
My Half Mates

Esmeray is a beautiful kind and powerless human girl. The moment she met her Mates or in human word Soulmates, her world turn into an dangerous storm. She discover some thing which she never thought it's exist. What will she do when she discover her true self..?? Will she except her fate or is she going to lost her humanity during this process.???

Rukia_Debbarma · Fantasy
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19 Chs


— Alarm rings —

When alarm rings I woke up and it's already 8 AM. I have one hour to get ready before the first class. As I look around Daisy was sleeping peacefully, I thought to wake her up. But then I remembered I should take a shower first, after that I will wake her up and we can have a breakfast together. In that way we will get to each other more. As I open my unpack bags I took the towel, as I was heading to the bathroom I come across the window area. As I was crossing the window area I remember the last night incident, the big and tall creature looking at me, it was so black just like a shadow but I didn't get scared that's the most weird thing that ever happened to me, and at the same time smiling before leaving the tree side. I still think is it really my imagination just because I was tired or really I saw that big creature. As I was thinking looking at the tree my eyesight catch another attention which is happening another building. As I look clearly I see a man standing and playing guitar, I can't hear properly what he is playing but I can feel like he is playing with his full attention. The way his hands holding a guitar murmuring a song and the way his lips moving he looks so fucking handsome. I never like any men in my first sight, but I feel like he is unique, he has something that any men usually don't have, today there is no sun but I can see his white skin covered with some of tattoos and his brown hairs which are totally sets with gel I guess. His eyes never leaving the guitar strings, he is fully concentrate. I don't know what happened but suddenly my heart start beating first as I look more at the sight of him. He is so handsome there is no denying, and I start murmuring myself "I really want to get to know about you handsome". As I was admiring the view Daisy call up for me and speak —

Daisy - Hey you are up.???

Esmeray - Yeah Daisy just a minute ago.. I am thinking to wake you up after my shower. But looks like you are already up.

Daisy - Yeah my alarm just ring right now. Why didn't you took your shower it's already 8:35.

Esmeray - Fuck, I am going to be late on my first class. Shit I have to go, bye Daisy I am taking the shower first.

Daisy - Yeah go ahead. Anyway my class start at 10, so I have enough time to get ready. But we can have breakfast together after your class.

Esmeray - Sure but I think we can have our breakfast before class, I will just take quick shower then we can leave.

Daisy - Ok I guess, I don't have problem with that, go I will wait for you.

— A Few Moments Later —

As I walk out of the shower Daisy was not there, she send a text message that she will be at canteen, she will meet me there. So I get ready pack some of my books and leave the dorm room to have a breakfast with Daily. As I reach the canteen she already order some donuts for me. I swear this girl is really going to be my best friend before I know it. I said thank you to her and leave bcoz I was running late for my class. As I was running looking for my classroom I crashed into someone else face, because I was not looking where I am going. As I look through for any donut damage I cannot save my one donut, and I start talking to myself.

Esmeray - Shit, right now I don't have a donut anymore to eat, this was the last piece of donut which I thought I am going eat after class, and now everything is destroyed.

( Before I say something a husky voice interrupt my conversation with my Donut and speak without looking any other things only on in my eyes )

Unknown - I will buy you a donut. It's okay I am sorry, I was running late for my class so I didn't pay attention to my surroundings and I bump into you.

Esmeray - It's okay I am sorry too, because I also bump into you too. I am new so don't know about English classroom That's the reason I am running and looking for classroom

Unknown - Oh wow then we have same class right now. Come on let's go I will show you the classroom " Clumsy "

As he said those words before I reply he start walking and I follow him. When we reach at our classroom he walk towards his sit but his other side was empty. Then my introduction began but he didn't even look at me, as I finish my introduction our professors guide me to sit with him. I sat with him but it looks like he is not happy that I sat besides him. After a long period I pack bags as I was leaving someone grab my hand amd pulled me towards my classroom. At first I was shocked but when I watch carefully it's was the weird one whom I bump into this morning. I asked —

Esmeray - What the hell you think you are doing, let me go..!!! Otherwise I will shout.

Unknown - Just hear me out. I am sorry for my behaviour earlier thats all I want to say to you "clumsy". .

Esmeray - Then why did you behave like that like you don't know me at all.??

Unknown - I was just stupid I guess. Anyway I was just stressed out because I have so much homeworks, assignment to submit. I guess that's why I was grumpy earlier. So I am sorry "clumsy" can we start again please.!!!

Esmeray - Yeah why not, your apology excepted. Let's start with a fresh mind again. Hi I am Esmeray, Esmeray Finley. And you..???

Unknown - I am .....

Daisy - Esme there you are come and finish your half breakfast. Because now I am heading towards my class.

Before I know the stranger name she pull me away from the stranger and lead me towards canteen. As I leave the classroom the stranger was looking at me without breaking a eye contact. It's looks like he wants to talk to me about him more. And I lost the sight of him as I reach the canteen hall. Who is he.?? Why was I feel so attracted towards him, like he is my missing piece. Fuck it's one a first day of University and I am thinking about men's. What the hell happened to me,I should focus on my books not on some men's. As I was battling with my thoughts about study and men, I started to feel to warm feelings again, as I turn around I saw that man again. Which is none other none the guitar boy, he was sipping his coffee while checking his phone. Fuck he looks so handsome. As I was looking and worshipping his everything Daisy *cough* and ask —

Daisy - So who was he.?? The man you were talking to in the classroom, you look like you were comfortable in a good way. You know what I mean *wink*.

Esmeray - I don't know I didn't get the chance to know his name, before I listen what was his name you interrupt us.

Daisy - I don't think I interrupt anything, because he is already here looking for you I guess.

Esmeray - What are you talking about..??

Daisy - Turn around.

As I turn around to look what is happening he is here standing so close to me and he say —

Unknown - Can I sit here.???