
My Hero Academia: Legend of the Dragon Hero

What happens when an experienced transmigrator gets reborn in the world of My Hero Academia ? (Slow paced and has an entire volume preceding the cannon, so you are warned beforehand.) . (Read at least the first 8 chapters before giving a judgment) "NOTE: This is my first fanfic (or first literary work for that matter) so there can be many mistakes (which will improve practice makes perfect after all) as such I request anyone willing to review or comment to refrain from abusive statements (cause I am going to just remove them) but any constructive criticism and feedback are always welcomed."

Faithful_Author · Cómic
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22 Chs

(5)->NEW HOME & AURA SENSE (Updated)

--Author-san' POV--


-1 day later-

"Seiya", said his mother watching Seiya and Ryuko, who was overindulging him with all the love in the world.

"Hmm, what?", looking up from the paper in his hands, his father asked with a quizzical look on his face.

"I want to name him Seiya.", stated his mother while she turned to look at his father as if telling him that she would not take 'no' for an answer.

"I like it! But pray tell, why did you choose this name?", his father was surprised at her sudden outburst but still answered her with a smile. There was only one person in the entire world who could get him to do whatever she wants and that woman is sitting right in front of him.

"I want our son to be like a dragon in his life. Also, there is that azure-colored diamond mark (similar to the one on playing cards) on his chest as well. Therefore, his name should be Seiya after Seiryu (azure dragon).", explained his mother in detail, after all, she had spent a lot of time thinking about her son's name. At first, she wanted to name him Seiryu but somehow got the feeling that Seiya would be better.

(A/N: Hooh! What a play of destiny or in layman's terms, plot armor)

"That's perfect! So, it is settled. I will complete the formalities for registering the <Birth Certificate> under the name 'Seiya Tatsuma'.", he immediately got up from his seat and got out of the ward.

When Ryuko learned that her otōto's name was decided without even consulting her she became mad and puffed her cheeks and started ignoring her parents. She calmed down after hearing her otōto's name which she seemed to like a lot and getting the promise that she would get to sleep together with her otōto every night for over a week.

Meanwhile, Seiya who heard about his 'new' name wondered whether this was a coincidence or some 'divine intervention' by Ishtar-sama.

-1 week later-

It took over a week for Seiya and his mother to get discharged from the hospital, even though there was no need for such a long stay but his father did not want to take any risks and the doctors, who seemed to respect his father albeit with a small tinge of fear mixed in it notwithstanding that he always had a pleasant smile on his face, immediately complied with his request.

Seiya: 'Looks like Dad is a powerful person in the city. Well, at least, he is doing good for himself in this new world', of course, he severely underestimated his father's influence and power.

His cute little sister did not want to part with her otōto, clinging to him and refusing to leave the hospital. In the end, his parents could only comply with her wishes thus getting her a vacation from school. During this entire week, Seiya was ceaselessly pestered by his so-called 'Onēsan' who tickled him to death and the worst part was that he could not even fight back. Of course, he was quite enjoying it himself, though he would never admit to it. He loved his new 'little' sister greatly and from what he had seen of her, she seemed to love him a lot too.

Seiya: 'Don't you worry my cute little 'Onēsan', your big brother would surely pay you back for all these times tenfold in the future.'

Whenever Seiya thought of this, Ryuko would feel a chill down her spine as if her beastly instincts were warning of an upcoming danger but how could she even think that her cute little 'otōto', who was peacefully lying in his cradle, was planning his revenge on her.

Today they were finally getting discharged and Seiya could not help but look forward to seeing his new home. This excitement only increased further, when he saw men in black suits, standing outside the hospital, waiting to escort his family to their car which was the central part of a motorcade. These men looked like highly trained officials which had gone through rigorous training, though, some of them looked quite odd like one of them had muzzles on his fingers while another had antennas on his head. But he did not worry about it too much as he had seen such people before in the hospital and they seemed to be normal in this world.

Seiya: 'Hmm, I must find try to learn everything about this world and its society if I want to find out what's wrong with it.'

-20 minutes later-


When they finally arrived at their destination, Seiya was dumbstruck by the mere size of his new home.

Seiya: 'Holy shit! What's with the size of this house? No, it's not a house anymore, it's a fucking PALACE!'

Lay before him was a Japanese Manor, the size of a small village, which had been decorated to commemorate his first coming. The various servants of the household were standing outside waiting to greet their new young master. As soon as Seiya and his mother who was holding him in her arms got out of the car, they bowed down at the same time greeting him,

Servants: "Greetings Young Master! We welcome you to your new home and are always at your service!"

Though they may be saying this in front of a newborn baby, all of them were sincere with their words. All of them have served the Tatsuma family for years now and some of them have been serving them for decades but their loyalty towards them has only increased with time as they were always treated not as mere servants but as a part of the household. Thus, they were naturally very happy at the arrival of their new young master.

However, just as soon as they were about to stand up, they happened to glance over at their young master and were awed by him. The female servants could see his handsome and beautiful features and very much wanted to hold him in their arms while the male servants could see his vigor-filled ruby-like eyes and knew that their young master will surely become someone like his father who would always protect his household.

(A/N: Yeah, yeah I know that I am a narcissist.)

After the welcoming ceremony was over, Seiya, Ryuko, and their parents entered the Manor while the servants went to prepare for the feast. That night, during the feast, the mood in the manor was festive and the entire household was affected by it. Seiya was constantly being pampered by his mother who was always by his side. The next-in-line was Ryuko who did not want to lose her otōto to her mother and naturally stuck to the both of them while his father was taking their pictures from different angles. This scene was both beautiful and comic and the attending servants could only chuckle at this sight.

-1 week later-

Seiya was lying in his cradle with closed eyes so that anybody who saw him would think that he was sleeping. This was the tactic he had developed over this week, to avoid the constant nagging of his 'Onēsan'. He was lost in deep thought about something that has been bothering him since the time he was born.

From the moment he opened his eyes, he has been perceiving a hazy fog around everyone he has seen up until now. Initially, he thought that his eyes had not adjusted properly affecting his eyesight but with every passing day, he could feel the haze around them become even more distinct. But what made him sure that this was not a problem of his eyesight was that he could not see the same hazy fog around inanimate objects.

Also, this fog was not visible to the other people a fact which he had already confirmed by trying to touch it but nobody showed any reaction to it and they seemed to think that he was trying to grasp empty air. Not to mention, he could sense the same with his eyes closed as well.

Another peculiar thing was that the fog around different people was different as well, whether it be the color, size, or the density of the fogs. Observing the various people around him throughout the week, he made the following observations:

>Normal People: They only have a small fog around them of white color with shades ranging from bright to dull white. Those cheerful people who easily mingle with any group have a bright white fog around them while those gloomy people who always run away from social interactions have dull white fog. Also, their fogs are not very dense.

>Father's men: They have a fog bigger than normal people and sometimes even manifold them. Also, the color of their fog is bright white with a small tinge of gold mixed in it. The density of the fog around them is also more concentrated as compared to that of normal people.

>Family: All of them have fog of about the same size as normal people. However, the color of their fogs is almost golden. Moreover, the density of their fog is many times than even many of his father's men except for his little sister. In fact, despite the size of his fog, Seiya feels that his father is far stronger than any of his men.

Also, he had come across some other people when he was discharged from the hospital who had a violet fog around them and if their looks are anything to go by and the fact that they were escorted by the police, then they were certainly not model citizens who would never try to rob a bank and enter a gunfight with the police.

And the conclusions that he drew from these observations was:(1)

(A/N: Feels like I am in a physics lab doing some experiment)

>Color: It is a depiction of a person's feelings and psyche. As such, when the feelings or the emotional state of a person fluctuates so does the fog around them. The feelings may affect the shade of their fog's color but the psyche affects the color itself.

>Size: Indirectly represents a person's strength (raw destructive power).

(A/N: It does not mean that someone with a bigger aura will always win, only that if they have the same level of technique and skill, they will have an obvious advantage over their foe. Of course, if the difference is too big then strength will overpower every skill and technique.)

>Density: Shows the degree of restraint that they put on their prowess in situations where they are not going to battle like in front of their family.

Another perplexing thing was that Seiya felt that these fogs had a similar feel to them but he could not figure out the cause behind it. He has been trying to remember where he felt it before but could not grasp it even after all this while. Continuing the recollection of his memories, his mother entered her room (as he was staying in his parent's room) and came up to his cradle. Picking him up and holding him in her arms, she whispered to him,

"Seiya! Look, it's about time for your naming ceremony to begin!", and started walking out of the room.

Indeed today was Seiya's naming ceremony and a grand event was being held in its celebration. Many high-profile guests and family friends have been invited and a charity gala was also being held in his name for the welfare of the homeless people. Just as he was about to give up on his recollection, feeling his mother's warm embrace made him remember!

Seiya: 'That's right! When I was teleported to my mother's womb, I felt the same fog around her at the time when I used my soul sense. Hmm? Can I use my soul sense without getting into my soul projection? If that is so, then the fog around people is aura. Yes! That explains everything!'

Seiya finally had the answer to one of his most bothersome questions. He did not know that the reason he could use soul sense in his physical body was because of the resonance between his and his parent's souls during the fusion process which had grown his soul force to be sufficient enough to be used in the outside world and his body which had been modified by the <Dragon Core> provided the support needed to project it outside as, without an adequate medium, one's soul sense cannot be projected outside, part of the reason why usually only Gods can use soul sense in their physical bodies. (2)

Seiya: 'Hmm, but it is quite different from the usual soul sense as I am beginning to sense natural energies as my soul force increases with time and a similar energy is present even inside my own body. Let's just call it <Aura Sense>, after all, I can sense not only soul force but also the nature of a person's soul as well in addition to these energies.' (3)

What he did not know was that the reason he can sense these energies was again because of his <Dragon Core> which had made his body highly attuned to these energies.

(A/N: You know how a dragon has large amounts of mana. Same reason here)

But before he could ponder any more about this issue, he realized that he was in a huge banquet hall filled with large scores of people, all of them looking towards him and his mother who was sitting on a grand sofa.

He only now realized that while he was lost deep into his thoughts, his mother had brought him over to the banquet hall and all of them were waiting for the start of the celebration.

Seiya: 'Well, whatever, let's just enjoy my naming ceremony. All other thoughts can wait for another time.'

But little did he know that this naming ceremony would bring him quite a surprise.


/Author's Thoughts\

So, here is the first chapter of the week with a second one coming tomorrow or the day after it depending upon my mood. You see my mood has been kind of bad lately with all the college work piling up. Another reason is because of Boruto and no I am not talking about the anime but the manga instead as they just destroyed the entire Naruto series (the entire) and while it may have been done to promote a new hero's growth, it still doesn't sit well with me. This is half the reason why this chapter was so short (only 2000 words).

The other reason is that I wanted to see how a shorter chapter would look like. Initially, I wanted to include the naming ceremony in this chapter as well but eventually decided against it. I think the next chapter would also be of similar length. Please let me know your thoughts about it.

The chapter points:

1) Yeah, today was my physics practical class and I think it has affected this part.

2) The other reason will not be discussed unless there is a need for it.

3) I could not find a better name for it and if you can find a better one, let me know.

SOOOO, the results are out, and 'unexpectedly' we are going for a harem, and as I said before it is not fixed with the only confirmed members for now being Nejire and Momo. Also, I noticed that some people were missing the 'bunny' from the list, and all I can say is that nothing is planned yet but it does not mean that it will not be in the future. I must admit, earlier, I had forgotten all about the mature female interests which brings me to another very shameful thing.

Um ..... how do I say this? You see, when I included Ryuko's character in the last chapter, a very dirty idea crept in my mind (you can guess, it starts with an i and ends with a t) and I can't just get it out of my mind. So I will be leaving this one up to you guys completely.

Now, some of you may have found it quite annoying that I have not revealed Seiya's parent's names which could be annoying as hell but that was only because I was building on it and it took time to plan these OCs as well.

So that's it for now, see you next time. Do swidaniya!


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