
Chapter 2: Time keeper

During long break, my seat mate and I went to submit the attendance. He was waiting outside while I went in. He was waiting when my friend, promise joined him. Coming out of the staff room,I saw him again. Apparently he was the Time keeper and an acting prefect in senior two. He seemed to be settling some disputes. I was heading back to class when excellent popped out of nowhere asking for her pen ( the one I had promised her) . I wasn't with it so I gave her the money while she went for change. I was still waiting when I remembered I was to submit my government workbook and today was the deadline.i raced back in to submit it. Mike and promise laughed me off as I rolled my eyes. Excellent came to give the money back. We were heading to class when Michael called me,I also heard excellent calling me,then I heard another voice "call her for me". I turned to see Time keeper,he told Michael to call me. He looked at him and asked my name. Mike replied " yinka. She's in SS1 C humanity. He replied" I know, but he seemed to want me to answer so I replied "Olayinka". He smiled and left. What was that all about?. Michael and promise began gushing saying love and love. I rolled my eyes. I wasn't really a believer of the love nonsense. Just a distraction. I mostly wrote tragedic novels and was popular among my mates. Even though they loved it, they were always looking forward to a love novel from me but I don't see that coming true at least for now. I am a writer,as least a student writer. I attended a public school with thousands of students and it was pretty amazing. Everyone striving to be popular, recognized and all but I was the shy type who was married to my books. Love novels have always been popular though I can't seem to comprehend why? It was the one genre I wasn't comfortable writing nor reading. ...