
Collage meeting

I remember, first day of my collage I was fearing and thinking what will happen if I got late on the very first day. My mom was asking to have breakfast but I was shouting mumma I'm getting late, I'm going.

When I reached my collage, collage campus was silent and no one was there in the campus. Now, I'm confirmed I was late, I ran towards the lift of the collage and suddenly I heard a voice saying "please stop the lift take me in" I saw a gorgeous girl running towards the lift but it was too late lift was closed. I'm searching for lecture room and yes finally I found it but what the hell? Room was full and I got only one seat empty and I sat down there. I was thinking about that girl and praying please god I don't wanna meet that girl but god was full of in mood, the girl was came into classroom and when she saw me, she was staring at me like she wants to eat me.

I'm little bit scared and see the magic of god... She sat down besides me and the whole time I'm in tension but she didn't said anything to me. I was feeling like because she got extra late because of me. So, I went to say sorry to her, I don't know her name So, I called her " hey listen.. you yellow girl" she turned around and staring at me.. I went close to her " I'm sorry about everything happened in the morning" said by me.

she smiled "It's okay" she said.... I saw her smile and I almost died their... but somehow I was okay and slowly slowly we are getting close to each other, I started loving her but I don't know how can I say this to her, every time when I try to say about my feelings to her I'm suddenly like I don't know where I'm and what I'm doing... after few days I called her on phone and when she picked I can able to feel her smile...."Hey, Let's meet tonight at 8pm at Five Dishes restaurant... said by me.

she smiled and took a deep breath.."Okay" she said.... "Open your door and take that red suit wear that and let's have beautiful night tonight" Said by me.... "Okay I'm coming" she said..... I was very excited to meet her like this .. because this is my first meeting and I was very excited to say about my feelings to her .. I talked to the manager of the restaurant and told everything about situations. Finally, she came and when we entered into the restaurant the song played and everything was gone according to my plan. She was so surprised... I told her about my feelings... she was shocked and then she started laughing I'm like what happened to her, she simply said" that she loves me too.... I started dancing and my happiness was going through above the sky ... after sometime when we out from the restaurant, she saw a balloon vendor and she was started jumping like a small kid... she went through the vendor and took the balloons and started running towards she didn't saw the truck on the road and I'm shouting wait there, wait there but won't listening to me ... and in a minute a big sound was came and everything was gone silent... balloons are flew over ... time has stopped and in a moment I lost my love; I lost my life

everything was still... everything was still...

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