
My Hero Academia: Legend of the Dragon Hero

What happens when an experienced transmigrator gets reborn in the world of My Hero Academia ? (Slow paced and has an entire volume preceding the cannon, so you are warned beforehand.) . (Read at least the first 8 chapters before giving a judgment) "NOTE: This is my first fanfic (or first literary work for that matter) so there can be many mistakes (which will improve practice makes perfect after all) as such I request anyone willing to review or comment to refrain from abusive statements (cause I am going to just remove them) but any constructive criticism and feedback are always welcomed."

Faithful_Author · Cómic
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22 Chs


Mid-sem exams can be a pain in the ass especially when they have been rescheduled three times already. Anyway, my writing schedule has been f**ked up already so it will still take some time for the next chapter.

When I began this fanfic, I told you that I will need more of your ideas when moving forward and now that you have read up until now, please comment on what you think this story needs more of along with any more ideas that you might have.

A Big Thank You From Your Unreliable Author-san!