
My Hero Academia: Spark of hope

Imagine if, during Izuku Midoriya's darkest moments, someone else had uttered the words he so desperately needed to hear. What if he possessed a quirk but required a spark to awaken its potential? Get ready for a wild ride, because things are about to take a thrilling turn.

SirBolsterous · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs


A delicate aroma of sizzling meat wafted through the Midoriya residence as Inko hummed a tune, busily preparing a feast. Izuku hadn't returned home, and the green-haired woman wondered if he had lost track of time during one of his intense training sessions. A soft chuckle escaped her, imagining the comical expression on her son's face when he eventually arrived. She envisioned him offering profuse apologies for his tardiness, only to dig into his meal with vigor.

Inko skillfully prepared the feast, arranging each favorite dish of Izuku's carefully on the dining table, the vibrant colors creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. She glanced at the clock, her anticipation growing with each passing minute. The green-haired woman took a moment to glance at her son's empty chair, a fond smile on her face as she imagined the animated conversations and laughter they would share. After meticulously setting everything up, she sat down, eyes occasionally drifting to the clock on the wall.

"Huh? Why did it suddenly start raining so much?" Inko probed no one in particular. She chalked it up to unstable weather that would sooner or later pass on. Yet an hour slipped by, and her concern started to calm her initial excitement. She reached for her phone, fingers tapping hesitantly, dialing Izuku's number. The call went unanswered, prompting a knot of worry to swirl in her stomach. She reassured herself, thinking that perhaps he was caught up in something or public transportation was affected by the weather.

Two hours finally ticked away, and unease settled in. The persistent silence in the house contrasted sharply with the lively anticipation that had filled the air earlier. Inko's anxiety heightened, and she decided to try calling the freckled boy again. She dialed Izuku's number, only to hear the same rhythmic beeping from the other side of the lines. There was still no response, and at this point, anxiety threatened to overwhelm her so much that a sudden knock on the door startled Inko. Jumping up, she rushed to answer it, her heart pounding with relief and apprehension. Reaching the handle and slowly peeking through the gap of the opening door, she saw a small feline figure standing still with his ears drooped and eyelids heavy.

"How may I assist you?" her voice slightly cracked as the figure came into full view.

"Sergeant Tamakawa of the Musutafu Central Police Department," the man introduced himself, he completed a respectful salute and gently bowed his head. A brief silence enveloped him, his expression morphing into a frown that seemed heavy with unspoken emotion. This look alone sent a ripple of apprehension through the green-haired mother, Inko Midoriya.

"It is with deep regret that I must inform you, at approximately 12:15 today, your son, Izuku Midoriya, suffered a fatal injury during a Villain attack at the U.S.J. Facilities. As of now, he has been filed as a missing person." His words shattered Inko's world, leaving it in fragments of disbelief and sorrow.

Inko stood momentarily frozen, her expression contorted with a strain that left her entire body trembling. A faint whisper escaped her lips, "Izuku..." as she brought her hands to cover her mouth. Her heart dropped, and her legs buckled beneath her. She collapsed towards the pavement, only to be caught in the supportive embrace of the officer, who cushioned her fall.

Her grief erupted into uncontrollable wails, each cry interwoven with a raw, heart-wrenching plea, "No... NO!" Her screams seemed to pierce the officer's heart, challenging his composure as he struggled to maintain it. "The investigation is ongoing, and we are making every effort to locate him, but Midoriya-san, I must urge you to prepare for the worst," he stated with a heavy tone.

Surrounded by the officer's arms, the broken mother's sobs mixed with the relentless pounding of the rain. Its cold droplets soaked her clothes while the noise of passing vehicles hummed by, accentuated by the loud howling of sirens in the distance.


Kyoka was lying on a bed surrounded by her room filled with instruments strapped on walls, the floor littered with copious amounts of slices of paper filled with lyrics and notes that composed her songs. She had curled up in a ball while the hum of the air lingered around, while her body swayed softly from side to side as she mulled in deep thought, letting the tunes of her headphones numb her. No matter how hard she tried to distract herself, it could not make her forget the horrors that had taken place only weeks ago.

She had desperately clung to the belief that the events of that day were a mere nightmare, secretly hoping for Izuku's familiar goofy smile waiting for him in the school halls today. Yet, despite Kyoka's attempts to deceive herself, the harsh reality persisted, casting a chilling shadow over her. The hopeful delusion flickered and waned as the undeniable truth settled in— Izuku was gone, and as far as everyone else was concerned, he had died. Kyoka felt her chest tightening as she gripped her shirt, the haunting image of Izuku's eyes losing their life while his form slowly slipped away into the sea of purple mist replaying relentlessly in her mind. Kyoka's demeanor became smaller as she turtled herself into a ball.

"Sis, breakfast is ready," a voice called, causing the purple-haired girl to turn her head towards the door. She remained silent for a moment, then took a deep breath. "Coming," her tone was distant, carrying a touch of coldness. Rising from her bed, she approached the door with deliberate and slow movements. Kyoka reached for the handle and slipped through the door, finding her blonde-haired brother standing in the hall, his expression a mix of exhaustion and concern. Locking eyes with Kyoka, Denki managed a grin, yet the tension around his eyes and the tightness of his jaw betrayed his real feelings. Kyoka knew well that she was not the only person struggling with the loss. 

The siblings moved briskly through the hallway, heading straight for the kitchen. As they took a left turn, a spacious area opened before them, where the kitchen seamlessly blended with the living room, featuring a small table at its center. It exuded a minimalistic vibe, lacking clutter except for the musical-themed magnets adorning the fridge. Seated around the table was an older blonde-haired man, leisurely munching on his bread and occasionally taking sips of tea. Beside him sat a woman with short dark-purple hair, donning glasses, a long skirt, and a long-sleeved shirt.

"Did you sleep okay, Kyoka?" her mother asked gently, her voice a soft undercurrent beneath the hum of the TV.

Kyoka offered a small, noncommittal shrug, avoiding the woman's concerned gaze. "Yeah, I guess," she mumbled, her voice barely above a whisper.

The father, continuing to nibble on his bread, briefly turned away from the TV display. "You know, if there's anything you want to talk about..." he began, his voice tapering off as his eyes furrowed in concern. After a moment of silence, he carefully placed another loaf of bread in his mouth.

Denki attempted to steal a glance at his sister while poking his food, keen to discern any change in her expression. Soon, their attention was abruptly drawn to the screen as a man's voice resonated with a heavy tone.

"We bring you the latest updates on the recent events at U.A. Academy. In the wake of a tragic incident that claimed the life of hero Thirteenth and a student named Midoriya Izuku, a march is underway on the streets, protesting the perceived lack of safety in communities after horrifying footage of young Midoriya acting in the absence of heroes spread on social media," the man finished his speech followed by a transition effect to a new feed, drawing Kyoka's attention. 

She lowered her head, a shadow casting over her pale features; her heart kept racing while she kept her eyes glued to the screen. There, in a blur of green electricity and a clash with a dozen villains, was Izuku with his signature grin and messy green hair. Collision after collision ensued, sending ripples of chills down Kyoka's spine before the feed abruptly cut off. Denki shot up with a look of sheer horror etched across his features. His hands gripped tightly, and he gritted his teeth.

"How was this footage captured? All the electronic surveillance was busted!" Denki spat in frustration before Kyoka interjected. "They arrived after the lights went out, remember?" She paused from munching on her toasted bread, her full attention now dedicated to listening to the broadcast. The yellow-haired youth frowned as his eyes momentarily lost focus and then returned with a deep exhale of air.

"My colleague is bringing live updates from the scene, and here's what the rally leader had to say regarding the incident." The news feed seamlessly transitioned from the anchor to a crowd surrounding an interviewer and a woman with silver-blonde hair elegantly tied in a ponytail. The assembled mass with nearly everyone holding a furious frown continued to echo a singular phrase repeatedly, creating a resonant chant: "Empty promises, shattered trust!" Every word was followed by a rhythmic drum of feet and a shake of signs. The blonde-haired woman then raised her arm, signaling for silence among the demonstrators. The interviewer, visibly taken aback by the revelation, quickly composed herself and fired a barrage of questions.

"This is Sugimoto Yoko reporting live from the city central," she began, turning towards the composed woman. "Given the intensity of the protest and the chants we've been hearing, what message do you aim to convey to the world?" the interviewer gently nudged the microphone at the visibly stern woman.

"Heroes have failed us... No, they are not heroes but mere public figures who stand and look pretty while the true heroes lay their lives on the line of duty. How can we, as mothers and fathers, condone a child put in a position where they were forced to sacrifice everything? And this is not the first time either. Let us not forget about the sludge incident." The woman pointed frustratingly at the towering advertisement screen featuring a hero, Mt. Lady. "This woman merely stood by with her colleagues while a boy suffocated to death. Is this the kind of hero we want to serve and protect, or is it time to end this insanity and demand a change!?"

The resounding roar from the crowd shook the ground, reverberating as they resumed marching, consuming the woman in the mass of passionate demonstrators. The feed then cut back to the anchor, whose demeanor had shifted, visibly impacted by the intensity of the speech.

"In light of these developments, we attempted to reach U.A. and M.P.D for comment. Here is what they had to say," An image flickered on the screen, featuring Nezu impeccably clad in a suit, surrounded by a line of staff and a police commissioner. The serious expression on the white bear's face demanded attention as they gathered at the podium to address the public on the unfolding events.

"We wish to refrain from commenting on the incident due to ongoing investigations. However–" The room fell into an uneasy hush as the news anchor's voice trailed off. Kyotoku, now standing before the display, held the remote control in his hand and mulled over his thoughts for a moment before placing the remote on the sofa and returning to his seat. His demeanor changed, reflecting the full realization of the situation raining down on him.

"Poor Inko-san," Kyotoku thought quietly to himself. "First her husband, and now her son. When is the senseless violence going to end?" he remarked, glancing at Mika, whose eyes reflected a soft, sorrowful expression. "She's become so withdrawn, barely leaving the house or eating. If we weren't here to check on her, to help her keep going..."

A heavy silence fell over the room as his words trailed off, the weight of their sadness palpable in the air. The quiet was deep, filled with their unvoiced grief. Kyotoku's fingers aimlessly traced the table's edge, his gaze lowered, his body beginning to tremble slightly. Then, he felt the comforting pressure of Mika's fingers intertwining gently with his.

Denki stood up, his eyes shifting between both parents. "His dad is dead and— Wait. Did you say you know his parents?"

The older man nodded. "Yes. When you and your sister were small, our families were close friends, but–" His voice waned for a moment as he shifted in his seat. "We moved away due to work demands," Kyotoku said with a sense of dread. At that moment, everything clicked into place for the pale blonde teenager, who turned to look at the distraught purple-haired girl. From the way Kyoka returned his gaze, Denki realized she had already been aware of this. His features twisted in a moment of feeling something drop in his gut, both hands firmly held in a tight fist.

"Is he that kid?" he uttered, hoping that it wasn't true, not now and not like this.

"Y-yeah," Kyoka's voice quivered as she slowly rose from her seat at the table. Palms feel the cold surface of the table as they push her up with a visible tremor. "I'll leave early," she uttered, her words hanging in the air. The sound of the door opening and closing soon followed, resonating through the living room.


The halls of U.A. Academy felt emptier, the echoes of laughter replaced by a somber hush. Kyoka and Denki navigated through the corridors, their steps weighed down by the absence of a familiar presence. The once-vibrant school seemed draped in mourning, the students grappling with the reality of loss. The routine of classes and training sessions felt like an insurmountable obstacle that kept getting bigger and bigger.

Between classes, Kyoka sought solace in the tranquility of the campus yard. Seated alone, she adorned her ears with headphones, immersing herself in a world of melodies that provided a brief respite from the demands of reality. The music acted as a shield against the intrusion of her thoughts, particularly those that involuntarily drifted toward Izuku. However, even in her grief, Kyoka couldn't help but observe her brother's struggles. His focus waned during lectures, and his gaze often lingered in the distance throughout the day. Lost in contemplation, he absentmindedly traced the edge of his notebook.

The homeroom bell eventually rang, prompting students to slowly trickle into the classroom and settle into their seats. A mix of uncertainty and apprehension lingered in the air, as each student pondered the impending question: who would be entering through the door in a moment? Would it be their usual homeroom teacher with his vacant expression, or someone entirely new to take his place?

The suspense didn't last long as the door creaked open, revealing a towering man with a scruffy mane of blond hair sticking out behind his head and a muzzle covering his pointed snout. Undoubtedly, he bore the physical appearance of a canine creature. His wide frame and commanding presence captured everyone's attention as he confidently stepped in front of the class. It was clear that he was not someone to be taken lightly. 

"I am Ryo Inui, a guidance counselor in U.A. and your temporary homeroom teacher until Aizawa-san and All Might recover from their injuries completely. I will now answer any pressing questions you might have," he explained calmly, eliciting a sigh of relief from everyone. The classroom remained eerily silent until Denki's hand shot up. The teacher nodded, encouraging him to speak.

Denki's voice cut through the stillness, "Are there any plans to search for Izuku? We saw him—barely alive—when he was–"

Shihai, sitting stoically in his seat, interjected with a harsh tone. "Face it, Midoriya's probably dead. We all saw what happened. No one could survive multiple arrowheads lodged into your body and an arm impaling you through your abdomen." the blonde-haired frowned as he quietly glared back. 

Inui, a mix of sympathy and formality in their expression, addressed the room. "The investigation is ongoing; both the U.A. and the Musutafu Police Department are doing everything in their power to bring perpetrators to justice. Unless new details emerge, there are no plans to search for him." he began. Uraraka, Mina, and Eijirio were among the students who felt dread creep up their throats as they fought to keep their composure while shedding a tear or two.

Kyoka, her eyes filled with fire, pressed her palms on the table eliciting an audible thump as her coarse outburst joined in, "They can't just give up on him.. damn it! It's not fair!"

Shihai scoffed at Jiro's sibling's stubbornness, "You two are living in a fantasy. Finding a dead body won't change anything."

"Shut it.." Kyoka hissed, tilting her intense glare at the white-haired youth who continued his relentless speech. "I for one would rather have them bring the perpetrators to justice than search for a unicorn." the youth said, turning the air heavy in the room."It's better to face the reality and move–"

"SHIHAI!" Denki's voice erupted, shattering the argument that had enveloped the entire class. Every conversation ceased, and all eyes were now fixed on the blonde-haired teenager who had stood up and pointed at the white-haired boy with his whole body shaking from sheer anger. "You can't ask me, my sister, or anyone who cared about him to move on until we know for sure—until we've made sure that beyond a doubt, he gave his life so that the rest of us can stand here today–" he choked as his voice seethed. 

"At the very least, give his mother something to bury." With that passionate declaration, Denki crashed back in his chair, allowing the room to fill with a chorus of supportive murmurs. The frustration in the eyes of some students was palpable, echoing the shared sentiment that lingered in everyone's minds.

The canine teacher, observed the change and held a warm look in his eyes. "It's undoubtedly a challenging time for all of you and I have to urge you to give yourselves time to heal," he began, his features lending an air of wisdom and empathy. "If anyone feels the need to talk, share their thoughts, or seek guidance, my door is always open." His countenance grew solemn, and his words carried the weight of sincerity. as he continued, "I want to acknowledge that the incident has left deep scars on each of you. The pain is real, and your emotions are valid. It's a tragedy that has touched us all." Ryo Inui bowed down to the students, a gesture that sent a rippling chill down everyone's spine. "On behalf of the U.A. staff, I must express that we understand the weight of our mistakes and we acknowledge that we have failed you. We are committed to doing everything in our power to ensure your safety and well-being going forward." His words resonated through the room. 

Kyoka's gaze was fixed on the table as she grappled with the stark reality of the message they had just received. To everyone's understanding, Izuku was gone, with no hope of returning or being found. This idea filled Kyoka with revulsion, her palms growing sweaty and her heart racing in her chest. She shifted her eyes towards Denki, expecting to see him as sullen as he had been all day, but instead, she noticed something unexpected: a spark in his eyes. In recognizing Kyoka's distress, the yellow-haired youth placed his hand reassuringly on her shoulder. "I have a plan," he said with no hint of hesitance.


Musutafu, Unknown location

Izuku woke up in a spacious and empty room, its simplicity accentuated by a lone nightstand standing beside a bed adorned with pristine white sheets and seemingly white-painted walls and marble floor. As he attempted to rise, a sudden burst of lights momentarily blurred his vision, causing him to squint. Ignoring the disorientation, he struggled to stand, only to be met with a sharp and piercing pain emanating from his abdomen, discouraging any further movement.

With a careful motion, he gingerly peeled the blanket away from his form, revealing a sight that sent shivers down his spine. He was shirtless with only a pair of grey pants on him and a tight collar encircled his neck, its presence confining and ominous. As his eyes traveled downward, a gasp escaped him upon the discovery of a vertical scar from below his navel to his upper abdomen. A rush of memories flooded his mind, hitting him like a relentless truck—scenes of him running faster than he had ever before, screams, and clashes of quirks that had followed. The impact was overwhelming, causing him to reel. His trembling palm instinctively found its way to his forehead, attempting to contain the sudden shock that surged through him, accompanied by an accelerated rhythm of breaths that mirrored the intensity he felt when recollecting the looks on his friends before he had lost consciousness.

Panic gripped him as he struggled to sit upright, attempting to summon his quirk after taking a deep breath. However, all he felt was a fleeting spark dancing around his finger before fizzling out completely. It dawned on Izuku that the collar around his neck prevented him from using quirk. Questions flooded his mind about his whereabouts and why the villains hadn't finished him off when they had the chance.

Before he could delve deeper into these thoughts, the door across the room creaked open slowly, capturing his attention. Stepping through it was a girl with a white bob-cut and a black t-shirt adorned with a skull emblem. The air in the room suddenly filled with killing intent, and Izuku braced himself for an impending confrontation. He felt a chilling familiarity in the girl as if he had seen her somewhere, perhaps passing by. 

"Up already?" The girl's voice sliced through the air with a cold and vacant tone, instantly eroding any courage Izuku had managed to muster. She stopped at a little distance from the bed where Izuku was lying. Locking gazes with him, the white-haired girl bore into his eyes with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine. Her piercing rose-colored eyes seemed to glow, scanning him from head to toe as if he stood entirely exposed, vulnerable. Abruptly, the girl's demeanor shifted, her mouth slowly parting as she began to mutter incoherent words, almost as if a panic was setting in.

She swiftly closed the distance between them, moving with unsettling agility and then leaping onto the bed and on Izuku before he could grasp the situation. The green-haired teenager could feel the cold steel blade pressed against his neck. It sent a shiver down his spine as she held him down with a firm hold, her grip unyielding. Caught off guard and lacking the strength to resist, Izuku could only meet her eyes in a state of confusion and daze, his mind racing to comprehend the sudden escalation.

"Speak! How are you still able to use your quirk?" Her words dripped with venom, and the intensity of her sudden outburst left Izuku reeling. In response, he stammered, "I don't understand. I am not able to –" His forehead was suddenly met by a cold steel blade, its cold edge slicing a vertical wound down his left eye. An excruciating pain surged through him, and an ear-piercing howl escaped his lips, the agony hammering his nerves with the confusion that clouded his senses. Soon, the white-haired girl would remove the blade and lick the red stains clean with a twisted grin, her head slightly tilted upwards, glancing to the roof before snapping right back at the green-haired teenager.

"I eyeballed you, and your body's revving up quite a bit. Ain't no way it's natural." she pointed to her eyes while observing Izuku closely. "Spill the beans, tough guy. And don't even think about feeding me some crap— I've got a nose for lies, " she demanded with relentless persistence.

"Then you already know I did not lie," Izuku replied while gritting his teeth together, his voice tinged with both confusion and a raspy edge; it was accentuated by his heavy breathing and quickly beating heart. "If I really could use my quirk, we would not be talking," In response, the demeanor of the white-haired girl underwent a sudden shift. The tension in the room dissipated as she relaxed, and the once-glowing intensity in her eyes dimmed. Without a word, she hopped off, releasing her grip on the green-haired teenager. "I hope you can come out unscathed, but knowing my master... I doubt you will be. Well, you." she chuckled, her words eliciting a perplexed look from Izuku, who was about to inquire further. However, before he could utter another word, a sudden spark of electricity surged through the collar around his neck, jolting his senses as everything went black.