
My Half Mates

Esmeray is a beautiful kind and powerless human girl. The moment she met her Mates or in human word Soulmates, her world turn into an dangerous storm. She discover some thing which she never thought it's exist. What will she do when she discover her true self..?? Will she except her fate or is she going to lost her humanity during this process.???

Rukia_Debbarma · Fantasía
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24 Chs


As he ask me can I sit here,

I immediately reply yeah you can.

Suddenly Daisy stand up from our table and trying to leave me just because I can get to know him more, she said goodbye to me and leave the canteen to attend her class. Then the unknown sexy man *cough* and speak.

Unknown - Why did she leave, did I do something wrong.!! Looks like she doesn't like me at all.

Esmeray - No it's not like that, she just have a class right now so she have to hurry. Anyway you didn't say your name to me yet.??? Are you afraid that when you will tell me your name and I might start stocking you *chuckle*. Anyway where is my manner please sit down.

Unknown - No that's not the reason why I didn't tell you just a moment ago you know very well. And before I get the chance to tell you, you just disappear from me with your friend. And second I won't mind having you as my stocker, because I will be grateful that a beautiful women like you stocking me. I would be a lucky bustard. Anyway my name is Fenris, Fenris Ulrica and I am a second year student, and now before you ask what I was doing in your classroom the reason is I love to read so I take special classes in fresh year too while in second year. I am actually the nerd here I guess.

Esmeray - *cheek blush* I ...I .. You think I am beautiful..?? And nicccc....nice to..to me...meet you Fenris. And yes I am a fresh year. So what is your major.???

Fenris - It's Computer Science and what's your "beautiful" or should I say "clumsy". Yes you are the most beautiful women in this whole campus. You are the first girl who catch my attention.

Esmeray - Now you are flattering me, although I know I am very beautiful *wink*. And my major is literature I love to read and somehow literature is my escape from reality.

Fenris - That's a good choice I guess but why I feel like there's more story clumsy specially the reality part. Am I missing something, anyway I should not ask about it, because it's your personal matter and I am acting like a nosy gossip queen. I just want to know more about you I don't know what happened but when you crash into my face this morning I just got starstruck by your beauty and now I feel like I know you from long long ago but still want to know more.

Esmeray - Are you always that charming or this behaviour only came out for me..?? Anyway I am not ready to talk about my personal stuff because we just met .And whoever in right mind will not share their personal matter to a stranger who they just met unless and until that person is drunk as fuck. Or who knows you can be a serial killer who kills everyone whoever bump into them accidentally. *Chuckle*

Fenris - *Long Eyeroll* Yeah yeah I understand you don't need to explain more and yes I am here to kill you. So prepare yourself to get kill because this killer don't forgive anyone whoever bump into them. Specially when it's a beautiful girl. *Wink*

Esmeray - *Cheek blush* Aaaa...aree...yyoo....yyyou Are you re..aalllyy gg...ooiii...nnngggg ttoo...kkkiiiillll....mmmemmeee.???

Fenris - I love it whenever I call you beautiful your cheeks blush and you start uttering. I like it. And who knows maybe I will kill you or not...!!! Why don't you find out yourself after spending some time with me. Seriously I really want to get to know more about you..

Esmeray - Okay I will but after my second class. But I have one condition you have to stop calling me beautiful.

Fenris - You can ask any other conditions which I gladly say yes but this condition is impossible for me to negotiate because we can't stop calling beautiful people beautiful. Because if we did then it will be a insult for their beauty. You know what I mean..

Esmeray - Oh my God .!! I can't with you you are unbelievable anyway I am late for my class. I will see you after my class. Bye..!!

Fenris - Wait how will I know where are you .??

Esmeray - Fenris Ulrica are you asking me for my number..??

Fenris - Maybe yes maybe no..!!!

Esmeray - Okay so if you are not sure about that then meet me after 1 hour outside the music classroom. If you really want to spend some time with me then. Find me there. As for now Bye "Killer".

Fenris - Bye.

— Fenris inner thought 💭 —

Did she just call me "Killer" I love it. This girl is really something else. Her beauty, kindness, smile fuck I can't even describe everything about her is perfect. Never ever any girl catches my attention but she is totally different she catches my attention in just a minute of time and she literally just flip my world upside down in a matter of minutes. Why I feel like there is a pull which is pulling me towards her. Fuck I might gone mad, is she also thinking what I am thinking or its just a attraction I don't know. Don't know what is happening with me but somehow I am craving for her I just wants to be close to her all the time. And wants to know about her bad and good times, wants to know about her dreams, nightmare, even her past, everything like she can talk non-stop and I will listen to her all day all night without feeling bored. What are you doing to me "My clumsy". Shit did I just really call her my Clumsy. Oh my god I really need some help this is going to far. I should control myself towards her, I really don't want to hurt her. Because my in.....… Before I complete my thinking my thoughts get interrupted by my best friend Josh. Whom I ignore by mistake because I was too busy thinking about her.

Josh - Hey buddy..?? What are you thinking about. I call you 5 times and you didn't answer any of it. So penny for yor thoughts.

Fenris - Nothing buddy...!! Just thinking about the new girl..

Josh - Oh I hear about her but didn't get the chance to meet her yet. But why are you asking buddy did something bad happen.??? Or are you having a little crush on this girl.. *Wink*

Fenris - *Eyeroll* I am just curious, the moment she bump in into me I can't stop thinking about her. Is like I know her ages and ages ago. You know I don't dates and all but she is catching my attention. It's like there is some urge which is pulling me towards her.

Josh - What if she is your m....

— Bell Rings —

Fenris - We will continue this conversation later but as for now I promise to meet her after class. And if I don't get there right now then she will definitely going to think that I am just bluffing about spending time with her.

Josh - Okay buddy will meet you later. As for now go, just don't miss the bonfire party today.

Fenris - Yeah yeah I won't and I will ask her to come too, if she loves to come then I will bring her in that way you can meet her too. See you buddy.

— Fenris left —

- Josh thought 💭 -

Is she really the one or Fen is really over thinking about this new girl situation. I have to keep an eye on this girl. I don't want that Fen will get hurt again. If she is really the one for my best friend Fen because the way he is talking I feel like she is the one. But before I jump into any conclusions I should do the background check of this girl she can be anybody. I will keeping a close eye to this girl, because I don't want that history repeat again. So I have to make sure, so sorry buddy I am hiding this from you, but it's for your own good. From today onwards I will check this girl if she is really the right one for Fen or not.

— Meanwhile —

— Fenris waiting for Esmeray —

Here I am outside the music class, waiting for her like I am her boyfriend or something. But I can do for her everything, if she ask me wait for me all-day I will still wait for her. And there she is, packing her books like her life depend on books, and the way she tuck some of her hair behind her ears this is most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She really is something else, fuck whenever I saw her my heart skip a little like it forgets to breath. As I was watching and admiring her beauty me eyes catches a glimpse of someone whom I don't like in this entire world. Did he just sit with her, they both are standing from the same seat and he is touching her hand. What the hell is happening there..??

I don't know what happen with me it's like my body is full on rage like the rage I have in me is going to explode now. I am asking question myself why am I feeling that rage like I am jealous over something. Fuck I have to control my anger, she can't see me like that, I have to leave the campus to cool off. As I said myself I hurriedly left the music class even the college too. After that I feel that my vision get blurry and I don't remember a single thing after that...