebrow, Pola seemed to be an over-sharer similar to her verbose sister. Which meant a similar lesson maybe? "Here's your skateboard, but I would like to hear more. I'll give you money based on what you got."

Pola squinted at me, "You don't seem like you have a whole lot of money."

I rolled my eyes, "Just tell me everything Erin would've learned."

"Why should I?"

I thought about an excuse and got one. "Well Erin is my friend, and she isn't so sure about herself. So I gotta ask do you love your sister?"

Pola poked her fingers and put her skateboard down. "I do...but what does that have to do with you being her friend and her being....uhhh, not confident?"

"because number one she is confident, she is just worried of disappointing her family. Number two, well shouldn't you want to help her achieve her dreams? After all that's what I am trying to do."

Pola nodded, I had gotten her. Either that I was being lied to by a 9 year old. I chose to ignore that possibility thanks to being able to read Pola's emotions.

-----Erin pov-----

having my internship under Gang Orca was a bit crazy. However I had a lot of fun helping him investigate murder cases. He had two man things he loved to do the first was hunting down true crime cases. The other was related to children, one of the days we worked was a daycare. It was sooooo cute to see Gang Orca play with the kids and read the stories.

Today we visited the Aquarium he owned. It was a truly massive facility, He was also really nice, despite his looks. "Quirkless you seem to be in thought. What is on your mind?"

"Nothing much sir! Just I am a little sad this is my last day."

He nodded, "I'm glad, did you figure out what you wanted?"

He let me think about my answer. I had applied to Gang Orca's internship out of suggestion by the principal. He mentioned how it could be a better opportunity to learn the life lessons I missed as a kid. Principal Nezu didn't blame my family for being how they are, but at first I thought it would suck.

I mean breaking down each day I could see Gang Orca planned out certain lessons. When I first arrived he tested my capabilities against his sidekicks. He explained how the difference in intention should change how you handle your opponent. I hadn't really understood until he had fought me himself. Where I could out smart his sidekicks and beat them with my flexibility. Gang Orca himself was much different. He fought seriously... No ever has done that so it actually scared me.

The second day he elaborated on intentions. It had included a lesson on morals about how not every killer is really cold-blooded. Just like how when he fought me the more ordinary of criminals are afraid too. It wasn't everyday people fought psychopaths and monsters after all. Though I felt itchy and uncomfortable. After all where did my family fall in this? I mean Dad was literally restricted to our home and couldn't leave without a police presences. Was he one of these monsters or did he also feel fear?

The day when I went to the daycare was completely different. Gang Orca out right told me the lesson was about role models. The kids looked up to him and they even told him their dreams of being doctors and fire fighters. One kid even dreamed of being an accountant. Not a single one dreamed of being a hero and it was...It felt surreal to me. What did my siblings dream of? If they became villains, could I fight them?

"I-I learned what I wanted yes. I need to start thinking about how I make my choices. After all even if I do make what I think is the right decision, it may not be the best decision."

Gang Orca nodded. "Then what about today? What do you think we are gonna do?"

I had gotten used to the menacing stare he gave. "Well Sir... Hmmm this is the aquarium owned by you is it not? So it must be a personal lesson!"

He patted my head, "Mostly correct, today's lesson is...! TO HAVE FUN AND FIND PASSION!"

I followed his answer along, but I deflated a little on its deliver. "To have fun? What do you mean?"

Gang Orca nodded as we walked in the entrance of massive aquarium. Gang Orca gestured in front of us. "Quirkless my apprentice! What I mean is look in front of us. In the opening of the aquarium is a tank full of beautiful fish. However looking at the people are what truly brings me joy. I started this aquarium because when I was a kid I wanted to be a marine biologist. Though in a twist of fate, I became who I am today. You are an intelligent young women so, do you understand what I am saying Quirkless?"

"I do, I think. The lesson for today is that even though one may work as a hero that is not all they are. In your case you share your passion for marine life through care of your aquarium. You have fun and find enjoyment through seeing others share your interest. Which means I should also find something I am passionate for and make it enjoyable for others."

He smiled, "HAHA! YES! You are a great student! Now let us enjoy the aquarium! My favorite enclosure are the Stingray." I looked at him strangely, and he answered my unspoken question. "You thought it would be the Orca's didn't you? I don't blame you I love them too, however they are much to big for the aquarium and thus there is none. I want my aquarium to provide healthy habitats for the marine life."

"That makes sense, I remember you sued Ocean world for that didn't you."

"Yes I did...Ugh it didn't work, but it made my point. On the bright side there is plenty of Orca based merchandise and amusement rides! Not to mention a full FIVE HOUR! DOCUMENTARY ON WHALES!"

That seemed unnecessary...

-----Okay so I did this with my ATLA fic because I made a lot of jokes like way more then this fic. Should I add the comedy tag to this fic though? After all I do make a lot of jokes, not as many as my ATLA fic, but still a bit. Over the time of writing this fic I've seen people take it a little too seriously. Which I enjoy, but it means they miss the grain of salt moments. Like the very beginning of this fic the MC's parents die, this is actually a sorta pseudo joke since its a cliche that a hero loses a loved one. So back to the question should I add the comedy tag? In hopes people will relax a little on those parts. Or should I ignore it and just go on ahead since the fic isn't truly comedy, but it also isn't like a super dark fic or anything. Sorry for the long blurb, hope you enjoyed the chapter.-------