
My Friend’s Arrogant Brother

Maya Alva is beautiful and smart but despite her intelligence she fell in love with her friend's twin brother who loves hurting her feelings. From grade four to High School Adonis was her only crush even though he was arrogant. Adonis Gabriel Buenavista Monleon in short Adonis Monleon came from a rich clan, he is handsome and has a strong sex appeal, since childhood he has shown that he will never like her because she came from a poor family. But everything changed when Maya slapped him in the face with great force. One night the long-awaited dream of Maya happened, Adonis Monleon kissed her under the starry night at the terrace of the Monleon’s mansion. It was a magical kiss but Adonis crushed and broke her heart later that night by kissing another girl. That is why Maya hates him, and she promised herself to do everything she can to forget the only man she loves since childhood, but why can’t she forget about her first kiss? How can she resists him, the moment they met again on the summer after she graduated from High School? Can Maya stop her own heart from falling for Adonis over and over again? And stick to her promise to totally forget Adonis? Can Adonis win over the heart of Maya after he left her with a broken heart and soul? _____________________________________________ My Friend’s Artogant Brother Book 2: Falling For My Best Friend’s Brother Lisa Montesclaro is always in the shadow of her beautiful friend, Maya, and to watch her best friend got hurt by her first and only love, Adonis, she promised herself never to get involved with someone like him. Still, she became one when she found herself falling for Maya’s elder brother Benedict. Because Lisa has had no boyfriend since birth, she wants to experience her first kiss with Maya’s brother, and she made a decision to confess to Ben one night on the terrace of the Hernandez mansion. Still, she became frustrated when he turned her down when she confessed her feelings towards him. And Lisa made a vow never to make herself look like a fool again in front of Ben. Benedict Hernandez is hot and handsome and one of the most eligible men in San Antonio, where the wealthiest family in the entire country live. When her sister's best friend confessed her feelings towards him, he hated himself for turning her down, since he knew Lisa is a sweet young woman, but because the first love has broken his heart, he made a vow never to fall in love again. Benedict tried his best to stay away from Lisa as possible, but how can he resists Lisa’s charm when he always sees her around in their estate wearing sexy dresses and a beautiful smile on her face? Then because of a prize they won together during a wedding they both attended, their attraction towards each other will be tested. Can Lisa stop herself from falling for him more the moment they spend one week vacation on the La Trinidad Island? Can Benedict finally let go of his past and give himself a chance to fall in love again? Please join Lisa and Benedict as they journey together in finding true love. Thank you to all readers! Please support my other books entitled: Princess Malia’s Secret Falling In Love With Miracle Loving Madeline The Powerful Dragon Witch (WSA Entry 2021) The CEO’s Perfect Mistake (WSA Entry 2021) The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster You Can’t Buy My Love The CEO's Cold Hearted Ex When Sky Fall's In Love

sirenbeauty · Adolescente
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I Need To Stay Away-Part 1

Adonis's POV

I arrived late in my grandfather's hacienda; I didn't expect my two days turned into two weeks. I wonder how am I going to meet Maya. I know I became a fool again; I didn't text or call even if I was dying to do it. I am still sitting inside my sports convertible, my hands are still holding the steering wheel as if my life depended on it while I leaned my head on the headrest on my car seat. My eyes are closed as I try to imagine her lovely face. How can I forget her? The words of my mother linger in my head until now. It was during the gala that I lost myself and I felt so useless.

"Adonis, my son, I have heard rumors from some of my friends in San Antonio that your car had been seen parked in front of Bert's house, one of your grandfather's trusted farmhand. I realize he has a beautiful granddaughter, she is Maya, right? Ariana's friend. I can't deny she carries a lovely face, but her kind is not suitable for you." My mom said as she talked to me while we are attending the gala.

"Mom, why do you say that?" I asked sweetly, and I felt I can never win with her, and I don't want to upset her.

"Adonis, Cassandra Eleonor Montemayor is the one for you, she is intelligent and stunning and most of all she belongs to one of the elite families in the country." She declared.

"Mom, you have to know her, Maya is beautiful, and she is very hardworking," I said.

"Oh, so you really like her?" She asked, and I can tell she was holding back her displeasure towards me since she doesn't want to create a scene. She loves her social status, and she won't do anything disgraceful to taint her name.

"What is not there to love, mom? She is charming, and I really like her." I replied, and I can see the hatred on my mother's face. Her entire face turned so red, and it is the first time I saw her so furious with me.

"Listen, Adonis, I am your mother, and you should follow what I want you to do, I don't wish you to be with that farm girl anymore, stay away from her, if you don't prefer me to ruin her life. She is still young, and I heard she is now ready for college, and under a scholarship. I have connections, Adonis she will lose her education if you won't stop courting her." She declared, and I felt my entire body stiffened.

"But mom, " I said, and she did not let me finish my sentence.

"Be an obedient son, Adonis, and I will let Maya continue with her studies, I am impressed that she got an academic scholarship at the PHN University, she must be bright and top of her class." My mother answered, and I opted to remain silent since I became so confused, I want to leave the gala and go back to my grandfather's hacienda, but I don't want my mom to be more frantic with me.

My mom can be so intimidating, and she regularly gets what she wants, for she is the only child of my grandparents, among the Buenavista clan, my mom's family is the wealthiest. She grew up spoiled since my grandparents always shower her with material things. I am just glad my sister and I didn't get her traits, but in terms of physical features my mother is so beautiful, and she has many wealthy suitors growing up, but only my father captured her heart.

"Am I clear Adonis? Give me your phone, I don't want you to text or call her." She added.

"Mom, please, I promise I will not text and call her, just leave Maya alone." I spoke.

"Okay, now, be a good boy, and look for Cassandra, it is about time that you should know her, give Cassandra a chance, Adonis. You are perfect for each other, and you have to believe me because I am your mother, and I am the only one who knows what is best for you." She replied, and before I can stand up from my table I saw Cassandra walking towards us, she is beaming at me, and I don't have a choice but to follow my mom's request.

"You look so lovely, Cassandra, your gown is very beautiful." My mother praised Cassandra, and I agree she looks so stunning, but I know no one can surpass the beauty of Maya Alva. Her innocent looks fascinated my heart.

"Thank you, Aunt Kriselda." She responded, and Cassandra gives me her sweet smile.

"Give me your phone, Cassandra, I want you to have a picture with Adonis and you need to post it into your social media account, so the people in San Antonio will know that you are my future daughter-in-law." My mother suggested that I almost spit the water that I drink from the goblet. How could my mom sacrifice my happiness for her satisfaction? I didn't argue with her, so I just stand up and stay beside Cassandra.

"Adonis put your arms around Cassandra's waistline." My mom instructed, and she was the one who put my hands on Cassandra's waistline, then Cass put her head on my chest, and I can tell we look like an actual couple in the pictures the moment Cassandra showed me her Instagram posts. I didn't care because they are just pictures, and I know Maya can't view the post since she does not have time for social media.

My mood was ruined during the entire night, and my mind is occupied by Maya's thoughts. I wish to kiss and touch her again. I want to hear her sweet voice and her laughter. Just thinking about not seeing her causes my heart to bleed. I prefer to be with her all the time. I don't know how I am going to tell her all about this. I got so disappointed when my mom didn't allow me to go home to San Antonio. She requested me to stay in the city and to report to her office. She asked me to accompany her to attend exhibits, meetings, and even shopping.

The entire time I was with my mom, I was thinking about Maya. But I desire to protect her, I can't take away her dream. She works hard for it, so I require staying away from her. I know Kriselda Monleon is serious because she is not only one of the donors of the Academic Scholarship of the PHN University; she was also an alumna of the said University. It is the most prestigious school in the entire country that is why I am so proud of Maya. I need to sacrifice, so she can have her dream. I just wish I will be courageous enough to resist her.

The only way to avoid Maya is to stick around in the city forever, but my desire to meet her lovely face is so powerful that no matter how I tried to endure myself from coming home to the hacienda, I still come home. The entire hacienda is so quiet, and I get out of my car with a heavy heart. I left without saying goodbye to my mom. I need to look at Maya even from a distance. Tomorrow I have to tell Rich everything, and I know he will understand my situation. I can't tell Ariana all about it, for I don't want her to hate our mom. She already gets so distant from her because our mom wanted Ariana to remain in the city. She doesn't want us to be in my grandfather's farmhouse.

I can't blame Ariana for feeling this way, but I love my mom, even though she did not know how I feel towards Maya. I long to ask Rich how am I going to continue loving Maya if my mom will ruin her scholarship. I can't be selfish, I need to let her go, so she can have peace, and she can achieve her dreams. And I demand to be strong with my decision, but I know the moment I will see her lovely face I can't control myself to come near her.

"Adonis!" Ariana exclaimed, I didn't expect her to be up this late. She was lying on the long sofa of the mansion's living room.

"Hello, sis!" I responded.

"What is wrong? You look so haggard?" She inquired.

"Yeah, I am tired." I stated.

"It is very late Adonis, let me remind you never drive this late again, you have to be careful, remember what happened to Rich's father and grandparents?" she pleaded, and I only nodded. I sit on the sofa and I leaned my back on the sofa's back pillows as I closed my eyes.

"Do you hear me, Adonis?" My sister asked again.

"Yes, Ariana, I am sorry." I replied.

"Why didn't you text and call Maya? She didn't tell me, but Lisa did." She spoke, and I can say by the sound of her voice it disappoints her.

"I don't wish to talk about it, Ariana." I replied, and I felt so guilty about what I have done to Maya. I know I hurt her terribly, but I can't tell my sister the real reason, I prefer to spend time with my twin since I miss her too, but I wish to avoid her questions, so I stand up and said good night to her and I walk to the stairs.

"I hate you, Adonis, how could you do this to my best friend? I told you not to court her if you will only break her heart. How could you be so selfish?" Ariana yelled at me, but I continue to climb the stairs without looking back at her, and I pretended I heard nothing. I get inside my room and I prefer to punch the wall of my room. I lay down on my bed and I stared blankly at the ceiling. How can my mother be so cruel to me? I only feel this kind of emotion towards Aya. Why do I have to stay away from Maya when I only wish to be close to her?